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MemberThe project files for Studio 6 and Studio 4 are in the support directories in edge and dev. Have fun!
MemberAre you using an 0.94 revision or a pre-0.95 build from edge?
If you are using 0.94 or earlier then set $zsm=1 (or 2). You can refere to these pages:
If you are using one of the experimental builds set $zsx=1 (or 3)
You can refer to these this page:
We are in the process of converting the wiki over to the github wiki for 0l.95 and beyond.
MemberMr SystemsGuy,
Thanks for sticking with it. I actually drafted a response earlier but didn’t post because I wanted to fry a few things out first. But you beat me to it.
The Z axis on the Shapeoko (or ANY machine) can be tricky if it’s not perfectly aligned.
-I’d start with the machine and see how free you can make the Z axis spin – mechanically. You might try some light oil in the delrin nut as well.
-The next place to look is the current setting on the Z axis. It might be able to go up a bit. If it starts cutting out due to thermal overload you have gone too far.
-You might also drop Z down to 4x or 2x microsteps. You will get more torque at higher speeds this way. Balance torque with smooth operation
Thanks for checking back in. I’ll probably change the default Z setting in the profile to 1000 so people can tweak up from there instead of hitting a problem. How about those 16,000 mm/min X/Y rapids!
Typically Z homes to the top of travel for he reasons you just listed. Set the Zmax as homing. I don’t have a Zmin configured as it’s not meaningful. In the 351 builds (dev branch) the search will always move towards the switch that is designated as homing, in this case Z will move upwards.
In you setup I’d use one of the A pins to wire as an abort triggered by your estop, say configure Amin as a limit and run one of the relay contacts to it.
MemberRick, The answer to your question depends a lot on what version you are using. I’ll answer the question first for what you are probably using (version 0.94 or earlier), then for the branch currently in Dev – soon to be in edge – which is the 0.95 behaviors. A lot of work has been done on homing and limits for 0.95.
0.94 homing. See this page:
All switches actually work “in parallel”, and work for normally open (NO) switches only. So any NO switch can be wired to any port – but avoid the A ports. So you could wire switches for Xmin, Ymin, Zmax (a common homing config) to the Xmin, Ymin and Zmax pin pairs (input and gbn per pair), or you could just wire the the first 3 switches (which happen to be Xmin, Xmax, Ymin). You need to configure the switches via the $xsm parameter (and Ysm and Zsm) for Homing, or for homing and limits.
Adding a relay for electrical disconnect is a good idea as well.
0.95 homing. See this page:
0.95 homing supports NC and NO switches, and actually requires switches to be connected to the correct line. This is necessary for NC switch support. The $xsm param has been replaced by $xsn and xsx for min and max, respectively, also for NC support. NC switches are much more noise immune and are recommended over NO connections – especially if you intend to use them for limits. The spindles often trip the switches with noise, and spindles are not normally enabled during homing.
The page should describe all else. Please let me know if this is clear, or go in an edit or leave comments and let me know. It’s an open wiki.
You are always out ahead with things. That is a really cool application and video. Thanks for posting.
MemberThe main question is whether or not the drivers on the grblShield are adequately sized to drive the motors and the mechanical system. The drivers will put out up to 2.5 amps (we recommend cooling about 2 amps).
If the machine is not well constructed there may be issues with friction in the drives which would load the motors heavily. You might try turning the gantries by hand to find out.
Also, are there dual motor gantries? In a machine that big I’d suspect so. GrblShield is designed to drive a single motor per axis. Although it’s possible to slave 2 motors to a single axis, the total current of both motors should not exceed the driver limit.
MemberSonny is doing a lot of work on grbl homing and has just pushed an 0.8 version with many of these changes. I’d suggest looking over at the grbl github for some answers. The Issues section is where most of this discussion has been going on.
MemberIt can be done, but it would involve you (or someone) writing the kinematics for CoreXY. There is a section of the code in the kinematics.c file for inserting the inverse kinematics for conversion from cartesian to non-cartesian dynamics. There are a limited number of machine cycles so the transformation would have to be pretty efficient (running in less than about a millisecond, altogether), but I suspect a CoreXY transformation on only X and Y should be possible.
I hope this helps – given that there is no native support for this right now.
MemberThanks for posting and sorry you had an issue. We try to get these things right but I guess this one slipped through. Luckily you are skilled enough to have diagnosed and fixed the problem quickly. Please let us know if there is anything else we can do.
MemberThanks for the compliment. Some of the grblShields were manufactured with red LEDs, not green. They all light up because grbl enables all axes when any axis moves. This is all normal behavior.
October 19, 2012 at 7:57 am in reply to: Found a simple solution for uploading grbl to Ardunio #3567alden
MemberThanks for the tip. Xloader really is a good way to do this.
MemberMatt, Cool. Let us know if you are making another video.
Also, I know you are aware of the JSON changes we are making in the dev branch, but I bring it up here in case any of our millions of readers are not already aware of this.
MemberRick, Good to meet you at Makerfaire, and thanks for picking up a board. As for Gcode generation, We think CamBam is the best thing out there. It’s main limitations are Windows only and $150. There are free programs / cross platform such as PyCAD and some Inkscape and Sketchup plugins that work also. Riley would need to weigh in on those details.
– Alden
MemberThis might bee a bug. I will try to reproduce this and see what’s going on. I have logged this as an issue (#28) the synthetos tinyg gihub.