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MemberI figured out my problem with the pins changing. I forgot to change the make file when compiling for edge and edge_90!!! I was only off by 6 inches the 6 between my ears.
MemberOK there most likely for debug so not inputs like I hoped.
Is there a better place to attempt to get a hold of people who use G2? Particularly because I broke down and started to learn Linux specifically so I could compile g2-edge which I could not for the life of me Get to compile on windows. I now have an idea why. The pins appear to be arranged differently than on the previous wiki pdf of the pinout. The warning about pins changing appears to be valid and I cannot figure out where they are referenced from. till I can figure this out I’m stuck at master.
Membercmcgrath5035 By any chance do you know what the pins in G2 on a DUE mean for the following?
gblrst ==? grbl reset
gblfrh ==? grbl freehold
gblcyst ==? grbl cycle start
gblenab ==? grbl enableIf so can you advise what the function is of each of the above just for clarity because I cannot find any reference in either the wiki of the forum for G2 on a DUE. right now these pins are floating on my setup and I am wondering if I should ground them or pull them to 3.3v
Thanks as always for your help and the real problem that my mill was suffering from was noise from the vfd. Isolating the controller and running 24v logic outside of the DUE made many random errors disappear.
MemberDitto the internet is a major minus. the other is that their isn’t a spindle speed override in CP and that for me when I press feedhold I have to wait for the buffer to empty despite having the two com port drivers installed. waiting for one command is bad enough 32 is just horrible.
MemberI Finally got a chance to compile the master branch and my problems went away. have you had any luck interfacing with a vfd. my vfd seems to want a variable frequency input instead of a variable duty cycle.
MemberAbout the micro stepping I agree. There is a great link about stepper motors and how the driver makes all the difference. The article was written by the guy who owns Gecko drives. I found the link on Basically as I understand it micro stepping greater than 10 is only useful under limited applications like moving mirrors to direct lasers where precision is more important than power.
MemberPul is pulse or Step pul+ gets directly connected to 5V and the minus is set up in a low side n channel switch using the bs170. 3 step pins and 3 direction pins.
Membernope 200 full steps per rev. The driver doesn’t allow full stepping. only 1/2 to 1/250. So I am running 1600 steps per rev for a dip setting of 0011. I will try lowering the current before I finish compiling 83.08 master build. But I have a hunch that my problems will go away with the old firmware. I looked through the git repository with the windows Github.exe and it looked like I had some how updated to the the VERY edge of tinyg2. I don’t remember this being the case when I started this a couple a months ago. BTW do you know of a version\change log so that I can tell ahead of time if for instance 83.08 will have the proper features ahead of time?
MemberIt cuts the same profile raised above the part as it does below and yes I’m using atmel studio 6 on windows 7 microsteps are 8 and all axes are the same.
MemberWell the drivers are DQ542MA by wantai motor. The inputs are optocouplers so I just attached the signal pin to the gate, 5V to the drain, and ground to the source. The optocouplers have a 200ohm resistor in series so that they don’t burn up. So when the pin is low the fet is off(open) and when the pin is 3.3 the fet is on(closed). That should be just level shifting to me.
I wasn’t measuring the step frequency but you right the output frequency is probably hard coded in. The gcode file doesn’t have that many small moves to me. Compared to some 3dprinting gcode files I have run it is practically microscopic. Not saying that it doesn’t have many small moves. Just maybe I’m on the wrong scale. I believe that it isn’t missing steps because it never fails a G0 command that I type in if I tell it to move 1 inch or 20 before I run the program it jumps and does it the same way every time. I set up a dial indicator to verify and it didn’t waver by .001″ which I though was pretty good. Now that is at machine rapids where the motors have the least torque so any thing slower should make it less likely to lose position right?
MemberYes the motors are torqey they are 3Nm(425oz-in) coupled directly to the 1605 Ballscrews with backlash less disk couplers. This gives 2.2kN(500lbf) at low speed and 440kN(100lbf) at high speed(90IPM). I am not losing steps during cutting and the coupling are tight I already checked the easy things for me, the hardware is unfortunately fine. I use the same bs170 fets to amplify the 3.3v signal to 5V and it seems to work perfectly. Drivers are supposedly rated to 200kHz. I’m running at most at 26khz frequency at Vmax. The motors get warm but the drivers have an enable pin on them I just haven’t hooked them up. I want to cut the shield\breakout board with the mill. CP reads the correct position but the zero(G54) is not where I put it and changes as the program is run ie the head moves smoothly but it follows the spirt of the program rather than the LAW. I think that you have it nailed when you recommend that I stay at 83.06 because I was running if I remember correctly 86.03. Now to figure out how to get the correct source for 83.09 fw. I have done no tweaks to the g2 code…. that I know of. This Atmel studio stuff is way over my head as is. Just getting and understanding the make file was a challenge for me. I’m a Mechanical engineer so the frame and motion is easy for me even the Arduino and basic coding like Matlab and VBA is doable. But outside the settings file I’m no longer in Kansas anymore. Again thank You for your help.
MemberAlso thanks for the compliment building the machine took almost 6 months of planning and 4 months of work to do the machining. I can’t wait until I learn how tinyg want it’s gcode files. It seems to want to shift the g54(work) zero as it moves. I say this because when tell the machine to return to part zero it is in different locations depending on where i stop the program. and it is shifting the zero in all 3 dimensions. I sent the same file with Chilipepper and coolterm and got identical results…. but they were not what I told it to do I think….
What I Thought I Sent
What I got instead…I know that it isn’t missing steps because the first time it crashed it bent the 3 1/4-20 bolts that were holding the workpiece down and stalled the 3hp spindle as it buried the cutter luckily the stickout was less than the total thickness and so it saved the bed and the tool.
I was trying to make toeclamps.
I did get the first program to run through flawlessly. It had the more “complicated” program in my opinion because it had Arcs in ijk and R but it executed flawlessly. I was really shocked to find that I couldn’t get this program to run. Used Inventor HSM with the tinyg post processor to generate the Gcode. Worked the first time not the second. the gcode file looks right.
Toeclamps gcode fileThanks again for any help.
MemberI believe you are correct. I think I could have used a big pull down resistor natively but I had bs170 fets on hand so I used them.
MemberText response for those who don’t want to watch the video.
each induction limit switch has 3 wires 12V, Ground, and signal.
I found that I needed to connect a n channel fet with the signal coming off of the switch connected to the gate and the input pin connected to the drain and the source connected to ground.Buckman117
Memberabove is the video response showing why I needed Ymax