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Me again.
I am not a G38.2 user, so have no hands on to offer.
Read thru this Issue to see if there are helpful hintsI think I know what you describe about switches and inverters, but it would be helpful if you post your complete parameter set (the archive file, once you can get it 🙂 )so we can have a look if the Issue discussion does not clarify for you the G38.2.
Posting your parameters to a Cloud resource (Dropbox, GDrive, etc.) with a link here is preferred, long lists don’t display well here.Get to know what goes on at
Some of the more ‘advanced’ issues show up in that space.
cmcgrath5035ModeratorLimit switch recovery – limit switches act like a non-maskable interrupt that stops the tinyG process cold, position info, etc are lost.
The results of the reset are to set machine zero where ever thew machine is.
If the switch is still operated (closed for a NO), then any attempt to move with jog or Gcode command will trip limit again.Solution 1 – manually move the machine away from the limit
Solution 2 – if manual is not practical, after reset turn off limit switches, then jog/move away from current location.Re-enable limit switches- This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
cmcgrath5035ModeratorYes, flash is on-board the xMega.
However, a factory fresh tinyG has the bootloader installed in a protected area of flash. The boot loader would need to be loaded with an Atmel ICE or equivalent.
Here is a good starting point for navigating the process; I have never tried this myself.cmcgrath5035ModeratorStrange indeed that the damage is as you describe.
Is there a way to use the A axis inputs for as the Z axis? I won’t need the A for quite some time and could make this work for now if I could.
Likely you could frog thw A pins and X pins by modifying and recompiling the code, although I have not looked at the code so cant recommend a whole lot. You’ll have to wander thru the code base – perhaps someone who has done this will stop by.I would start by trying to understand file hardware.h and how it interacts with the interface processing.
Be aware that the damage to the chip caused by this might ‘grow’ over time, say if the top level insulating layers were cracked by the sudden burst of heat. So have a backup plan in mind as you move forward.
cmcgrath5035ModeratorEach port pin on the tinyG port pin has a 2.7k small chip resistor(a pull-up)to +3.3v and a 0.22uf cap to ground.
applying 30 V to the port pin likely damaged the input structure on the IC as well as flowing back thru the 2.7K into the 3.3V bus.
Schematics are here if you want to look
Your description implies tinyG still communicating?
I am somewhat amazed.
I for sure would not keep testing with the 30V connection to the PNP .Do you have your port pins properly set to NO in tinyG parameter?
A high current surge may have damaged the sensor as well ?cmcgrath5035ModeratorTo reset parameters, I would suggest you send a $defa=1 command from the CP Serial Port Console. This resets parameters in EEPROM to ‘factory setting’, a set of parameters compiled into the firmware
Reflashing the tinyG with FW 440.14 would have the same effect.
In both cases, the tinyG parameters will then need to be manually restored to match your machine. Use either the Serial Port Console command window or the configuretinyG widget.
Running Windows, your could do the same process using CoolTerm, the choice is up to you.
TinyG runs based on parameter values stored in EEPROM. The initial values in EEPROM are loaded as part of the FW install process. Subsequent changes to parameters make from the command line or by programs such as CP change values in EEPROM, not flash.
The problem of corrupt parameters we are chasing are most likely with the values in EEPROM, not flash
I highly recommend you NOT try tgFX anymore. While some basic functionality may still work properly, there are know issues between the final release of tgFX almost a year ago, and FW440.14. Work on tgFX has been terminated.
Good luck – let us know how you make out.
Give this section of the updated G2 wiki a readI believe it says if you want to use , say, 20 microsteps per step, tinyG will do step distance computation correctly, but you will have to manually set the right 3 bit code to tell the LV8727 what you want (or modify the code that drives the mi0-mi2 pins).
I would suggest you try to achieve some manner of movement sanity with 8 or 16 microsteps, likely ‘non-standard’ values don’t get as much testing.
cmcgrath5035ModeratorHmmm. I am a bit suspicious that your parameters were borked a while ago by tgFX.
I think I have to recommend a factory reset procedure to get a clean set of 440.14 parameters, after which you will need to reset your motor and axis parameters again.But first – what are you using on PC to run your machine:
OS – Win__, Linux, MACOS ?
Interface SW – Chilipeppr, CoolTerm, other? You can no longer use tgFX.cmcgrath5035ModeratorI understand, I should have prefaced that I’m talking open belt machines e.g. Shapeoko and relatively slow feed rates.
So you obviously have CNC experience, and understand when I comment that feed rates are typically dictated by cut depth and material parameters.I am not aware of a set of ‘recommended ‘ ballscrew machine parameters.
Have a look thru the header files herePerhaps you will see something that looks like your machine, based on travel per revolution?
Your could also post settings in a file (dropbox, etc.) so perhaps another user with similar machine will stop by and comment?
Think of jerk as an “aggressiveness factor’ influencing the commands to ramp speed up and down.So higher jerk values accelerate and decelerate faster, machine overall runs faster, but likely a bit noisier than less aggressive acceleration machines
Also, what FW version are you running on your tinyG? There were older versions that turned my NEMA 17s into jackhammers on certain jobs.
If you are not running fw ($fb) 440.14, you should be.Can you (relatively) easily release your belts and just run the job spinning the motors, but not moving?
Perhaps that will help establish what I would expect to be the ‘noise floor’.- This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
Two parmeters[ja] junction acceleration50800000 mm [ct] chordal tolerance 0.0000 mm
Look to be way off, here are the default values
[ja] junction acceleration 100000 mm [ct] chordal tolerance 0.0100 mm
$ct=0 could be causing havoc.
You might try just changing these.
But to be honest, a number of other parameters look strange, such as
[xtm] x travel maximum 300.228 mm [xjm] x jerk maximum 5004 mm/min^3 * 1 million [xjh] x jerk homing 10008 mm/min^3 * 1 million
I am not sure why you would have 5004 vs just 5000.
Did you enter these manually? Do you recall how?cmcgrath5035ModeratorEasiest way is to start up CP/tinyG, clear the Serial Port Console scroll area, then connect to tinyG.
You will see the sequence of commands, and responses, scroll thru the console.
These are tinyG commands, not GCode.If you continue to have issues, report the FW build of G2 you are using.
Some versions had issues with some of the commands.
Also, have you seen/reviewedHow does LabView do flow control?
tinyG supports Xon/Xoff and RTS/CTS.
Chilipeppr (SPJS actually) does it’s own flow and buffer management.cmcgrath5035ModeratorA settings issue does not seem likely as you describe the behavior, but anything is possible. As described, it would seem to indicate a bug or geometry induced math error.
Most efficient would be for you to post your Parameter set and a Gcode file known to have triggered this. Using dropbox or similar cloud resource is easiest to deal with. SeeIf you run the Gcode via the CP simulator, does the plot follow the correct path?
If you know what line number (even approximately) in the Gcode file triggers that that would speed analysis.cmcgrath5035Moderatorqtfp
I am just a user, not Synthetos.
I learn from good user questions like yours.So now we understand why jogging was 0.5, that is good.
If you study the data sheets for the 8825 stepper driver and the LV8727 stepper driver, I think you will see the significant differences.
tinyG2 does not know how to program the LV8727.Just for experimentation purposes, try to run with a known valid microstepping setting, such as 16 or 32.
Does tinyG2 still hang?cmcgrath5035ModeratorI don’t think there is such a setting. Steppers are neither smooth, nor quiet. Some factors such as belt tension will change the tone of the noise a bit. At certain velocities (stepper rate) you may excite natural harmonics in your machine that amplify the effect.
Sure, higher speed sounds different.Smoother is just a perception.
Jerk settings modify the aggressiveness of the acceleration and deceleration curves.Ultimately feed rates are determined by what your machine is doing – milling, drawing , lasing, etc. and by the materials being worked (plastic, work, metal, etc.
I am very confused here. I am focused on your Response to 1.), the jogging issue.What confuses me is that the jogging action (holding down the arrow key) shows repeated relative moves of 0.5 in the X direction.
When you release the key, a ‘freehold command’ (!), then a queue flush command (%). All this is normal EXCEPT the size of the move.
Have you set a custom jog increment of 0.5?2.) OK, we’ll pass on this for a bit.
3.) The proper command is $4tr, not $m4tr. etc. Review the command structures here:4.) No, you cannot make up your own microstepping rules, they are defined by the internals of the stepper driver devices. The only legitimate values are 1,2,4,8,16 and 32 for the 8825 drivers that are assumed for tinyG2.
If you have a 4mm/rev ballscrew and the stepper directly drives the threaded rod, then for motor 1:
$1sa=1.8 (which is 360/200)
$1mi=16 (choose from 1,2,4,8,16,32)
tinyG2 calculates the movement per microstep and keeps track of the math.
If you really want to understand how microstepping works, look hereWarning, it is not an easy read.
5.) In general your JSON scripts for setting parameters look OK, but they look OK for a tinyG, not tinyG2. There are many more settings in the tinyG2 setup. Here is a parameter set for build 71.04, just as an example:
BUT, parameters are added from time to time, so you really need a full parameter list for your build, which I think is 78.02.
To get the full parameter list, you enter $$ in the Serial Port Console.
If you are using Chilipepper, you can also create a parameter backup using the procedure described here:The archive procedure will download the parameter list to your PC.
You are seeing (rotational) movement in the B axis, but too much; you commanded a 1 degree move and got 288 degrees.
For now, I’ll assume this is due to your use of $4mi=20.
Retry with a vaild mnicrostepping value. -