Limit switches blues

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    I’ve got a grblShield v3. It works nicely with grbl github code but I cannot make G28 command to home any of my axis.

    I have pins 9,10,11 wired to NO switches to GND. I have no pullup resistors to VCC nor I could figure out if they are needed or not (I guess they are as internal pullups does not seem to be set in limits_init() ).

    Could you please guide me on how to get that working? (I have not used grblShield github code, maybe I should start there?)


    Thanks a lot,




    Sonny is doing a lot of work on grbl homing and has just pushed an 0.8 version with many of these changes. I’d suggest looking over at the grbl github for some answers. The Issues section is where most of this discussion has been going on.


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