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MemberSo I tried the Chilipeppr Logo and learned a few things…
1) Z-axis polarity had to be set to CCW, as did the Y axis. X operated just fine.
2) X+ is to the right when facing the machine front, Y+ is (now) away from the front, and Z+ is away from the surface rather than into.
3) The 2D GCode file required that I manually plunge the mill into the surface. I dropped it in 1mm as I saw the retract was set to 3mm in the file. I figured that would be sufficient. Prior to setting the Z so that (-) is into the material, it simply carved the air with the retract position actually in the material.
4) I clearly need more practice with Fusion. For some reason when I load the model in Chilipeppr, the visual render has the origin at the bottom of the stock rather than top. I seem to have inverted something, and I’m not sure what. Live and learn, I suppose.I’m using Fusion’s adaptive pocket clearing to do the milling code that you saw. I had it set to post in grbl thinking it would know what could be handled and what couldn’t be. I have looked over the code link and will try to keep my code and toolpaths to ones that the system can handle going forward.
Is there anything else you can recommend for setup that I might have missed? I tried to follow the setup wiki as best I could, but it seems some nuances may have been lost on me.
Thank you again, I truly appreciate the help. I’m so close to being able to cut, I can see the finish line.
MemberSo I manually set machine 0 and G54 0 in chilipeppr with the axis travel limit programmed into chilipeppr as well. I just ran a full file and the rapids cut through the work piece, and it could be because it runs into the (+) Z direction rather than (-).
In Fusion, I do start at 0,0,0 being bottom left corner and extrude down, which should set my G54 at the top face, bottom left corner of my work piece. The gcode file also mirrored the entire part along the x axis so the word “LOVE” was carved upside down (think of the V being /\). I wasn’t sure if that was due to a setting that I screwed up in Chilipeppr/tinyg, wiring, or a mistake I made in Fusion (I’m used to SolidWorks + MasterCAM). When I set G54 0 and hit start, the machine began cutting toward me instead of away from me, as the model was drawn.
On the bright side, the wiring change and such made it so the Z axis no longer misses steps or moves to an incorrect plane. So that issue seems to be fixed. I plan to add limit/homing switches soon, but I wanted to make sure I at least had it working before doing so.
I copy/pasted a chunk of the code. The file is 106k lines long, so I just put some of it here. If you want more, I can put the whole file. I cut this down to 4 pages of code.
Thank you for all the help!
There’s the document (I hope). I’m running the tinyg drivers to drive the OpenBuilds NEMA 23 motors.
I’ve only noticed it with gcode so far. I have the motors wired as:
Red – A1
Green – A2
Yellow – B1
Blue – B2
per the layout on OB website (and the r/g y/b pairs make the motors difficult to turn).Thank you for the help!
MemberThat’s what it seemed like to me, I just wasn’t sure if anyone else had run into this issue before. I received a few suggestions to remove and directly solder the wires, but I don’t want to do that.
Thanks for the link. Hopefully I hear back soon.