Found a simple solution for uploading grbl to Ardunio

Home Forums gShield grblShield Support Found a simple solution for uploading grbl to Ardunio

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  • #3565

    Hi – this may be old news but thought I would post here in case anyone is trying to upload grbl to their Arduino. I found a simple solution using Xloader

    I did this on a Mac running Windows XP through VMWare. I installed the Arduino IDE to make sure I could communicate with the board (an UNO) and had to screw around a bit setting up the COM port (esp baud rate) – the instructions on the Arduino site are helpful. After that, it was just a matter of launching Xloader, selecting the .hex file and pressing the button to upload.

    Afterwards I ran ZTerm (terminal app) on my Mac and was able to get the confirmation msg from grbl and a dump of the setting.

    Really painless. Yay!

    • This topic was modified 12 years, 4 months ago by skinnytod.

    Thanks for the tip. Xloader really is a good way to do this.

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