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  • in reply to: Output problems… coolant? #3539

    No, it looks like you are doing things correctly. The lowest LED should turn on when you issue an M7 or M8, and turn off with an M9. The corresponding pin should go low and high (respectively). Does the LED react?

    You can try running the on-board diagnostic tests. There is one for the Mcodes. Type $tests and you should get the help screen I believe that Mcodes test is $test=7

    in reply to: Output problems… coolant? #3538

    No, it looks like you are doing things correctly. The lowest LED should turn on when you issue an M7 or M8, and turn off with an M9. The corresponding pin should go low and high (respectively). Does the LED react?

    You can try running the on-board diagnostic tests. There is one for the Mcodes. Type $tests and you should get the help screen I believe that Mcodes test is $test=7

    in reply to: Min and Max switches resetting board #3536

    The min / max switches are actually supposed to reset the board, That’s what they do. The idea is that if you hit the limit it’s supposed to stop all action.

    Your wiring is correct. An NO switch across the switch contact and the ground.

    in reply to: One direction #3531

    Correction – the X direction line is D5, not D6.

    in reply to: One direction #3527

    The only other thing I can think of is that the X direction signal is not making it from the Arduino to the shield. It’s the D6 pin on the arduino digital connector. Do you have a pin bent out on the shield? If you have some way to test this line like an oscilloscope or a volt meter that could be checked.

    Other than that you have done all the diagnostics we would have done. Perhaps you got a malfunctioning board.  Please contact us at synthetos at gmail dot com for a replacement. Are you in the US or overseas?

    in reply to: Feed Rate Zero #3526

    When you enter a G1 (or G2 or G3) command it requires an F word (not THAT F word). Examples:

    G1 F400 x10     (or)

    G1 X10 F400

    G0’s do not. The feed rate in the settings is the maximum feed rate that the axis / motors can handle. If you specify an F word faster than the max it will be limited to the max you have set.

    Does this help?


    in reply to: Power management & limit switches #3519

    Thanks for your interest. Here’s some status on your points.

    1) Power management. To summarize (if I got this right): you would prefer that power management settings take effect immediately instead of at the end of the next move. This has been requested before, and has been added to the issues list on the github

    We are planning to roll up a set of changes in preparation for the 1.0 release planned for October and will include this.

    2) Limit switches / noise. Are you using the switches as limits, or just for homing?  If just for homing then set switch mode for homing only, and this will take them out of the loop during cutting operations. However, I imagine you already considered this and are actually using them for limits. Progress has been made on Issue #16 – Noise on limit switches. I have coded the switch ports to use normally closed switches as a switch mode option – which is probably the preferred way to do this. This has not been tested yet, but is one of the items for the 1.0 release.

    Before then, however, you can try putting a strong pullup on the hi-side of the switch. Since I can’t draw here I’ll have to describe. On the input side of the switch lines on GPIO2 – which are the even numbered pins on the switch connector – run a 2.7K resistor to the 3.3volts on the GPIO2  connector. See

    The TinyG v7’s have these pullups on board but the earlier revisions do not.

    3) Disconnecting the motors for hand operation. I do not believe it is necessary to disconnect the motors before turning by hand. But you raise an interesting point. There are 2 cases – one when the board is powered up and one where the board is not. Presumably you would want to know it’s OK in either case. We have not had any of the TI’s blow out on us, and we have been doing this (turning motors by hand) for 2+ years. That said, I will torture test one of my boards and report back to this forum. I believe it is OK, but don’t want to steer you wrong.

    – Alden


    • This reply was modified 12 years, 5 months ago by alden.
    in reply to: Basic testing of grblshield #3517

    Thanks for the info. 28 oz/in is not much torque – depending on what you are driving. Let’s see how the replacement board does. Thanks for your patience.

    in reply to: Basic testing of grblshield #3515

    One thing – when you send the old v2 board back can you please also include the motor connectors you will not be needing anymore?

    The new v3 board you are receiving has screw terminals instead of the quick-release connectors. So you will want to cut the connectors off the motor wires, strip them and terminate them directly at the terminal blocks. It’s the cut off ends I am interested in for diagnostic purposes. If you had problems making these connections I’d like to know so we can help out other people that might have the same problem.



    in reply to: Basic testing of grblshield #3513

    Please contact us at the synthetos email address for a board swap.

    in reply to: Basic testing of grblshield #3511

    Both X and Y motors turn, but only in one direction. Z does not turn. Your Y and Z are not switched, it would appear.

    What motors are you running? I have gotten bad motors before from surplus (once).

    Also, can you exchange the Z and Y motors and see if the non-rotating motor moves to Y?

    Since you have a grblshield v2 then you had to make connectors for the motor. Did you use the connector kit or make these on your own? Can you make sure the crimp connections you made in the connectors are good? If one of the contacts does not make connection then the symptoms would be as you say. If you have an ohmmeter you should be able to see a small number of ohms (like 4 or 8 depending on your motors) between each of the motor windings. THey are arranged on the plug as illustrated here:


    in reply to: Basic testing of grblshield #3495

    It would be good to get some solid data on all this. Can you please run the following commands from coolterm and post the results for each:

    – First hit reset to make sure the board is in a known state

    – Hit $ to get your grbl settings and post the results

    – Then run the following gcode lines and let me know if the motors are stalled, humming, or running, and if running is the motor running in the correct direction. It can be useful to put some tape on the motor shaft like a flag so you can see the direction of rotation. Also, in each case does the green light turn on:

    – g0 x10

    – g0 x0

    – g0 y10

    – g0 y0

    – g0 z10

    – g0 z0

    – g1 f200 x10

    – g1 f200 x0

       – g1 f200 y10

    – g1 f200 y0

       – g1 f200 z10

    – g1 f200 z0

    Now, Can you explain to me what is happening with Y and Z flip flop? Does this mean that when you enter the gcode line “G0Y10” and the Z axis moves, and you enter G0Z10 and the Y axis moves? I cannot figure out how the grblshield would do this. The above should help confirm that this is what’s happening (or not).

    Also, do you mean an R2 and R3 Arduino, or R2 and R3 grblshield?



    in reply to: Compiling from source #3491

    Great. Let me know if it actually works. We should the make the changes to the code base for compatibility reasons.

    in reply to: Compiling from source #3487

    Good news. I’ll have to get the source from you. Did you use the master branch?

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 5 months ago by alden.
    in reply to: Compiling from source #3485

    I have never seen that error because I have not tried 6. Thanks for hammering through this.

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