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ModeratorDon’t see muh in that domain, but this item did appear today over at Chilipeppr
ModeratorI did not pull down your code.
Any chance the code is (improperly) seeing incoming {sr…. responses as {r… responses and incrementing ?
Just a wild guess……
ModeratorCan I assume you have looked at items over at
that might relate here?
You will likely get more help by logging this as an Issue – there is not a lot of experience with line mode as yet, so getting developers attention will help.cmcgrath5035
ModeratorInteresting; I am not all that familiar with the 3040 mill standard configuration.
Can I assume git SHA: af26ad8966d4cd065c9fb08ebdc6eee6264daef0 yields a $fb=100.26 build? That would be most current Edge, but there are a lot of them floating around.
From your other post, on line mode, that would be my guess.cmcgrath5035
ModeratorI have not tried them in a while, just downloaded the latest versions (Linux_64) and will give them a spin as time permits.
What G2core build are you using? With gShield or external drivers?
ModeratorSounds like your parameters have become corrupted.
SPJS should have no direct effect like this.Check values of $1ma, $2ma, $3ma and $4ma (motor -> axis assignments)
Or, run a $$ parameter dump from the Serial Console Widget, then copy the results and paste to a text file.
Post the text file to a cloud drive, post a URL here for review.-
This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by
ModeratorThere is no magic solution in this space.
Too many variables and new great ideas.
Once your have decided on a particular tool chain, e.g. Fusion and Chilipeppr, stick with it a while and develop your understanding of the nuances and what works best.cmcgrath5035
ModeratorHave you tried running the rather simple 2D Chilipeppr Logo Gcode on your setup?
That should be a way to determine if your physical concept of what is +x, +y and +z direction, as set with motor wiring and polarity settings, matches a simple 2d drawing.
You are using rather sophisticated tool chains that have a lot of flexibility, its difficult to identify what might be off on your design relative to your machine setup.I do see in your Gcode a number of codes that are not supported by tinyG, it is difficult to tell if skipping those commands has material effect on how your code runs.
Here is the tinyG reference:cmcgrath5035
ModeratorGood luck with your finish
Moderator$$ file is good.
Comments on $$:
1. It looks odd to have 2 motors mapped to Y of the same polarity, but that is likely correct assuming the lead screws are the same rotation. Most legacy dual Y machines are belt drive and the Y motors rotate in opposite directions.
2. Do you actually have a Zmax homing switch? Your parameters enable it.
If you do, and you use Z homing, then you should set $ztn=-24 and $ztm=0.
By convention, tinyG homes Z to Zmax and all travel into your work is travel to “-” location.
More info:If you have no Zmax home/limit switch, set $zsx=0
Note that should you decide to use soft limits($sl=1) then you must make the #2 correction. In this parameter set $sl=0, so not really necessary unless you manually set home on Z.Any of this help?
If not, perhaps post your Gcode to the cloud drive for a look, perhaps something in there.
ModeratorHmmm, I cannot find a schematic for this smw3d, so the following is somewhat of a guess.
tinyG assumes passive NO or NC switch closure is used.
There should be no connection to 3.3V required, the tinyG input ports have a pullup resistor to 3.3v on the tinyG board.How did you connect this to tinyG, cut off the connector?
The only connector on tinyG that might accept this directly is the fan connector, but doing that will definitely not work.Do you have an ohmmeter available?
I might guess that the wires on this unit MIGHT be:
Black – Common
Red – NC (or NO)
Grn – NO (or NC)You need to determine which 2 leads constitute a NC switch, then wire to Gnd and the tinyG port. That should work, but might not depending on what the passive Rs and Cs on the smw3d actually do.
ModeratorJust looked at Cbeam URL so have an idea what you have.
Assuming you are using tinyG onboard motor drivers, the dir signal will be in proper state when step pulse signal is sent.
If you are using motor external drivers, please describe them and how you interface to them.A look at your parameter set might help – run $$ command from serial port widget, copy and paste the results to a text file, put the text file on a cloud drive and post the URL here.
Does this behavior (erratic up/down) occur only when running Gcode, or does jogging also misbehave?
ModeratorSending Gcode command “G20” (without the quotes) from the console widget will put tinyG in inch mode.
Sending Gcode “G21” will put tinyG into mm mode.
SeeRereading from the top, with the context that tinyG crashes/reboots when you hit switch, based on “..Hits switch and stops! disconnects from json server!..”.
You said it worked at one time – for many cycles, or just one?
I now have to question your switch wiring.
What sort of switches (mechanical, electronic/proximity) ?
Did you use shielded twisted pair to wire to the switches from tinyG port?
What port on the switch did you wire to(NO or NC)?One of your twisted pairs should be Gnd at tinyG end, the other should connect to the axis input port. Is that the way you wired it?
If the wire connects to the NC port, then $st=1.
See alsoCoolTerm is available for Win, Mac and Linux, but Chilipeppr console widget should work just as well, just a bit more complex setup.
Re-enter your parameters, one at a time from command line, in mm mode.
Run $$ in mm mode from command line, copy and paste the complete dump to a file , post the file to a cloud drive (Gdrive, etc.) and post a URL here.
That will reveal you whole setup, in a much more readable format.cmcgrath5035
ModeratorHits switch and stops, or hits switch and dies/reboots/flashes(as it would if the switch was a limit)?
Anything unusual happen since last it worked?
How do you send commands to tinyG: CoolTerm, Chilipeppr, etc?
Observation:Your parameter values look a bit strange.
Not necessarily invalid, just strange.
For example, why would you enter $xlv=4 in/min (a nice, round number) but $xlb=0.787in? A quick calc finds 0.787= approx 20mm.
Did you enter machine settings in mm mode or inch mode?
If issues continue, you might want to try sending $def=1 to tinyG, resetting all parameters to default.
Then reenter your parameters in mm mode from a Command Line Interface.
A reminder, save a copy of $$ listing so you have a reference point for reloading.Another thing to try:
Position (via jog ) the machine at X= 8in or so (good distance from Home).
Send the Home X command as machine starts to move, then manually operate the limit switch to see if the behavior repeats that far away from the switch.
What should happen is the machine stop, then start to back away.Best guess – parameter corruption.
I while ago folks using the Chilipeppr Parameter widget in inch mode were sometimes seeing a parameter corruption issue. The root cause was never found, have not seen it recently.-
This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by
This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by
ModeratorWhat flow control are you using ?
The tinyG devs generally recommend RTS/CTS over Xon/off. -
This reply was modified 7 years, 7 months ago by