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  • in reply to: Unsupported Format – Updating w/ Atmel Studio 6.1 #4477

    Hmmm. Try this. Once it is sitting there “Getting TinyG Firmware Build Version”… Hit the reset button on TinyG and see if it kicks in and connects the rest of the way. Not sure why its not returning the build number now.

    Let me know if that works.


    in reply to: Unsupported Format – Updating w/ Atmel Studio 6.1 #4471

    I think you are running into an issue where windows screws up the file once downloaded.

    Try this (rather heavy handed) approach:

    Download this:

    Then find the tinyg.hex file its in firmware tinyg default. Then try to program it with that specific file.


    in reply to: TG and tgFX not talking #4466

    Can you be more specific about what does not work? It’s very odd that the 64 bit is working and not the 32. I would initially lean towards a problem with your 32 bit computer. tgJX is self contained (meaning I bundled all the java etc…).

    Does coolterm with with your 32 bit machine and tinyg?

    in reply to: Need some help getting a new TinyG up and running #4459

    You have found the bug. UGH! I suspect part of your bootloader code is toast. Yes, we will need to re-flash this. You have the very first version of the bootloader. 🙂

    Go ahead and send it back to us and we can get it re-programmed and back out.
    Lets take this offline to email.

    Also as far as “NAMED” hex files. Yes, we are going there. So little time so much to do.


    in reply to: TG and tgFX not talking #4458

    cmcgrath5035 hit the nail on the head. Can you provide those details. We are in Boston this weekend for the OSHW summit. So we are away from our “benches” however I will see what I can do to help out.


    in reply to: MKII and Ubuntu – can't get it working #4441

    BTW those instructions install and updated TinyG. Not the bootloader. I can give you the flags for avrdude to install the bootloader if you want.


    in reply to: PWM spindle governor question #4438

    Right now TinyG has support for PWM on the PWM port. It, by default is set to be used with PWM Speed Controllers / hobby servos etc. In fact OtherLab uses it with an ESC (electronic Speed Controller) for a brushless motor as a spindle.

    That being said I would have to see what you are talking about with your choice of a “governor”.

    Can you provide more details? I would also like to see what you are making. If you would like to share… Perhaps I can make a blog post or share it on the Synthetos G+ account.


    in reply to: MKII and Ubuntu – can't get it working #4437

    Ok I lied. I installed a Ubuntu vm tonight and got it programming with the AVRISPKMK II.

    This is what I did. Exact steps.


    Then I installed all the packages you need..

    sudo apt-get install avrdude avr-libc avrprog screen md5deep

    Then I just tried to program it…

    ril3y@ubuntu:~$ sudo avrdude -c avrispmkII -P usb -p x192a3 -U flash:w:tinyg.hex
    avrdude: usb_open(): cannot read serial number “error sending control message: Connection timed out”
    avrdude: usb_open(): cannot read product name “error sending control message: Connection timed out”

    avrdude: AVR device initialized and ready to accept instructions

    Reading | ################################################## | 100% 0.01s

    avrdude: Device signature = 0x1e9744
    avrdude: NOTE: FLASH memory has been specified, an erase cycle will be performed
    To disable this feature, specify the -D option.
    avrdude: erasing chip
    avrdude: reading input file “tinyg.hex”
    avrdude: input file tinyg.hex auto detected as Intel Hex
    avrdude: writing flash (97478 bytes):

    Writing | ################################################## | 100% 5.62s

    avrdude: 97478 bytes of flash written
    avrdude: verifying flash memory against tinyg.hex:
    avrdude: load data flash data from input file tinyg.hex:
    avrdude: input file tinyg.hex auto detected as Intel Hex
    avrdude: input file tinyg.hex contains 97478 bytes
    avrdude: reading on-chip flash data:

    Reading | ################################################## | 100% 3.25s

    avrdude: verifying …
    avrdude: 97478 bytes of flash verified

    avrdude done. Thank you.

    You will notice I did get a few “errors” trying to read serial number etc. But everything works. That is not required.

    Hope that helps.


    in reply to: Message on limit switches #4434

    Yup add this as a configureable status report object. so it only shows up when if hits.

    in reply to: TinyG v8 schematics #4433


    I just used one as a common ground. Worked for me.

    in reply to: MKII and Ubuntu – can't get it working #4432

    I have not programmed via Ubuntu for a LONG time. I did write this up a while back and its still on our old wiki. If you want to take a shot at this I think that would be a good idea:

    You can skip over the md5sum bit. Also change your chip to the x193a3 vs the 265 which is listed on that page. Let me know if that gets you going. I do not have access to Ubuntu at the moment. If not I will try to get a box up and going and see.

    in reply to: Synthetos board does not respond #4412

    I am not entirely sure what you are asking for. However,
    Is the link to the latest Edge tinyg.hex
    would be the most current master.

    The only reason I am including edge is that right now its the version that works with tgFX. This was a mistake I made. I promoted tgFX faster than we pushed to master. SO in the future the 2nd link above will be the “lastest working / tested” hex firmware file for tinyg. Is that what you were asking for? I am glad you got it however. If you have any additional information as to why it just “stopped working” I would very much like to hear. Anything you might have not included as you thought it had nothing to do with it or anything like that.

    glad you are working psyko. So what you building? Lets see what you go 🙂

    in reply to: Synthetos board does not respond #4409

    If your board it blinking at startup then you have a bootloader. I am not sure what you are describing? So everything worked. Then you mounted it, then it no longer worked?

    I am not sure if this is what you are experiencing, however there is a FTDI driver issue where if you disconnect the TinyG while plugged in you cannot reconnect until you power off the TinyG and reboot your machine.

    Again not sure if this has anything to do with what you are experiencing. From what you are describing you should be able to update your firmware to EDGE if you would like. (Edge right now is the only version that works with tgFX).

    Instructions for doing so are here:


    in reply to: Tgfx on beaglebone running Debian wheezy #4407

    Hi tbeste,

    I have had the same issues on the BBB and any version of Linux for that matter. The Linux version of tgFX is just a “build” and nothing more. I made it for a few people that wanted to try it out. The only way I am able to get tgFX working on linux for now was to install netbeans and run it from netbeans. Sub-optimal on the BBB as the Netbeans overhead is really too much. So consider Linux support at the moment “sketchy”.

    You are on uncharted waters as of now. If you are able to get it working cool. Please let me know. For now I am almost positive you will need Java (oracle version) 7 that includes Javafx2 (comes with java 7 so should be bundled). From there I assume there is something messed up with the JAVA_HOME environment variable. But that is just a guess.


    in reply to: Problem after attempting to upgrade firmware #4404

    You do not need to set the fuses. Or should not.

    If your goal is to use tgFX you need to right click save this file.

    That is Edge. Normally you will always use master for tgFX support. However, I pushed past master on accident. Edge will be pushed to master shortly. However as of today (Aug16 2013) Edge works with tgFX.

    Try that file and we can see if that fixes things. If not you can send us the board back and we can get you a new one. Your fuses should be set right. However, mistakes do happen. We will get you working.

    Sorry for the late reply I am watching this thread and should be much faster to reply.


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