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Memberoh, and it starts up sooooooooooo much faster than tgfx (thank god), and it also doesn’t have the issues with memory leaks that tgfx had.
MemberThere is actually an offline implementation of Chillipeppr.
I’ve got it running on a linux laptop, and it works. There are a couple of issues, but its not too bad.
MemberHi Leversole,
Once upon a time I had issues very similair to what you describe, with the cnc sometimes operating properly, and other times the cnc would randomly depart from the g-code, sometimes driving the bit through the work piece, spoil board and into the body, other times cutting through hold downs (throwing the work piece about). destroyed work pieces happened a lot. the g-code would run sometimes, but it would fail approx 50% of the time.
Anyway, the issue turned out to be electric noise which was appearing on the usb data lines, and on the stepper wiring. the source was the spindle’s VFD controller. My steps to fix the issue were:
1) change the usb cable for one with good shielding. I had to cut open a few to find one with decent shielding.
2) change the stepper wiring over to 4 core with good shielding, grounded the shielding at the cotnroller end.
3) Add mains power filters one the controller power supply, water cooler pump power supply (was also noisy), and VFD.
4) change the spindle wiring over to very high quality well shielded cable (this had the greatest effect).I still have issues with noise appearing on homing switch lines, which randomly triggers them if I have them connected, but I’m planning re-wiring those with shielded cable and adding a filter.
If you’ve got access to an oscilloscope you might want to set it up on some of your lines and have a look at whats going on.
MemberWell, I’m not Christine, but I’d have to say offline use is the number one thing i’m looking for in ChiliPeppr.
The computer I use for sending commands to the TinyG and CNC machine doesn’t get connected to the internet. Its a very common configuration with people running CNC machines.
MemberTo reproduce the slow down bug I used the g-code in the file here.
To reproduce it just run it multiple times in a row without resetting the TinyG. On my v7 (438.02 firmware) everything slows down a lot on the 3rd run through, and is very noticeable.
for the curious I was making a set of hopping kangaroos for my nephew, based on this instructable . The 0,0,0 location for the g-code is bottom left and top. I think the material was 12mm thick. Cutter is a 3.15mm end mill.
MemberThank you Alden, that’ll work fine for now.
Have to say I’m very impressed with the tinyg – very easy to set up and use.