TinyG2 on due: need to reset befre to connect

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    I’ve got a little problem on TinyG2 running on the due. When I connect the USB plug and the board wakes up, it doesn’t start: I always have to reset it before CoolTerm can connect. It’s the same with ChiliPeppr. I’m in the processo f setting up my machine, so it’s no big deal to reset it. But once it will be in working order, it would be fine if I don’t need to open the lid and reset each time I want to use it. Any idea of what is happening here?

    Thank you, have a nice day.


    How are you powering the DUE – from the USB, or from independent supply?


    It’s powered from USB. I should power the due from the 5V power supply, as some functions depends on this power supply (like lighting), and other of the board supply (like a small red laser to see where the head is). Do I just need to plug the +5V of the power supply on the Vin of the Due?


    My experience has been sometimes similar to yours – that garbage characters seem to appear on the USB serial when the DUE (and tinyG FW) are started by plugging in the USB. With CoolTerm, a couple of enters (carriage returns) seems to clear it out) or a reset while powered.

    The Input connector on the DUE is rated 7-12V, not 5V, but 5V may work


    So I’m gonna try 5V on Vin. I could connect it on the 5V pin, but Arduino advices don’t doing it as it bypasses the onboard regulator.
    Let’s see.


    Look carefully at the DUE schematics.
    For sure you don’t want to apply 5V to the 3.3V VCC line or you DUE wil be history.


    Arduino says that 5v can be connected to the Vin pin, but that real voltage would probably be less.
    The way it behave now is a bit strange: at first power up, the board doesn’t “wake up”: the led doesn’t heartbeat. But if I cut power for a few seconds, then setting it again, the board starts with heartbeat (and motor idling for a second). It’ like as if a capacitor needs to empty, and powers the board during it, making the new power-up like a reset. Of course it needs to be unplugged from the computer, or it just doesn’t stop.

    So, it’s not exactly what I needed, but that way I can turn the CNC on and control it without openning the lid, and without setting an external reset button. But maybe I’ll make one either.

    PS: It’s out of sight, but I got my first jobs running, and it’s really nice! 🙂


    Be careful reading Arduino, vs. Arduino Uno, Arduino DUE, etc. This spec sheet fairly clearly say Vin recommended = 7-12V, limits 6-16V.

    I am going to guess that your scheme, with Vin = 5v, results in Due trying to operate at slightly less than 3V, then you PC USB comes along and brings that up to full 3.3V via the USB cable.


    I don’t know if you found any solution or not, but this post works like a charm

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