How to configure Himing switches in tinyg2?

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    I Finally got a chance to compile the master branch and my problems went away. have you had any luck interfacing with a vfd. my vfd seems to want a variable frequency input instead of a variable duty cycle.


    I have not seen any traffic here on a variable frequency based control capability.
    I do see that you logged an Issue at

    which is the right approach; it will likely be classed an “Enhancement Request”.


    cmcgrath5035 By any chance do you know what the pins in G2 on a DUE mean for the following?
    gblrst ==? grbl reset
    gblfrh ==? grbl freehold
    gblcyst ==? grbl cycle start
    gblenab ==? grbl enable

    If so can you advise what the function is of each of the above just for clarity because I cannot find any reference in either the wiki of the forum for G2 on a DUE. right now these pins are floating on my setup and I am wondering if I should ground them or pull them to 3.3v

    Thanks as always for your help and the real problem that my mill was suffering from was noise from the vfd. Isolating the controller and running 24v logic outside of the DUE made many random errors disappear.


    Can I assume you have seen this diagram?

    I haven’t played much with G2 in a while and unfortunately most of my files on the topic are on my other computer, where I am not.

    I vaguely recall these being debug signals, useful for logic analyser input while tinyG2 was running.
    Since GRBL does not run on DUE, I think any reference to GRBL is unlikely.

    I would probaly assume gblxxx–> globalxxx, ??


    OK there most likely for debug so not inputs like I hoped.

    Is there a better place to attempt to get a hold of people who use G2? Particularly because I broke down and started to learn Linux specifically so I could compile g2-edge which I could not for the life of me Get to compile on windows. I now have an idea why. The pins appear to be arranged differently than on the previous wiki pdf of the pinout. The warning about pins changing appears to be valid and I cannot figure out where they are referenced from. till I can figure this out I’m stuck at master.


    I figured out my problem with the pins changing. I forgot to change the make file when compiling for edge and edge_90!!! I was only off by 6 inches the 6 between my ears.


    Good that you are back on track.
    There is a whole lot of detail to deal with , for sure.

    To sort of respond to your question, G2 folks lurk in many places, here, significant activity on

    and occasionally on Chilipeppr forums.

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