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ModeratorUsing UGS does not have a line limit/size of Gcode files AFAIK.
There are some issues with Chilipeppr, which uses a different and much more aggressive buffer management strategy.Just how ‘fine’ is your fine detail? Are the move commands in that area of Gcode moves that tinyG should make? To estimate, calculate the move made by each step pulse in X, Y and Z. A step pulse would be a microstep at your microstep settings. So if your steppers are 1.8 deg (200 steps per rev) and microsteps = 8, tinyG will issue 1600 steps per revolution.
Divide distance moved each rev by 1600 to determine the minimum move.
You could just try to cut your microstep setting in half (say 8 to 4) and rerun you job in air to see if it still stalls.Sounds like a real long run time job, maybe edit your Gcode file to just send the fine detail.
ModeratorJ17,J18, etc are the step, dir, enable signals from the micro controller to the onboard driver devices. They are controller outputs, 3V logic.
They are provided to interface with external Stepper drivers for those needed higher power drive to steppers.
More info here:And, correct, no position feedback loop.
TinyG keeps track of position based on the number of step pulses sent since the ‘current position’ was sent.cmcgrath5035
ModeratorHmm, ok so I can’t use the tiny G with servo motors?
Correct, alt least for a ‘classic’ servo that feeds position back to the driver device, expecting the driver device to keep trying until a commanded move is actually made.
tinyG does not have hardware ports to read the feedback from the servo nor does it have FW to “keep trying”.cmcgrath5035
ModeratortinyG does not support servo motors.
The signal interface to steppers, one per motor interface(tot 4) is step,dir,enable and gnd; all are outputs.
They can drive external stepper drivers if 3.3v logic works for the ext driver, otherwise a logic level translator is required (eg 3.3v to 5v).I have seen discussion of external servos that will work with this interface, unconfirmed and no experience here.
I would not recommend drawing extensive power from the tinyG to power external circuits; thermal dissipation issue with the on-board regulator.
ModeratorI just responded to your item at
Your description above sounds like it contains the root cause, I don’t believe Easel and tinyG are compatible and whatever a script from easel is it likely corrupted tinyG.
It also, from your description, sounds like it borked Chilipeppr, since, for example, tinyG has no direct interaction with WebGL.
Closing your Chilipeppr tab, then relaoding Chillipeppr might clear the issues there, otherwise post over at Chilipper or Ox. There are many Ox users with deep Chilippr experience.June 27, 2017 at 6:37 am in reply to: TinyG CNC controller board v8 USB 2.0 port malfunctioning #10423cmcgrath5035
ModeratorWhat OS on your laptop?
A very recent tinyGV8 likely has FW= 440.20 pre-loaded.
What LEDs illuminate when you first power up (without USB connected) ?
Any additional LED activity when USB inserted into laptop?cmcgrath5035
ModeratorWhat OS are you running on your PC?
Typically, an Access Denied error message implies the resource is locked by another application, are your sure you don’t have two CoolTerms running?
Also, if you are on Linux, you may need to change the permissions on the serial resource to allow user access, not just root.cmcgrath5035
ModeratorI believe what your want to do is use Motor drivers 3 and 4 to drive a single stepper motor.
My best guess is not likely.
The driver device handles all the gory dynamic details of turning a step pulse + the direction level into precision coordinated (and terminated) pulses on the two winding outputs.
Even with both motors set to connect to the same axis and hence see input step pulses at nearly (or precisely) at the same instant, i see nothing in the device specs to guarantee high precision step pulse to output signal delay control control.
It might work, but I’d suggest a long and detailed read of the 8825 driver spec before you try it.cmcgrath5035
ModeratorI am unaware of any CAM software (e.g. Chilipepper) that has yet developed a higher level interface to the enhanced I/O capability available in $fv >=0.99 firmware.
To achieve what you want, you will have to
Step one : Understand Motate
Step Two : Code up an out x:y and rebuild the I/O structure with a new Motate Build
Step three: For now, you will be able to toggle the new I/O using a terminal command line interface to G2CoreThe DUE is somewhat Pin out limited, as you can tell.
Safe to assume that the target for this enhance I/O structure is yet to be released hardware or custom designs built around DUE compatible compute engines.
But limited use based on a DUE is possible.cmcgrath5035
ModeratorThis is a somewhat dated, but still accurate(I think) pinout for G2core when compiled for Gshield.
I see spin on/off, spindir, spinpwm and coolant, which are the leads supported from Gcode on tinyG.
You looking for something else?
ModeratorAre you using Gshield on DUE for motor drive or external drivers?
You should consider a 3.3v to 5 V logic buffer for all external driver interfaces.
Or, you could make the pin change you suggest in Motate and recompile.
ModeratorOn my tinyG U7 is an LM2594 switching voltage regulator
Matches the schematic pinout, it converts Vmot to 3.3V, set by voltage divider R4 and R5.
What is a P1?
You Mean D1? schematic says it is a MBRS140, Shottky Barrier diode
If, as I am guessing, you think you killed this regulator and the diode,
there is a likelihood that the 3.3V bus on the whole tinyG went outside the range 0-3.3V.
That usually means instant death for 3.3V logic, or worse, electrical stress that may result in random near-future death.Keep that in mind if you set off to repair
ModeratorIt’s not 100% clear what you seek to do, so some Q&A first.
To reduce confusion, I’ll seek to use terminology as defined in this wikiTake note that the capabilities as described in Digital I/O and fv >= 0.99 are new to all of us and evolving.
You want some outputs to be 0 or 1, so the pins will be configured as digital outputs which is supported in $fv =0.99.
For simplicity, consider digital outputs of two types
Controlled by Gcode
Examples would be SPIN (spindle on/off) and Cool (coolant on/off). Digital outputs of this type are pre-assigned by default to specific pins and bound to specific Gcode commands
Controlled by CAM (Computer Aided Machining)
Example would be an output controlled by the user for a user specific function.
Which of these two types of outputs are you asking about, Gcode controlled or CAM controlled?
I’ll stop here as this could head off in different directions depending on your response.
It would be useful if you would provide a parameter listing for your particular setup, send $$ to G2core from a terminal window, then copy/paste the resulting output to a text file and post the text file to a cloud drive of your liking (Gdrive, Dropbox, etc) and provide a URL here for viewing.
Also, have a look at
Issues is a place to ask detailed questions, raise potential bugs, etc and is closer to the developers. Some of the topics will likely be informative as GPIO evolves.
ModeratorYour description does sound like a defective connector.
Are you sure you opened the contacts all the way by rotating screws counterclockwise?
That should open the jaws of the clamp.
it is easy to insert the wire on top of the top jaw if the jaws are not wide open.And yes,
is the best way to connect
ModeratorPlease post the Issue Number that helped you out.
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