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  • in reply to: help with steppers #7720

    Also, please tell us a bit about your machine.
    Belts driven (e.g. ShapeOko) or screw machine?

    If belts, try releasing your X and Y belts, let the steppers spin free, see if motors have same issue.
    If screw, you could loosen the coupling screws to allow motor to spin freely in the coupling.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
    in reply to: help with steppers #7718

    Lets work backwards, starting with your second post.
    Motor LEDs – These are not definitive on/off indicators. The LED is connected to one lead on the stepper; if the stepper is moving, the LED will flash as that phase winding toggles on and off. If the motors are static, that lead may not be energized in the current position. Bottom line, Leds are only a useful indication when the motor is in motion.

    PWM-the PWM LED will be on when the PWM phase is greter than 0.
    Unfortunately, the default value of $p1pof=0.1 (“off” phase = 10%); some pwm drivers like it that way but it does light the led.

    You hammering sound is likely a parameter settings issue.

    Please post your settings for a review. See:

    Also, hammering can be caused by low settings of the power POTs. Have you adjusted them?

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
    in reply to: Fried board? Will not power up #7712

    Hmmm, are you sure that the antistatic bag you have it sitting on is not conductive? The one I have sitting here on my desk is not, but they are not necessarily the same.

    Can you measure any 12V and 3.3V?
    Schematics are here:

    No lit leds is not a good sign….

    in reply to: Incorrect Arc Movement #7708

    We never heard back from HCamp, so have no update on if his resetting tinyG to defaults and entering correct parameter values helped.
    Note that the value of $ct in his parameter list was just an indicator of something very wrong. It might help if you added your full parameter dump to the Dropbox record.

    I downloaded your Gcode file. Way to big for any manual review and detection of issues, but will be useful to debug none the less.

    I first loaded your Gcode into the CAM generator/simulator I use, which is a backend to CAD program QCAD. That simulation displayed some bizarre results, including numerous large circles and small, including the one shown in your picture. Here is a screenshot :

    I then loaded the Gcode into my CP (Linux, Chrome) It took quite a while for the simulation to render, but it finally did and appears to be correct, no large circles. I will note that the CP browser seems seriously loaded down by the Gcode file – any attempt to zoom or make a 3D perspective change trashed the entire browser window. That might be a 3Dviewer issue, or ??

    So, nothing definitive in this so far. I could guess that tinyG is making the same error that my QCAD simulator is making, but have no idea why that would be.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
    in reply to: tinyG controller motor1,4 pulse rate #7702

    OK, All I needed to see were these lines

    [fb] firmware build 435.06
    [fv] firmware version 0.97
    [hp] hardware platform 1.00
    [hv] hardware version 8.00
    [id] TinyG ID 2X2660-FES
    [ja] junction acceleration nan in
    [ct] chordal tolerance nan in

    So didn’t look much deeper.
    Fw 435.06 is very much out of date

    And, however they got there, the $ja and $ct parameters are bogus (see the reference I posted for you, not necessarily the right values, but typical.)

    You need to upgrade to Fw build 440.14.
    You also need to put tgFX on the shelf, it is not compatible with 440.14 and the sun has set on that project.

    Chilipeppr does have a learning curve, you might also want to get familiar with CoolTerm, a terminal centric low level application that is always good to have around as a fall-back. Much of what you are currently doing is doable in CoolTerm.

    Here is the How-to :

    Many folks are having issues with the “Easy Way” Updater application.
    Give it a try, or move directly to using the avrdude method.
    I suggest the -e option with avrdude, per:

    If you have problems with Fw upgarte, be sure to mention what OS you are using on your PC.

    Flashing firmware will reset all parameters, and will correct whatever caused your $ja and $ct issues above. If you are going to focus on CNC,
    dual axis ShaopeOko settings should be a good place to start:

    This a a broader discussion of tinyG Configuration:

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
    in reply to: tinyG controller motor1,4 pulse rate #7698


    Sounds like some progress.
    This link

    provides a detailed summary of parameter setup. Generally speaking, the wiki is 3 axis (XYZ) centric, but folks have also implemented 4 motor all rotation machines as well, so think broadly as you read.
    Do you have a particular application in mind?
    A 3 axis CNC machine and a 4 legged robot spider are quite different, but both possible with tinyG.
    Dropbox is a brand name for a Cloud based storage service. They offer a free service for moderate capacity. Other similar services include Gdrive from Google, OneCloud from Microsoft and many others. These can be very useful for many applications, you should investigate independently of your CNC activities. Keyword is ‘free’ for a good bit of storage.

    So here is a link to a typical parameter dump:

    If you are not comfortable with the cloud drive concept, you can copy and paste your parameter list into a forum response here.
    The cloud drive method is simply easier to view/evaluate.
    If you do post here, don’t bother with the g54.. and beyond parameters, they are important but not for now in this discussion and just make for screen clutter

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
    in reply to: Extruder Heater Controller for TinyG #7696

    I’m not Synthetos, so I can only provide advanced speculation based on hanging around here a lot. If you wander about Synthetos on gitHub, you will see some code for the Fin as well as as sub-project called Motate, which provides structured hardware modularity for various internals.

    I’ll observe, with perhaps 80+% certainty, the Fin experiment was just that, a prototype. In addition to continued refinement and bug fixing for tinyG FW on the V7 and V8 ATXmega192 device; significant effort is being focused on porting tinyGfw forward to the more powerful ARM based uCs such as the SAM3X

    My assumption, based on your interest in this topic, is that you want to build a tinyG based 3D printer or similar machine. You are not alone, several folks are actively developing controllers based on the tinyG2 framework. None are available yet, that I have seen. They wrap the tinyG motion control core with the additional hardware required for typical printer functions.

    If you want to develop your own Application layer on top of established hardware (such as the V7 Fin), you might find that existing Shields combined with the Arduino DUE platform, which runs tinyG2 and has good FW build support, is a good understanding tool.
    I have been working on merging a Ultimaker II Shield, mature and widely available at very reasonable cost, to the DUE Platform for CNC applications. But it does have some added control for the 3D application as well. Developed to run originally on an Arduino Mega, the Ultimaker shield is pin Compatible with the DUE, but one needs to be careful of the logic interface difference (5V vs 3.3V). I am still at it, but looks to be doable. There are other shields out there as well.

    in reply to: TinyG not #7695

    That’s good news, Oliver. I believe your conclusions are correct on the quick evolution of switch treatment.

    In the future, when you might evolve to tinyG2, you will see some significant enhancements to limit switch setup and operation, including individual switch setups for NC and NO.

    I isn’t at all clear to me how a useful Zmin limit switch could be physically implemented, at least on my ShapeOko. The problem, as I see it, is the variability of tool tip location as one changes tools and tool types.
    Not to mention changing spindles.
    This comment of course in the context to a CNC mill, not a 3D printer set up.

    Enjoy your machine

    in reply to: Z Axis Help #7692

    By the way, you really should , st some point, upgrade to FW 440.14.
    There are several operational improvements to be had.
    But I don’t think they are contributing to your current Z issues.

    in reply to: Z Axis Help #7690

    Your $3motor and $z axis parameters look OK, but somewhat odd.
    Did you enter parameters in inches, and this display was converted to mm??
    What I mean by 0dd is :
    [zvm] z velocity maximum 787 mm/min rather than the recommended 800
    [zfr] z feedrate maximum 787 mm/min rather than the recommended 800
    [zjm] z jerk maximum 51 mm/min^3 * 1 million rather than the recommended 50
    So these values are not “bad”, just odd.
    What did you use to set Parameters? CoolTerm? CP-Serial Port Console?

    Search velocity does not affect jogging, just homing.
    Jogs move at G0 velocity, $zvm.

    Can we assume you see ‘G91 G0 X1’ appear in the Serial Port Console when you jog one click on Z?

    When you hand spin the Z axis pulleys, does it feel smooth, might there be some binding?

    Am I correct reading your power adjustment dialog to say that you are experiencing the skipped jogs at full pot?

    One way to test for Axis binding would be to remove the pulley and let the Z motor spin free (or just pop the belt off, if you can.)

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
    in reply to: Z Axis Help #7688

    I agree with your $3tr=2.117mm logic.

    Most wiki suggestions I have seen (tinyG, ShapeOko) recommend $3mi=4 microsteps on the Z axis, that would mean each microstep would move 2.117/(4*200) = 0.00265mm. If you leave it at 8, then each step would be 0.00133mm

    what Jog precision are you selecting?
    If you select 1, then every jog will create 1mm of moves.
    If, on the other hand, you select 0.001, the axis will not move on every jog, it will only move when the accumulated jog requests are > 0.00133mm, which is the minimum move it can make.

    Note that the jog precision does not change when you toggle units.
    If you are in mm, 0.001 means 0.001mm
    If you switch to inches, 0.001 means 0.001/2.54=.000394mm.
    It will take a whole bunch of jog commands before a 0.00133mm move will be made.

    in reply to: Set step pulse width for an external driver #7687

    I have no personal experience with this Driver and have not seen traffic here, but someone else may join in.

    My Read: Bottom of Page 2, top of page 3
    The Step, Dir and Enable interfaces are opto-isolators, + anode side, – cathode side.
    Interface voltage is 5V minimum (no resistor)
    tinyG is 3.3V logic, so you will need a 3.3V to 5V translator.
    I use 74AHCT125 devices for this job, but there are others.
    The buffered tinyG signals would connect to +(anode side) and Gnd to -(cathode) side.

    You need to research the required sense of the Enable Lead. tinyG Enable is active low. If this driver wants Active high, you will need to invert the tinyG signal rather than buffer it.

    Microstepping – You will need to manualy set the microsteps on the Driver unit to match what you set up in tinyG $_mi parameters.
    I believe you can set the tinyG parameter to any value, not just 1,2,4,8 and it will compute pulses per that setting. I would recommend initial test/verification with one of these ‘standard’ settings then experiment from there if you think smaller steps are useful in your application. Also suggest review this

    It is in the G2 wiki, but the comments would apply here as well.

    A final thought – your setup seems headed to requiring significant buffering (and wiring) external to tinyG. You might want to consider tinyG2 on a Ardino Due – with a (widely available) development shield on the DUE where you could wire up the required buffers. This may or may not make for a simpler physical implementation.
    tinyG2 is not as mature as tinyG at the moment, but is being actively used by many folks and intense refinement effort. See

    in reply to: tinyG controller motor1,4 pulse rate #7684

    Documentation – If you have not had a look already, have a look at the tinyG wiki:

    tinyG Firmware – The current FW is build 440.14. You will want to get there sooner or later, but we can debug your behavior(probably) with the installed build.

    Interface software – tgFX is no longer supported or under development. If you want a GUI, using Chilipeppr is recommended. For basic setup and test, CoolTerm is an option as well. These are the most talked about, so best supported, options.

    From what you have told us so far, it is difficult to know what motor is connected to what axis and what the parameters of the setup are. The default (first boot) parameters do change from FW build to FW build.
    The important motor parameter you need to tell us is the step angle (or the equivalent steps per rotation). Most prevalent seems to be 200 steps per revolution, or step angle = 1.8deg.

    From your description, it sounds like you just have the motors connected to tinyG, not to a machine. That is a good way to get familiar with the basics.

    The fastest way to communicate your current state is to run the $$ command to list all your current settings. Then copy/paste them to a text file. Best way to share them is outlined here:

    You might be able to get this from tgFX, but success depends on the FW version on tinyG. There were interface issues between tgFX and tinyG with certain versions of each.
    I would suggest you become familiar with CoolTerm first, it is a basic screwdriver in your toolbox. Chilipeppr is the full toolbox plus, so has a somewhat higher learning curve.

    Note: If you used tgFX to load a set of parameters from the machine dropdown list, that could be a part of your problem – damaged parameter set. We really need to see your $$ dump.

    in reply to: Extruder Heater Controller for TinyG #7681

    Wow, I have never seen these pics.
    I actually have a tinyGV7 production board, this looks to be an experimental board based on V7.

    I’ll have Riley stop by to discuss.

    in reply to: Can't edit Tinyg config #7677

    Be aware that Chilipeppr also has a forum like interface at

    Info available either location.

    In this case, you will find this issue resolved over last night – an piece of code-in-development was inadvertently turned on.
    Refresh your CP browser tab, the older congigtinyG wizard should load for you.

    The tinyG updater app is having difficulty on some platforms(OSs).
    The older avrdude method still should work:

    Adding the -e option, per


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