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MemberI’ve been battling this same issue for a while now. I’ll be watching this closely hoping you get it resolved.
MemberAlden, I am on build 421.06.
MemberI’ve run the new firmware a number of times now and have had the z-axis problem pop up again. The first two times it moved up, which was awesome compared to before, and I was prepared to live with that, but yesterday I had it plunge again. Still very random though. The first time was on a relatively simple and short program, but the second time it made it about 4 hours into a very long and complicated program before it happened. The third time was again on a simple short program. I’m sending files using coolterm. I know this sounds crazy, but it seems like right after I flash firmware everything works OK and then the more I run programs the more the problem happens. I don’t know how this could be possible, but it seems like that’s whats going on.
MemberI’ve started doing some testing with the new dev firmware. So far it looks pretty good. I ran a gcode file last night that was heavy with curves at 500 mm/min and didn’t have any issues at all. I’m going to do some more testing with a gcode file that I know was giving me problems before to verify (I’ve run it cutting air and so far it looks OK, but I want to run it in some material to be sure). For reference I’m running a Shapeoko2 with Windows 7, and I sent the file using jcnc with flow set to rts/cts.
Alden-a couple notes/questions:
1. I didn’t try sending a file with tgfx, but it seemed to mostly work with exp build 3009. To jog I had to push the button twice to get movement.
2. $st not working. I couldn’t set my switches to NC.
3. I noticed new power management settings for the motors. Looks like some good stuff, can you provide some definitions for how they function?grim
MemberI may have made some progress this weekend. I started out with more strange behavior, this time my y-axis was shifting, which I haven’t seen before. Program would be running along and then decide it’s new y-position was about +20mm from where it should have been. I was proving out a gcode file in wood prior to attempting in aluminum so I had sped up all the g1 feed rates to 1000 mm/min. This seems to be the cause of the problem. Anything over 250 mm/min causes my machine major grief. I continued to modify the gcode file with slower feed rates until it made it through the entire program. It seems like the slower the feed rate, the longer it takes to see a problem. I’m fairly certain the max feed rate I can achieve is highly dependent on the gcode file, in particular the number of curves in the file. I suspect that if I were making long straight moves, allowing more time between one block to the next, the code would run OK. Just a hunch, but it seems like either the processor or planner can’t keep up when the feeds are higher. Unfortunately I’m at work now and can’t post my settings or code, but I should be able to get them up later today. The good news is I was eventually able to get my part made 🙂
MemberTurns out I’m still having this issue as well. I just tried running some new gcode and had the problem again. I had a specific gcode file that was repeatably having this problem while on fw380.08 and it went away when I changed to fw412.01 so I thought it was fixed. Very strange as I’ve run my machine a number of times now without this issue, but this new gcode was longer than the previous ones. It happened approx. 40 minutes into the program, so testing for it will be pretty time consuming. I don’t have the gcode available right now to attach but I can later if you guys want it. I was using tgfx on a Win7 machine to send the file. Also, mine always plunges into the workpiece (negative z). I can try to measure the part tomorrow to try to determine how far it went off, but it’s probably pretty close to the same amount as sparkcrafter (~4.5mm), just negative instead of positive. I think it occurred during a rapid +z move, so I guess it’s possible that it was case of missed steps. I reduced my z velocity and jerk values after my last go around with this and it seemed to be running pretty good – no funny noises or any obvious missed steps while jogging or running. I’ve got an acme thread z axis coming this week too so maybe that will help if it is missing steps.
MemberI was recently having a similar problem, but with fw380.08. When I flashed 412.01 it went away. I described what happened in this thread:
That’s strange that you had the problem appear with 412.01 while that’s what fixed mine. What OS are you running?grim
MemberI started playing around with this. Nice UI. Runs my machine OK. “stop” and “hold” buttons do nothing so have to use e-stop. I’ve connected using xon/xoff and rts, but didn’t notice a difference. Anyone know which one is better? Also not a huge fan of the jogging on this.
MemberDid you put the tinyg.hex file in the same folder as avrdude?
Did you rename the tinyg.hex file to tinyg.hex (or to EXACTLY what you put in the command -U flash:w:tinyg.hex)?
Did you search for anything about using avrdude first so you might be familiar with what you’re actually doing by typing those commands? Prior to attempting to flash my first time I googled avrdude and found a nice tutorial from ladyada. Perhaps this would be useful for you as well.Typing “failed” a thousand times may have helped your frustration but it didn’t help anyone else out in figuring out what went wrong…just sayin.
MemberThe new page looks great. I haven’t tried flashing those hex files yet but they are certainly easier to download now. And it’s much more clear now what the release status is. Thanks!
As far as my tgfx issue, I flashed 380.08 back to my tinyg but I’ll put 412.01 back on and see if I can duplicate my issues and then provide a thorough description. It’s possible it’s something I’m doing wrong as I’m still starting out with this.
This reply was modified 11 years ago by
MemberI tried it. The hex file worked and flashed to my tinyg (had to rename the file to tinyg.hex to get avrdude to work). It shows up as fw version 412.01 eventhough the file is named 412.02. It doesn’t play nice with tgfx though, but maybe that’s expected since it’s an edge build.
This reply was modified 11 years ago by
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This reply was modified 11 years ago by