Port problem with G2 on due

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    Hello here,

    I have a problem with G2 running on an arduino due. I’m using ubuntu. Building from edge is ok, building with a new setup file is ok too. Uploading the .elf to the board is ok too.
    The problem is I cannot connect to the board with Chilipeppr. The SJPS is ok, it find the virtual server without problem. Once the server is found, the board appears, but here the things start to behave strangely. First it appears as a simple line, with the name of the port (tty/ACM0), a menu for choosing a board model, and another for the baud rate. If I reset the board letting it connected, the rx line start to blink slowly (2sec on, 2sec off), and then the board appears as a picture of the G2, with the same menu than before for choosing a board. One or the other, it seems to connect, but each time I try to send datas it answers “tried to send a serial port message, but there is no port selected”

    Connecting the board to the Macbook G4 I usuly use with for my CNC with TinyG and coolterm, I cannot connect neither. When I plug the board (rx led off) I got no response from it, and if I do a reset (rx led on and off as above) then coolterm don’t find the port.

    Last, trying to connect the board on my desktop mac, it’s (almost) ok: once I’ve done a reset on the board, I can connect it trough coolterm, and run it in a normal way.

    So, I understand there must be a problem somewhere, but I really can’t figure where it is.

    Also, I don’t know how to use coolterm on ubuntu, if someone knows, some help would be great!


    I occasionally run CoolTerm on openSUSE. You having issues installing or running it?

    Are you connected to the DUE main port or programming port?
    You want the main port.

    Is G2 installed on the Due?
    In CP, it should appear as /dev/ttyACM0 and ACM1


    For coolterm, I have issue installing it on ubuntu. Clicking it doesn’t give anything, neither launching trough the terminal. On my old G4 mac it works, but only with my TinyG, not the G2 on due.

    The Due is connected via the programming port for flashing it, and then to the main port.
    Due on CP
    And this is what I have once the board has been reset.
    G2 due on CP
    In both case it’s like I’m connected to the board, but I can’t send anything. I just get the message you can see on both captures.

    G2 is well install on the due: I can communicate with it when i plug it on my third computer, a desktop mac.


    Unfortunately, I can’t read text in either of these screenshots.
    Can you put a full size file in a cloud drive file and post a URL?
    Embedded images don’t seem to work well in this interface?

    In the second, screenshot, I believe I see a ‘login’prompt in the upper right corner of CP window.
    You need to be logged in for a lot of the CP advances application features to work well; use your google login.

    What version of SPJS are you running? 1.88 is most recent.
    Does it run on the same PC you are running CP on, or a separate hardware platform?

    Let’s focus on CP at the moment, It has been a while since I tried with CoolTerm.


    Have you run G2 with Chilipeppr in the past?

    There is a start up buglet – the interface will appear to hang at startup, you need to click the continue – ‘~” in the TinyG widget for startup to complete.

    Based on what I think I see in your screenshot, I am not sure you are getting that far.

    In the Serial Port JSON Server widget(lower right corner of window), I believe there is a red background the click button for the /dev/ACM0 port, which indicates that the port is currently not the ‘default’ SPJS port.
    Click the checkmark to deselect the port, then click again to reselect. Your goal is a green background.

    Some additional info: the behavior you noted,

    If I reset the board letting it connected, the rx line start to blink slowly (2sec on, 2sec off),

    Is normal, it is a G2 heartbeat, G2 firmware is running and sane. If the heartbeat stops, G2 has crashed for some reason.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 12 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 12 months ago by cmcgrath5035.


    I’ve worked on it this morning, following guidelines you gave yesterday. You were right, I was not connected to CP. Now I am, and it’s better. I’ve also removed adblockplus for chilipeppr.com, as I’ve read on the forum it can cause problems. I suppose this is the reason I cannot run it on my desktop mac on firefox.

    I’ve been able to connect to the board. I have to do things in a precise way: connecting the board, lauch SPJS, and last open CP. I don’t really understand why sometimes it heartbeats, sometimes not. Neither do I understand why if I unconnect the board from CP, I cannot reconnect it unless I’ve stop SPJS, close the CP window, unplugged the board, and then set up again from the beginning.

    The SPJS version is the last one. 1.88, running on the same machine as CP.

    Here is a picture of CP with the board appearing, but not answering (just connected, but not reset).

    Now I can talk to the board, I will have to test a local version of CP, as I cannot connect to Internet where I have the laser CNC it will be for… And understand why it doesns’t work on Coolterm on my G4 laptop, that I use for my first tinyG board.


    Where did you see the AdBlock and CP stuff – I have not.

    Transient behavior might be an artifact of MAC port handling.
    Linux (the mother of MACOS) introduces some strange port ID migration on disconnect/reconnect as well.

    I suggest you more or less master CP on web before heading off into Offline version.
    I will be unable to help (zero experience) and see few users on line able/willing to help as well.
    Chilipepper forums likely better for that –


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 12 months ago by cmcgrath5035.

    Thank you to answer that quick! It’s quite comforting.

    The thing about adblock plus has been read here. But it should as well be something I misunderstood! I’ll test it on my desktop mac tomorrow to see if it makes a difference. For a reason I don’t know, I have never been able to have anything else than a blank page with firefox, but chrome works well.

    I’ll try to use CP enough to know how it works before to go offline. I’ve spent several hours today to end not having anything working offline, so I’ll take time to do things well. And I’ll go to the forums you mention.

    The other good new is that I succeed having coolterm working too. It was just a library that was missing for it work. Firsts days using linux, much things to learn that I didn’t know…

    Thank you for all the help! Hope it will go well now, and I won’t have problems compiling the code with a custom setup file for G2! And hope I will soon be able to cut some parts with laser!


    Are you using Firefox 44.0.2?
    I use Chrome mostly for CP, but sometimes check FF and it seems to be OK too.
    EXCEPT, the security police at Mozilla have decided that openGL is a big risk. Google Firefox openGL, you find fixes you have to make to get it running. This just started for me with FF44.

    Thanks for the AdBlock reference, I’ll give it a look



    I am using Firefox 44.0.2, yes. I’ve tried with and without adblockplus, that make no visible difference. But I found what was the problem: I’ve got a module that is called HTTPS everywhere, and that is what blocks the page. I don’t know exactly what’s going on, but de-activate it for this page makes things ok.
    It lists four items (addresses, scripts?) that must do something with, but I don’t know what:
    Google APIs
    Google App Engine — unchecked this one enables connecting to CP
    jQuery.com (partial)
    BootstrapCDN.com (partial)

    Hope it will help!


    I have seen references in CP to use of

    Google APIs
    Google App Engine — unchecked this one enables connecting to CP
    jQuery.com (partial)

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