I’ve recently been gifted with a tinyg controller that I’ve started using with my chinese made 6040 CNC machine. It was very easy to wire up and it worked a treat from the first command. Motion on all 3 axises was smooth and appears to be accurate.
My next step is to start wiring up limit switches and I was thinking that I’d quite like to have a tool height probe and also a center finder. Kind of like how its done in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWglgxdFpVE
The hardware itself is obviously simple enough – they are both just N/O switches , however I’m not sure what the best/simplest way to get my tinyg to support it is.
Can you (or anybody) suggest an appropriate place to start, or are you already working on/have implemented those features?
This topic was modified 12 years ago by mort.