TinyG edge drifts on series of small movements

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    I finished running a test on coolterm and it fails in the same spot with the same issue in that the Z Axis is sent down through the wood which looks to be a bit deeper that the overall depth setting of .75 inches now that i look at it a bit more..

    If there is anything else needed please let me know…




    If you start the gcode at line 3200 that is just before the issue as it starts to make the pass for the outside edge of the barrel..


    John, I’ve been doing some testing. Have you been able to reproduce the issue starting later than line 3200? Anything that skips the some or all of the X axis back-and-forth facing operation would make the tests go faster. If this is not possible it also tells me something. Thanks.


    John, If you can, please try running the job with build 429.04. This is quite preliminary – just something that I knocked out this morning. I have not had a chance to test this thoroughly, so if there are issues just abandon it and let me know what you find.

    Here’s a link to the hex.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 9 months ago by alden.

    I’ve been battling this same issue for a while now. I’ll be watching this closely hoping you get it resolved.


    Thanks Alden I will get this new build loaded and tested for you and update this thread with my findings.

    As for you other question i tried starting after the 3200 point and started my gcode at 4500 printing in the air and sure enough the tool dives down on the Z Axis as though that is its starting point and looks to continue through as such as I let it run for a bit through the gcode noting the Z axis was very deep.

    Just FYI I am using coolterm now to do my testing.

    Thanks again



    WOW..Build 429.04 is looking good so far been running about 50 minutes starting it just before the point of failure and it is going perfect..THANK YOU for working to get this issue resolved… I will update when the job is complete…..

    You are the man Alden so happy I went with tinyG definitely brings new life to my Shapeoko 2….




    Ok…429.04 works like a charm did not run into any issues throughout the rest of the job but I had to stop it before completion as I used tgFX this time to send the Gcode and an hour into the finish cut tgFX started to slow down seems to be a possible memory issue but I will open a new thread on that part of the forum. As far as this issue goes this is resolved in my case and here is a pic of the almost finished product but have no doubt it would have finished successfully…


    Thank you again very much for all that helped diagnose the issue and especially to Alden for generating the fix…..




    Thanks to you for helping me isolate it. Nice work. Once I do some more testing on my own I’ll push this to edge and re-link the download page to it.

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