Using Raspberry Pi to control TinyG

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    I am currently working on a project that requires me to control a tinyG controller using a Raspberry Pi. The tinyG was previously controlled using a Windows laptop running CoolTerm, but that is not compatible with the Raspberry Pi’s OS. Instead, I am using a program called Putty, which has a built in terminal version called Plink. Using Plink, I can establish a connection to the tinyG, and send it files of Gcode. The tinyG runs flawlessly, but partway through the process, its stops working. It doesn’t do any actions that aren’t specified in the Gcode, which leads me to believe that it is a memory issue with the tinyG. My question is, how would I go about not sending all of the Gcode at once? I have searched many forums and haven’t found a solution yet.


    I have used Linux putty and plink with success, but not for sending Gcode files so this is a guess.

    What flow control have you set for putty?
    What flow control have you set for tinyG?
    That would be parameter $ex
    I’d start with $ex = 2 and set putty to RTS/CTS

    RTS/CTS should be adequate to ensure that tinyG buffer does not overflow.

    But, I suspect the command line interface in putty will not be active until the entire Gcode file has been sent, but not sure.


    Is the Goode originating on the Pi?

    If so, I would use Chilipeppr or similar web-based sender with the Serial Port JSON Server running on the Pi:

    Even if you don’t want to use the chilipeppr interface, spjs will manage timing and flow of Gcode to the TinyG.

    If you are only using the Pi as a network interface to the TinyG, then it gets even better, as you can send to spjs across the network from the originating computer, whatever it is.

    John Lauer wrote both and the spjs has been adopted by many other developers to handle serial Comms, including the latest Arduino IDE – it’s a very well-proven solution.

    Other ways could be to use octoprint on the Pi, set up a websockets server, remote Gcode sender like UGS:

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