GRBL shield – how to make it running?

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    Alden,thanks for the reply.I played again with GRBL shield but still no success

    Tried for example these

    I connected Z motor only
    and tried your commands
    For example with
    Motor turns,stops,turns,stops,etc.. I tried to set trimpots but no good
    For g1f500y100
    Motor turns and stops and X LED still shines for some time

    I connected Z motor and Y motor.
    Motor with Y axis turns then stops, and LED with Z channel starts blinking, Y LED is dark and X LED dark
    The same with other frequencies

    When e.g. I tried g1f500z100,
    motor with Z axis turns then stops then turns then stops and so on, and LED with Z channel starts blinking, Y LED is blinking too and X LED is very bright

    I connected only X motor
    and enter
    motor turns a little, stops, turns, stops etc
    I tried with various f parameters and the same problem

    Then I connected X and Z and Y motors
    and enter
    X does NOT start at all, Y motor turns a little and stops . Z motor turns a little, stops, turns,stops,turns etc.
    I played with various values of f e.g

    Before every command I made a reset of GRBL shield.

    Do you have any idea?
    Is GRBL shield faulty?

    Thank you for your reply


    I’m out of ideas. We should send you another one. Would you be willing to send yours back once you get the other one? If there is a problem with the shield I’d like to be able to find the cause. Do you have a v2 or v3?



    Hi Alden,
    Thank you for your reply. You sent me version 2.Shall I send back the GRBL shield first or after I get the new one from you?
    Which email shall I use to send to you my mailing address?
    Thanks again


    You can hang onto your current board until the replacement arrives. It might be handy to have them both there. Please use synthetos <at> If you have your order number or any other materials from your purchase please put that in the email so we can match up with your original order more easily. Sorry for your difficulties.



    Hi Alden,
    Thank you for your reply.
    Transaction ID is 4SC50539W0396830Y and I also sent to you email about the payment I made via PayPal.Please let me know after you send out the GRBL shield replacement and also let me know the address where I should send the faulty GRBL shield.
    Thanks again for help


    Jan – we just lost about 3 days worth of posts discussing your issue. We’ve been fighting forum spammers and something got dropped. Don’t worry, your replacement board is on the way.



    @alden & @jan,

    Looks like I got the posts back now.


    Thank you for sending out the replacement of GRBL shield I received this week ( version 3).Please let me know the address where I should return the version 2. I tested the new version but still does not work properly.
    Can you please let me know what kind of stepper motors you tested with the GRBL shield?
    I use 42BYGHM810 which has 2.4 A current and not sure if the IC stepper drivers, you use with GRBL shield, are strong enough to drive my stepper motors.
    GRBL shield becomes soon very hot even though I use quite large heatsinks and then stepper motors do not turn properly.
    Thank you for your reply.


    I’m pretty sure the drivers should have no problem with these motors. We have tested the grblshield with very many motors. I’ll look around and see if I have some of the Phidgets you have. Can you please provide some more information if you can.

    – Try backing off the current as much as possible while the motors are still turning. The drivers should not be getting too hot with these motors, but expect them to get warm.

    – How do you have the motors wired up? The green and black are paired and the red and blue are paired.

    – What is the current setting? The pot should start in the middle of the range. Please confirm that the pots have not been forced past their limits (and broken).

    – What axis or axes are the motors attached to? Are the LED lights flashing? Do you get the same behaviors on other axes?

    – Do you have indication that grbl is functioning, and what commands are you issuing to grbl? The same as in your earlier posts?

    – What is your grbl configuration? Has this changed from before?

    – What is your power supply and is it adequate? Is it delivering consistent voltage when you try to move the motors? Sorry if you already asnwered this but I can’t see anything on page 1 of this thread while I’m typing on page 2.



    I have just wired up a v3 grblshield to a 42BYGHW811 which I got from Phidgets. It’s not identical to your motor, but it has the same current rating at 2.5 amps. Mine is a 200 step, I think yours is a 400 step. I have no issues and the chip is getting warm (as expected) but not hot. The sequence of wires on the connector is red-blue-green-black.


    Alden,Thank you for your reply.
    I think my biggest problem will be frequency.
    When I set up $4 for only 300, steper motors seem to be working ok.( But I think I must still make more tests to be sure that frequency is the only problem)
    Is there any way how to find out a reliable frequency? Or only try and see?
    Where shall I return the previous GRBL shield v2? Which is your address?
    Thank you


    Jan, the only way to set the maximum feed rate ($4) and seek rate($5) is to try various settings. Set these the same, and start low and go higher. $5 sets the velocity in a G0, $4 sets the maximum feed rate (F word) in G1, G2 and G3. In some cases people set the max feed rate to be lower than the seek rate, but I’d recommend keeping them the same for now to keep it simple.

    The acceleration value $8 will also affect the feed rate and seek rate. In some high-speed cases $9 may also need adjustment, but only if you are having problems with cornering.

    Please email us at synthetos at for a shipping address

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 7 months ago by alden.
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