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ModeratorGood news!
Thanks for the summarycmcgrath5035
ModeratortinyG does have limitations on some G2 and G3 moves.
It has implemented rather strict check for arc start and end points based on gCode specifications.
Is this manually generated gCode, or output from a CAD to gCode translator?
Are you in inch mode or mm mode? MM frequently works better. All tinyG internals are in mm, inch commands and data are converted first into mm, with some inevitable loss of precision(its 8 bit math).the CP display on screen is essentially a gCode plotting package and does not include the rules checking that goes on within tinG
ModeratorI doubt you will find much help here, suggest you post this question to
where the devs and ‘modifiers/enhancers’ like yourself hang out.FYI, I don’t believe there is much activity making the SD card slot actually work on the V9(or DUE, for that matter), at least in the mainstream Synthetos code base.
Search issues for other SPI activities.cmcgrath5035
ModeratorThat of course depends on your definition of ‘control’ and the desired sophistication of your work flow.
A quick short list would include:
CoolTerm – Terminal emulator for CLI level control and a basic file sender
UGS (Universal gCode Sender) –
CNC.js –
Goko –You’ll have to dig in to their on-line documentation to see if they fit your needs.
ModeratorYour boot up sounds normal(more or less).
The 12 second delay is the boot loader waiting to see if you want to initiate a fw download, it’s just a fixed delay.
After delay, tinyGFW starts up. The default setting have the Spn/Dir set at 0.10 duty cycle, so that is a dim red you see.
TinyG, on completion of boot, sends a tinyG>mm prompt up stream, which is usually seen as a very brief TX blink.
There is a chance that your FTDI device has died, not a typical item.Do you have a another computer, Win or Mac(or Linux) you could plug into to verify board as bad?
It would be very unusual for the 3.3V on board regulator, which powers the devices and the blue LED, to fail. DO you have a VoltMeter you could check 3.3V?
This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by
ModeratorHmm, no OSX experience here, but in Linux land I would suggest opening a command console and running DMESG right after removing, then reinserting the USB into the MAC. There you would see OS messaging as the hardware was initialized.
I assume MAC has something similar.
From what you have reported so far, it does sound like a driver or perhaps a USB cable issue. Fact is, as long as the Blue led is lit on V8, the FTDI UASB to Serial device is powered and the connection should appear on the MAC side, whether or not tinyG firmware is actually booted.
Does tinyG boot up? That would be flashing SPN/DIR for a few seconds, then a quick flash from the tx/rx leds.cmcgrath5035
ModeratorSounds like some good progress; there is nothing like hands on experience.
Press On!cmcgrath5035
Moderatorwe went into alarm and the spindle stopped travelling in mid cut
What do you mean by “went into alarm” ?
Sounds like it shut down as if a limit switch was hit?
That would cause tinyG to reset and the current coordinate would become the new (zero, zero) after a reset.I would doubt this is CP/internet related. First reaction would be noise induced false limit switch indication.
ModeratorI think you are on the right track.
It is unclear to me if the DUE has USB Host capability, which is likely required for the controller DUE.Many in this space use RaspPi or BeagkleBoards for the controller side.
Folks have actually ported the entire Chilipeppr environment to a RPi3.Good Luck with your hunt
ModeratorGood luck, many Chilipeppr users are using G2core, perhaps look at their Group chats.
ModeratorWhen you built 101.03, did you build for DUE-gShield?
BTW, there as a pre-built version here that the Motors are enabled, I believe that they are disabled by the default settings.h.
This does sort of sound like a config issue
Moderator3. I can get 2 Due to talk with my own test sketch on each.
USB0 to USB0, or USB1 to USB1 ?
I believe when G2core is running, it is connected to USB1, with USB0 relegated to firmware download tasks, etc.cmcgrath5035
ModeratorNot much traffic here at this level of detail.
I’d suggest a question be posted at
The developers hang out there.
If you are using G2core, then
ModeratorI am not sure what you are trying to do here.
If you feed tinyG a Gcode file that contains 25 short segments that follow an arc, the motion planner will convert that to seemingly continuous moves at a rate bounded by your F speed (for G1 moves) or Vmax for G0 moves.
You will not perceive 25 incremental moves if they were along a continuous arc.If, on the other hand, you defined a Gcode file that moved following a square, the motion planner would nearly stop at every corner then change direction and continue.
You need to describe a bit more what you are doing
This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by