Arduino + grblshield

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    Can anyone let me know how I can upload GRBL ( under Windows XP) to Arduino?
    Must I use a programmer ?Where can I download the latest ( compiled) version of GRBL?


    Read this page on our wiki:

    Yes you will need a programmer if you plan on doing it yourself.



    Riley,thank you for your help
    Now grblshield works.But I was told I must set params of GRBL such as $0,$1,$2 etc.
    For $0 I should know the level of microstepping. Is the default 8x?
    Does it mean the higher the better?

    What is microstepping of TinyG?
    Thank you for the reply.


    The default in both grbl and grblshield is 8x microstepping. However, it’s important to know that for grbl that’s only a parameter that goes into the calculation of the values for $0, $1 and $2. Refer to the grbl wiki configuration page to see how this works. For grblshield, 8x is actually set by the resistors. Check the grblshield wiki to see how that works.

    The value of microstepping is confused, and overrated. 8x is not necessarily beter than 4x, 2x or 1, and higher microstep values are not necessarily better than 8x. The best microstepping value for an application is a compromise between the following factors:
    – power (torque) needed at high speed (the higher the microsteps the less the power – in general)
    – smoothness of motor operation (1x is pretty rough – higher values get smoother – to a point)
    – the maximum step rate of the control software (grbl has a max or 30,000 pulses per second, tinyg 50,000)

    TinyG can also set microsteps to 1x, 2x, 4x, and 8x.

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