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  • in reply to: GRBL shield – how to make it running? #3392

    Alden,Thank you for your reply.
    I think my biggest problem will be frequency.
    When I set up $4 for only 300, steper motors seem to be working ok.( But I think I must still make more tests to be sure that frequency is the only problem)
    Is there any way how to find out a reliable frequency? Or only try and see?
    Where shall I return the previous GRBL shield v2? Which is your address?
    Thank you

    in reply to: GRBL shield – how to make it running? #3345

    Thank you for sending out the replacement of GRBL shield I received this week ( version 3).Please let me know the address where I should return the version 2. I tested the new version but still does not work properly.
    Can you please let me know what kind of stepper motors you tested with the GRBL shield?
    I use 42BYGHM810 which has 2.4 A current and not sure if the IC stepper drivers, you use with GRBL shield, are strong enough to drive my stepper motors.
    GRBL shield becomes soon very hot even though I use quite large heatsinks and then stepper motors do not turn properly.
    Thank you for your reply.

    in reply to: GRBL shield – how to make it running? #2404

    Hi Alden,
    Thank you for your reply.
    Transaction ID is 4SC50539W0396830Y and I also sent to you email about the payment I made via PayPal.Please let me know after you send out the GRBL shield replacement and also let me know the address where I should send the faulty GRBL shield.
    Thanks again for help

    in reply to: GRBL shield – how to make it running? #2402

    Hi Alden,
    Thank you for your reply. You sent me version 2.Shall I send back the GRBL shield first or after I get the new one from you?
    Which email shall I use to send to you my mailing address?
    Thanks again

    in reply to: GRBL shield – how to make it running? #2400

    Alden,thanks for the reply.I played again with GRBL shield but still no success

    Tried for example these

    I connected Z motor only
    and tried your commands
    For example with
    Motor turns,stops,turns,stops,etc.. I tried to set trimpots but no good
    For g1f500y100
    Motor turns and stops and X LED still shines for some time

    I connected Z motor and Y motor.
    Motor with Y axis turns then stops, and LED with Z channel starts blinking, Y LED is dark and X LED dark
    The same with other frequencies

    When e.g. I tried g1f500z100,
    motor with Z axis turns then stops then turns then stops and so on, and LED with Z channel starts blinking, Y LED is blinking too and X LED is very bright

    I connected only X motor
    and enter
    motor turns a little, stops, turns, stops etc
    I tried with various f parameters and the same problem

    Then I connected X and Z and Y motors
    and enter
    X does NOT start at all, Y motor turns a little and stops . Z motor turns a little, stops, turns,stops,turns etc.
    I played with various values of f e.g

    Before every command I made a reset of GRBL shield.

    Do you have any idea?
    Is GRBL shield faulty?

    Thank you for your reply

    in reply to: GRBL shield – how to make it running? #2398

    Thank you for the reply. But as I already said, I am not using it with ShapeOko now and you told me, in another post(http://www.synthetos.com/forums/topic.php?id=615), that I do not need to make that mod if not using with ShapeOko. Does it mean you changed your oppinion?
    Besides that mod is for Z axes only so X and Y should work correctly.Is it so?

    in reply to: GRBL shield – how to make it running? #2396

    Alden,thank you for the reply.
    I tested motors separately, not with any CNC machine, so there should not be any friction.
    As I said above I use 42BYGHM810, that are 400 step motors.
    I have not made any mod to your GRBL shield, so there are 8x microsteps.And if motors are tested unloaded, what GRBL setting should I use?
    Thanks for your help

    in reply to: GRBL shield – how to make it running? #2393

    Alden, Thanks for your reply.
    I know if I issue G0x100 for the second time, motor will not turn.Motor stays quiet.
    But I am talking about the fact that I can hear “something” from the motor or the motor turnes only a few angles.
    Here are more details I found out today
    So I bought another power supply – now I use 24V/6.5 but yet GRBL does not work properly.
    I connect a motor to Z axis and enter g1z100( I use G-Code Sender program), sometimes Y and Z axes LED shine but sometimes only Y LED shines and sometimes Z and X axes LEDs where X shines much more stronger .But motor is still connected to only Z axis.

    Another example.
    I enter g1z100( motor is still connected to Z channel). Works OK. Now I push reset button on GRBL shield and enter again g1z100.Now it only moves a few angles.Reset again and enter g1z100 now it works. Again reset, enter g1z100 but it does NOT work.So,sometimes works, sometimes does NOT.
    Are there any test points on GRBL shield I should measure? Is there any testing procedure available?

    in reply to: GRBL shield – how to make it running? #2391

    Alden, thank you for the reply.
    So I changed power supply. Now I use 24V/4A but still does not work.
    If there is only ONE motor connected to GRBL shield it works.
    E.g I connect a motor to X and the motor works – I used G1x100 command;
    then I connect another motor to Z axis and issue command G1x100 again. But X motor does not work.
    So I remove Z motor, push reset button on GRBL shield and issue g1x100 command. Now X motor works again.
    But g1f300x100y100 works OK.
    Does it mean I must use even stronger power supply?
    I use steppers 42BYGHM810 that have rate voltage 2.4V and rate current 2.4A.
    Thank you for your help

    in reply to: GRBL shield – how to make it running? #2389

    Alden, thanks for your reply.
    I played with tripot of X axis ( but with ONE and only one motor connected) as long as it started properly.I used command like g0x1000.

    Then I did the same ( I set tripot)for Z axis – with one motor connected- but different motor from that I use for X axis.Motor also turned.I used command like g0z1000.

    Then I connected those both X and Z motor to GRBL shield and tried a command like g0x1000.But X motor did not moved properly.It moved only a few degrees and became noisy but did not turn.A similar problem with Z motor.

    Besides I also noticed that $0,$1 and $2 are important for motors to work( turned) properly.
    As I use 0.9 degree motors I think they must have 400 step per revolution.
    My threaded rod is 8mm ( for all axes), microsteps are defaults so $0,$1 and $2 should be

    Is it true that the higher values of $0,$1,$2 the higher current is needed for motors?
    Thank you again for help

    in reply to: ShapeOko and GRBL shield microsteps #1314

    Alden,Thanks for the reply. You say I need not make the mod if running a different machine from ShapeOko. Is that problem with ShapeOko caused by the fact that ShapeOko uses both belts (X and Y axes ) and rod( for Z axis)?
    I would like to use GRBL shield with a CNC that uses thread rods for all 3 axes.
    Is there any rule how I can find out the mod is necessary?
    Thanks again for the explanation

    in reply to: GRBL shield – how to make it running? #2387

    Alden,thank you for your reply.
    No, I do not think I over-torqued the potentiometers.
    I tried them again and they still can be turned through 270 degrees only.
    Do you have any other idea what I should check to make GRBL shield run?

    in reply to: ShapeOko and GRBL shield microsteps #1312

    Thanks Alden for the reply.
    But why is that modification needed for Shapeoko?

    in reply to: GRBLshield and screw driven vs.belt driven CNC #1262

    Alden,thanks for the reply.
    And what is you opinion of the ShapeOko CNC? It has a mixed driving and it seems to be quite popular these days.

    in reply to: Arduino + grblshield #1734

    Riley,thank you for your help
    Now grblshield works.But I was told I must set params of GRBL such as $0,$1,$2 etc.
    For $0 I should know the level of microstepping. Is the default 8x?
    Does it mean the higher the better?

    What is microstepping of TinyG?
    Thank you for the reply.

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