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MemberArduino says that 5v can be connected to the Vin pin, but that real voltage would probably be less.
The way it behave now is a bit strange: at first power up, the board doesn’t “wake up”: the led doesn’t heartbeat. But if I cut power for a few seconds, then setting it again, the board starts with heartbeat (and motor idling for a second). It’ like as if a capacitor needs to empty, and powers the board during it, making the new power-up like a reset. Of course it needs to be unplugged from the computer, or it just doesn’t stop.So, it’s not exactly what I needed, but that way I can turn the CNC on and control it without openning the lid, and without setting an external reset button. But maybe I’ll make one either.
PS: It’s out of sight, but I got my first jobs running, and it’s really nice! 🙂
MemberSo I’m gonna try 5V on Vin. I could connect it on the 5V pin, but Arduino advices don’t doing it as it bypasses the onboard regulator.
Let’s see.troisieme_type
MemberIt’s powered from USB. I should power the due from the 5V power supply, as some functions depends on this power supply (like lighting), and other of the board supply (like a small red laser to see where the head is). Do I just need to plug the +5V of the power supply on the Vin of the Due?
MemberYou’re right, I’ll have to pay attention to it. For now it’s ok, but I’ll be careful when upgrading.
MemberFor now, my parameters are quite simple:
Any axes but X and Y are AXE_DISABLED, any motor but 1 and 2 are MOTOR_DISABLED.
VELOCITY_MAX is around 25000
JERK_MAX is 10000. A high number — if possible: the gantry need to be light and have little inertia — allow to have fast acceleration and deceleration: that way laser “power/distance” (not very clear) is about constant. You don’t need to ramp the power up and down following the feedrate acceleration and deceleration.Pwm is to be set up according to the hardware you have. In my case it’s a 40W laser, which power is usually controlled by a pot. I’ve simply connect the pot wire to the output of an optocoupler that transmits the pwm output of the TinyG board.
The PWM frequency is 500Hz, but I need to fine tune it: sometimes it causes a strange vibration in the power unit.troisieme_type
I don’t realy have an answer for the “problem” of homing, but I have a nice solution: instead of homing by calling
G28.2 X0 Y0
, I simply home with this G-code file:G28.2 X0 Y0 G0 Y-225 G28.3 Y0
And it’s ok. 😉
MemberOk, that’s what I thought. On my router run by TinyG, the Z axis as the same behavior: as you said, it’s homed on Zmax, and then set to zero. But it’s not a big issue as it’s rehomed at each new job to be at zero on the part top face.
I suppose the right solution here is to set a coordinate system (like G56) with a negative offset for that axe, and choose it once the machine has been homed.
I’m going to look at it in the G2 issues on github.Thank you!
Your answers have helped a lot! After suppressing the gShield bin folder it was ok. And I’ve been able to send new settings to the board. And your advice to carefully select the setting file used to create the new one was important too: till today I used the settings_defaults.h file, that have too lines missing (MANUAL_FEEDRATE_* defines), generating an error when compiling config_app.cpp… So I’ve used settings_hapeoko2.h instead, since it’s the one used in the makefile, that compile well.
My machine is now well tuned, i just need to setup the hardware that’s left.
I’ve got a question about homing: on my machine there’s just one swith per axe. On X it’s Xmin, on Y it’s Ymax. I’ve set it well in the setting file, and also set the DI*_MODE, DI*_ACTION, DI*_FUNCTION, even if I don’t know if they are used on the due, or only on the v9 board.
But, when homing Y, I end with an axe that go from -225 to 0. Is there a way to do that make it be 0-225 instead? I would like that Ymin equals $ytn and Ymax equals $ytm. Maybe this question is or should be an issue in github?troisieme_type
I’m setting a (chinese) 40W laser these days, and I think I’m going to remap the switchs and pots existing on the machine to my needs.
The “test” button will probably keep its function, which can be useful.
The “enable” button will probably be de-connected, and the cables remap to one or several security switches: that way the laser can’t be triggered if doors are opened.
The laser command (that was connected to the board that came with the laser) will be connected to the spindle out of the TinyG. In my case a Arduino due + gShield, but it shouldn’t change anything.
And last, I plan to remap the potentiometer that is used to set the current running trough the laser to a small DAC converter: my power supply doesn’t understand pwm, so here is what it should go: first, an otpocoupler to transmit PWM, without risking overvoltage/current on the board. Then, a DAC converter, as seen here. That way a 0 phase will give a LOW state on the laser, and a 100% phase will give a high state on the laser, resulting in max power.Just hope it will work like I want. 🙂
I am using Firefox 44.0.2, yes. I’ve tried with and without adblockplus, that make no visible difference. But I found what was the problem: I’ve got a module that is called HTTPS everywhere, and that is what blocks the page. I don’t know exactly what’s going on, but de-activate it for this page makes things ok.
It lists four items (addresses, scripts?) that must do something with, but I don’t know what:
Google APIs
Google App Engine — unchecked this one enables connecting to CP (partial) (partial)Hope it will help!
MemberThank you to answer that quick! It’s quite comforting.
The thing about adblock plus has been read here. But it should as well be something I misunderstood! I’ll test it on my desktop mac tomorrow to see if it makes a difference. For a reason I don’t know, I have never been able to have anything else than a blank page with firefox, but chrome works well.
I’ll try to use CP enough to know how it works before to go offline. I’ve spent several hours today to end not having anything working offline, so I’ll take time to do things well. And I’ll go to the forums you mention.
The other good new is that I succeed having coolterm working too. It was just a library that was missing for it work. Firsts days using linux, much things to learn that I didn’t know…
Thank you for all the help! Hope it will go well now, and I won’t have problems compiling the code with a custom setup file for G2! And hope I will soon be able to cut some parts with laser!
I’ve worked on it this morning, following guidelines you gave yesterday. You were right, I was not connected to CP. Now I am, and it’s better. I’ve also removed adblockplus for, as I’ve read on the forum it can cause problems. I suppose this is the reason I cannot run it on my desktop mac on firefox.
I’ve been able to connect to the board. I have to do things in a precise way: connecting the board, lauch SPJS, and last open CP. I don’t really understand why sometimes it heartbeats, sometimes not. Neither do I understand why if I unconnect the board from CP, I cannot reconnect it unless I’ve stop SPJS, close the CP window, unplugged the board, and then set up again from the beginning.
The SPJS version is the last one. 1.88, running on the same machine as CP.
Here is a picture of CP with the board appearing, but not answering (just connected, but not reset).
Now I can talk to the board, I will have to test a local version of CP, as I cannot connect to Internet where I have the laser CNC it will be for… And understand why it doesns’t work on Coolterm on my G4 laptop, that I use for my first tinyG board.
This reply was modified 8 years, 12 months ago by
MemberFor coolterm, I have issue installing it on ubuntu. Clicking it doesn’t give anything, neither launching trough the terminal. On my old G4 mac it works, but only with my TinyG, not the G2 on due.
The Due is connected via the programming port for flashing it, and then to the main port.
And this is what I have once the board has been reset.
In both case it’s like I’m connected to the board, but I can’t send anything. I just get the message you can see on both captures.G2 is well install on the due: I can communicate with it when i plug it on my third computer, a desktop mac.
This reply was modified 8 years, 12 months ago by