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  • in reply to: Help for debugging probing, please? #6645


    Because of NO switches, I went back to 392.65.

    I.m not sure why you went back (from?); tinyG FW supports NO or NC switches.

    Anyway, tinyG build 435.10 has a whole bunch of fixes and tweaks, including a new G38.2 Z probe command. I’d suggest moving to the new build, as there will be no support for the older builds moving forward.
    Read up on the wiki – there are several new config parameters you should be aware of, and the initial load may not match your setup.

    See if that helps

    in reply to: X and Y Axis 5mm off #6640

    I did a little more searching, you might find this thread interesting:

    and also

    Note Riley’s comments on how tgFX implements jogging.

    I have not yet found a reference to $df=1, appears % is the intended queue flush command. Note also the section on jogging with queue hold and flush in the second reference

    Good find!

    in reply to: X and Y Axis 5mm off #6633


    I use minicom to send jogging commands. cat | minicom -batch All my jogging commands are like this and are controlled with keyboard characters defined in a shell script. would contain G0 X500 then $df=1. ‘h’ is used to halt when I want to stop it. I send cutting files through plink because it has XON/XOFF.

    I understand (I think) you jog implementation, which I’ll paraphrase as “start a large move and stop it with an ‘h’. But what command does ‘h’ send?
    What does $df=1 do? I have not used that, and can’t seem to find a reference to it.

    in reply to: X and Y Axis 5mm off #6627

    It’s not perfectly clear what you are describing.
    Are you saying that a design (Gcode) that should draw a 10mm diameter circle centered at (10,10) draws a 15mm circle centered at (15,15)? (for example).

    Perhaps post your settings ($$ dump) to a text file in a dropbox location?

    By the way, what are you using to deliver Gcode and jog commands?

    in reply to: Hardware Question #6617
    in reply to: Easy question on measurement #6577

    Wow, cool picture, looks sorth of tike a 4 rotor drone!

    Quick look, pulleys (therefor, movement per rotation) much larger than, say, a Shapeoko.

    Your steppers are 200 steps per rotation, 360/200=1.8degrees per step.

    So $1sa=1.8 is the correct setting.

    Motor specs don’t make it obvious what microstepping they support, I would guess setting $1mi=8 would be ok for the X and Y axis, seems sort of standard.

    The big factor in movement is $xtr, where x can be 1,2,3,4(motor number) when using tinyG.

    From the picture, tour pulley’s look huge when compared to, say, a Shapeoko.

    So you need to review the machine documents to determine travelper rotation, which might come down to belt pitch (distance between teeth) x teeth on the pulley.

    To be more specific, you will have to tell us whta motor is connected to what tinyG driver.

    in reply to: Forum for ChiliPeppr #6569

    I have not run Chillipepr at all yet, but a quick look at your dump implies to me your are running on Linux or perhaps MacOS.

    Probably will help other to help you if you provide:
    Host OS info?
    JSON server version ?
    JSON server downloaded from ?

    in reply to: Easy question on measurement #6566

    Do you think the issue is in the amount of movement per degree of the stepper could be the issue?

    For sure.

    Tell us a bit about your machine ( e.g. Shapeoko, something else), belt vs screw, etc.

    Think of it this way; tinyG FW does a bunch of computing then sends microstep signals to the steppers. So what you program as the movement per 1 revolution of the stepper is what tinyG uses to compute how many microsteps to issue.

    in reply to: Easy question on measurement #6563

    Hmmm, I think something else (e.g. calibration parameters) is wrong.
    In my experience, from (X0, Y0), G01 X1 will move 1 mm or 1 inch depending on G20.

    Try mm mode; still off?

    Are you sure tinyG “knew” where it was (was zeroed properly)?

    in reply to: TinyG Connection Issues #6555


    Good progress indeed!
    I second chmr’s speed comment. I typically run cutting feed rates of 800 (Set by Gcode). Your NEMA23’s generate a lot of torque; depending on the mass of your spindle you will probably need to secure your OX to the table top somehow or it may move around a bit.
    Start slow and work your way up, depending on the cutting you are doing and the material.

    In tgFX, the crosshair cursor (moved around by the mouse or touch pad) must be within the bounds of the preview box, which is drawn to the dimensions of Xmax, Ymax. The four arrow keys on the keyboard are for X+, X-, Y+, Y-, while the – key moves Z- and = key moves Z+
    Holding down the shift key moves faster.

    For me, dropbox is an adjective, not Proper noun. Any cloud service that provides a URL for connection should work. A useful way to share configs and Gcode files.

    in reply to: TinyG Connection Issues #6549

    I’ll add that you should be aware that tgFX will change tinyG to $ex=2, RTS/CTS flow control on startup if it is not already in that state.

    If you plan to use tgFX, I suggest you adopt a “$ex=2 mindset” and run Coolterm that way as well so as to avoid forgetting to switch.

    Two other tidbits
    1. You can run $$ from the tgFX CLI window, but the response gets double spaced and is harder to read.
    2. Coolterm can be used to send a Gcode file, in addition to being a very simple CLI interface for parameter queries and setting.

    in reply to: TinyG Connection Issues #6527

    I am not sure what you mean by

    when I can talk to the TinyG with Grbl controller.(tried 361 & 355)

    Is Grbl controller a software app?

    I suppose a bad tinyG is possible, but you seem to have some functionality.
    From the superficial looking at OX I did, I would agree that ShapeOKO settings would likely be close, with the possible exception of Y motor wiring and polarity. The tinyG settings description assume motors all wired the same, with Y polarity managed by the polarity bit.
    Perhaps disconnect your belts and see of G0 X10,then G0 Y10,then G0 Z10 generate short bursts of motor movement.

    Are the parameter changes you make with Coolterm sticking (thru reboots of tinyG or power cycles)?

    Perhaps time to run A $$ parameter dump in coolterm, copy the displayed contents to a .txt file, place in a dropbox and post a link to that (easier to read than pasting directly into forum.)

    in reply to: TinyG Connection Issues #6520

    Before we go too much further, need to clarify exactly what you have for Hardware. Your statement ” I try to connect to my tinyG with grbl controller” has me confused.
    Possibilities include:
    1. a tinyG board with 4 stepper drivers (a.k.a tinyG) It would look like the diagram here:

    2. a Arduino Uno with gshield (3 stepper drivers) (a.k.a grblShield or gShield)
    3. a Arduino Due with gshield (3 stepper drivers) (a.k.a. tinyGV2)

    Item #2 does not run tinyG FW, Item #3 is a very Beta status project and requires special handling.

    From your parameter dump, it looks like you probably have Item #1, a tinyG V8 board, with FW build 435.10 installed (that is the most recent).

    To interface with tinyG FW build 435.10 with tgFX you need tgFX build 3625 for Windows; there is no such thing as tgFX 435.10.
    Coolterm should work as well. Other options include JCNC and Chillipepper.

    Lets get this established first.

    then we’ll move on to how you have your tinyG wired to your OX (interesting looking machine, but unclear what the correct setup parameters might be)

    in reply to: Possible to use a solenoid for the z axis? #6447

    Spindle on is M03
    Spindle off is M05

    Good reference here:

    in reply to: Possible to use a solenoid for the z axis? #6445

    I am thinking that interfacing the 50kHz pulse outputs from the stepper driver to a relay will not work well, at least without a bit of added circuitry,

    You might try this:
    Reference tinyG V8 diagram

    Connect a voltmeter to the ‘DIR’ pin input to the stepper driver you have programmed to be the Z axis and see if it follows “Up” and “Down” sense in a useful way as you issue G1 Z0 and G1 Z1 commands.
    You may find you have to latch the sense (perhaps using the enable (active low)) pin; I’m not sure. That dir lead could then be used, with appropriate level shifter circuit, to drive your solenoid.

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