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have tried powering down the tinyG while a plink connection is active. As soon as the blue pwr LED goes out on the tinyG, the RPi posts a “Bad file descriptor” msg implying that their connection is dependent upon tinyG being powered.
I would expect this. Removing Vmot (24V) also removes power from the FTDI device that terminates USB connection. The FTDI device is not powered from the USB bus.
Nothing. It is as if the reset button is inoperable. Blue LED does not even flicker. RPi/plink stay happy although when you look at the device log you can see it disconnected and reconnected.
Per the schematic, Blue LED simply says 3.3v supply is on.
The response to pushing the reset button would be under control of the bootloader; I agree with you that It sounds like bootloader is gone.It is possible that what you report is simply clean flash. (program storage). You might be able to reflash the ATxmega if you had an atmel ICE.
Or you could try returning the board to Synthetos for a courtesy re-flash.
I’m not optimistic, you unit sounds deader than most, but might be worth a tryI don’t think you could do this via TxRx interface. To load new code via that interface you need to be able to trigger the downloader firmware in the ATxmega.
An ICE can talk directly to memory sub section on a somewhat sane device.cmcgrath5035
ModeratorYou might find these schematic pages useful in this discussion
and page 2, the blue LED is connected to +3.3V.
So, the 24V to 3.3V regulator is working on your boardOn page 1, the Tx and Rx leds are drven by the FTDIdevice (hardware) that terminates the USB link. Not driven by the ucontroller, ATMega.
The FTDI device is properly terminating the USB link and looks OK to your computer (and the PC driver). Says that the FTDI device is operational, more or less.
The rest of what you describe says to me that your ATMega is unable to run any firmware, if that firmware exists.
Something has killed your controller device.
The FTDI device is a ‘front door’ to the controller.
The door can see you PC knocking, but no one is home inside the house.No info here as to what the cause of that might have been.
A foreign voltage, something greater than 3V, on an input, for example, typical affects(kills) just that pin or sometimes some physically(not logically) adjacent pins on chip.
But others could kill everything, for sure.
Just a wild guesscmcgrath5035
ModeratorIs there a specific version of UGS that works with 100.xx?
I don’t recall seeing traffic on the UGS question, perhaps someone will chime in.
Does UGS have a “speak JSON” option?
G2core defaults to JSON for almost everything.
You can modify that behavior by modifying $ej parametercmcgrath5035
ModeratorRead thru
Pay particular attention to the long list of things that were introduced with 100.xx. Big chages from theMost folks use Edge branch.
I am not a Goko user, have seen reports that Goko might not be G2core friendly yet. I’d try CoolTerm or putty for getting started.
Line Mode protocol is sort of new here.
I believe it is a correct statement that the G2core interface should appear as a plain USB interface, nothing special. when running via the DUE user port (not the programming port), you are connected to native USB hardware, not an FTDI-like device.cmcgrath5035
ModeratorA few ideas, you have many things going on here (maybe).
The current builds of G2core you could try can be found here: is the most up to date prebuilt binary for DUE/gshield.
Read the G2core wiki.
As of release 100.xx, G2core reverted to exposing only one USB divice when connecting an transitioned to using Line Mode protocol.If you continue to see the “unknown “TinyG v2” device” on startup, you might have a driver issue with Win7(64 bit).
ModeratorI have used Linux putty and plink with success, but not for sending Gcode files so this is a guess.
What flow control have you set for putty?
What flow control have you set for tinyG?
That would be parameter $ex
I’d start with $ex = 2 and set putty to RTS/CTSRTS/CTS should be adequate to ensure that tinyG buffer does not overflow.
But, I suspect the command line interface in putty will not be active until the entire Gcode file has been sent, but not sure.
May 29, 2018 at 9:53 pm in reply to: Is it possible to spec the \"polarity\" of Spin and Coolant I/Os? #10997cmcgrath5035
ModeratorGood news and good luck with your project.
May 26, 2018 at 6:17 am in reply to: Is it possible to spec the \"polarity\" of Spin and Coolant I/Os? #10995cmcgrath5035
ModeratorOptoisolator inputs are typically an led in series with a limiting resistor of some sort. A fully on LED is generally around 2V.
tinyG has a Vmot to 12v regulator on board for driving 12V fans, I have used that to provide bias for interfaces like this. Most opto interfaces are rated for 5v to 18V or higher, but there is by no means a standard.
You may have to experiment a bit to determine if an external resistor would be needed to limit input current to 5ma if a FET switched 12V on and off.
May 25, 2018 at 5:08 pm in reply to: Is it possible to spec the \"polarity\" of Spin and Coolant I/Os? #10993cmcgrath5035
ModeratorCaution – “optos must have built in weak pullups, but no schematic so just a guess” — Pullups to what voltage??
If any tinyG in or out sees more than 3.3V, weak or not, death could be imminent.I would verify first that the opto leads are completely isolated from any potentially large voltages.
It is likely that the tinyG outs can sink more current than it can source, but there is not easy logical(software) way to flip the “on” level for these outputs
Have a look at—External-Interfaces
A single MOSFET switch such as shown in the “External Interface Suggestions” would work for your need.
the DUE and tinyG device hardwrae is similar, 3.3V logiccmcgrath5035
ModeratorOK, A G2core build for DUE/gShield is now available here:
As best I can tell, pinouts have not changed but you could rebuild a custom.
As I understand the notes, you could now map ases W,U and V to existing pinouts if you had Gcode file that needed it.Also note that X,Y,Z and W,U,V are linear axes, ABC are still rotational be design.
Review the wiki for early comments on motion coupling among the various axescmcgrath5035
ModeratorThanks for the heads up about 101.02 release, I missed that.
There is no DUE/gShield build yet either, not sure why.
As we already know, the current list of assigned pins does not leave much room, so I feel safe in saying that the answer will be decide what you don’t need with the current mapping and use Motate to create your own.Keep your eyes out for an update, I have asked the devs for some guidance.
ModeratorIt has been a long time since I created that pin-out diagram, had to stare at it a while to refresh what is going on.
I believe the following to still be correct:
Microstepping – the pinout for all 6 motors only supports microstepping for 1,2,4 and 8 microsteps per step; 4 states, needs 2 bits.
The Due pinout was created with Gshield in mind, whose drivers only do up to 8 microstepping.
There are not enough pins on a DUE to support ALL G2core functionality; this default pinout supports 6 motors with partial functionality. If you want to control more detailed microstepping individually, you will have to sacrifice some other pinned out functionality to gain access to M1MS2(etc.)m1vref is an analog output (D/A) meant to control 8825 Power between 0 and 100%. The Pololu headers do not support the feature read up on the 8825 driver device to see how stepper current is made adjustable.
The default pin-out for the DUE has m[1-6]vref outputs.
See you do not want software based power control, you could map the vref pins to something else, such as m[1-6]ms2. Read up on Motate
ModeratorI read your query to say you did not want to re-home.
Rehoming would of course be most accurate, but does take time and would still require you to figure out from where to restart your Gcode job.
And all of this discussion probably dictates that you generate Gcode in absolute mode, rather than relative mode for best results.If you were to re-home, then proceed to run absolute mode Gcode, then offsets should not be required.
What sort of jobs are you running?
Small errors in a long 2.5D job would probably not be obvious, but restarting a fine pitch PWB milling job may not work so well.cmcgrath5035
ModeratorA tinyG reset does set the current position to (0,0,0).
I have never seen anyone try it, but I would think you could use the last position info that your software stored as an offset in the coordinate system your G codes runs in.
That sort of assumes you also know where in your G code job the reset occurred.
If you restart in the middle of the Gcode job, be sure to send any state setups that might have been issued, such as inch vs mm.
Let us know if this works for you
ModeratorI don’t use homing, so can only read the wiki and add comments from others.
Here are suggested parameters for a Belt MAchine (SHO2) with
a screw Z axis.[xjm] x jerk maximum 5000 mm/min^3 * 1 million
[xjh] x jerk homing 10000 mm/min^3 * 1 million
[xsv] x search velocity 3000 mm/min
[xlv] x latch velocity 100 mm/min
[xlb] x latch backoff 20.000 mm
[xzb] x zero backoff 1.000 mm
[yjm] y jerk maximum 5000 mm/min^3 * 1 million
[yjh] y jerk homing 10000 mm/min^3 * 1 million
[ysv] y search velocity 3000 mm/min
[ylv] y latch velocity 100 mm/min
[ylb] y latch backoff 20.000 mm
[yzb] y zero backoff 1.000 mm
[zjm] z jerk maximum 50 mm/min^3 * 1 million
[zjh] z jerk homing 1000 mm/min^3 * 1 million
[zsv] z search velocity 3000 mm/min
[zlv] z latch velocity 100 mm/min
[zlb] z latch backoff 20.000 mm
[zzb] z zero backoff 1.000 mmHigh jerk will be more aggressive in changing velocity, from low to high or high to low. If you have a low mass spindle, Jerk could be higher.