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What did you use to generate your $$ report (pastebin above)?
I can’t seem to interact with the Host USB port after flashing (via the Programming port). The RX light is slowly flashing, waiting for me to connect..Good news on your end!
cmcgrath5035ModeratorI suggest you try avrdude to update FW. Follow guides here
I suggest you upgrade to tinyG fw build 438.02, it may/may not help here.We have seen situations where parameter issues were not obvious.
A defa=1 command will reset everything to default. So will installing the new FW.If you can, use this method to post parameters
Makes viewing the parameters much easier.
I see flow control is turned off. What are you using to send GCode?
Or perhaps a better question, what command or commands resulted in the error message?All for motors have the same $*tr = 36.544mm. Is that correct?
cmcgrath5035ModeratorI have not compiled G2 in a while – what version compiled for you?
You are running Edge, correct?
I am in need of updating myself.
What host OS do you compile/download from?cmcgrath5035ModeratorAs I am sure you have already figured out, those are references into the Synthetos Wiki, not wikipedia.
If you start hereYou’ll see tinyG, G2 and tgFX, code as well as wiki references.
I suggest you study Chilipeppr as well,
Chillipeppr is a ‘third party’ development but closely coordinated with the tinyG folks. Lots of hints on their forum on the nuisances of buffer management and flow control
cmcgrath5035ModeratorCan we assume you have reviewed this wiki item
relative to buffering and Gcode delivery? While authored for tinyG running on ‘older’, lower performance hardware, I believe the intention of the port to G2 is to maintain a common approach.
And there is the G2 wiki as wellWhile I have not implemented what you are doing, my read is that maintaining optimal planning buffer fill is achieved by streaming the Gcode to tinyG under flow management by the serial I/O. For original tinyG, that was set by $ex to Xon/Xoff or RTS/CTS, for G2 of course it is native USB.
More aggressive buffer management is implemented by the Chilipeppr folks using the queue report mechanism.Waiting for “ok>” seems as if you are implementing a ‘robot’ that types in a GCode command, waits for it to complete, then send the next command , but to use your comment, “that’s an assumption based on no fact whatsoever :)”. It would appear that this manner defeats the concept of a planning buffer and the third order curve fitting/planning strategy. But I am way beyond reasonable assumption boundary here.
Your approach to ‘spoofing’ timyG to match up with your fixed 1/10 microstepping seems reasonable.
cmcgrath5035ModeratorI understand your comment “… defeats the purpose…”.
It will likely be helpful to the developers to have a full $$ parameter dump to look at. Posting it using the the method heremakes them easier to review.
From your description, I envision that you are developing your own ‘intelligent’ GCode sender that is actively monitoring the return messages?
My next suggestion would be to leave your speed high but experiment with the Jerk settings on X and Y. It seems that establishing optimal Jerk values is a combination of engineering and art, and vary from machine to machine.
Have you computed the stepper RPM required to move at your chosen F values? Seems they must be rather high, although I have no set up experience (travel per revolution, etc, parameters).cmcgrath5035ModeratorGuess what, I was going to ask if you were sure that tinyG was powered 🙂
Some folks assumed the USB interfaced would be PC powered.So, having the power lead give you some trouble is good practice; the screw down blocks can be problematic, Give each lead a little tug when you think it should be tight.
cmcgrath5035ModeratorThere are very few lurkers here from G2 space. You might want to try adding an issue at
The developers spend more time in that space than here.
I have no hands on experience yet, but wonder if you reduce your speed (from F4200), does that affect the error message occurrences?
Might the (computed move)/(Fspeed) be less than the time between microstep intervals?cmcgrath5035ModeratorAh so, of course.
Have you read thru any of the G38 command discussions, particularly on Chilipeppr, where an auto-leveler has been implemented?
Try a Google search on “auto leveling tinyG G38”, lots of hits.
It seems that the basic method used is to redefine an Z limit switch to be NO, connect a wire to the mill bit and a wire to the workpiece; works fine for a circuit board target, not so much when milling wood or plastic.
Seems that might work OK when milling metal in general.
You could just hit the Z limit, shutting down tinyG, then restart tinyG and Z will be a a new zero point.
Chilipeppr is much more sophisticated – probing an area and compensating for probe variations by in-line modification of GCode.That help?
- This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by cmcgrath5035.
cmcgrath5035ModeratorI am not familiar with what a “touch off plate” is.
Can you provide a brief description or URL to such?cmcgrath5035ModeratorYou may find this item helpful as a backgrounder:
I took a quick look at a pile of in-line power bricks in my experiment stash, a collection of old laptop, router and usb peripheral power units.
Some have two wire mains cords, with non-polarized plugs, and some have 3 wire (hot-neutral-GND) cords, all output a “floating” DC voltage.So a possible scenario is that your MAC bricks’ DC- is parasitically coupled to the hot lead while the CNC supply DC- is parasitically coupled to the neutral side, OR vice-versa.
There is no good reason to assume that the parasitic coupling is the same magnitude with the two supplies or that the phase of the parasitic voltage is the same. And, in fact, the parasitic voltage could be mostly 60 cycle harmonics or could be at switching supply frequency (typically 15KHz or higher), or a combination.I would guess that you might get the same tingle if you were to touch the DC- lead of the 24V power supply, but the resistance of a finger touching a small screw head vs a palm resting on a large aluminum plate (your laptop case) will be quite different, as would the magnitude of the tingle.
cmcgrath5035ModeratorDoh, sorry, you are correct on 240W becoming 220V. I read it too quickly.
Fan – the fan voltage selector is J12 (Schematic pg2) simply selecting Vmot or 12V on board regulator, so starting without jumper would not damage anything. Do you have a voltmeter to check voltage on J11?
I am assuming that you meant the fan is plugged into tinyG, by the way.
I sort of doubt you would feel a DC charge on your laptop (even 48V hardly tingles most people)), which makes me think first of some sort of AC voltage, but from where? Do you have a Multimeter available?
cmcgrath5035ModeratorFor tinyG V8, the Motor Voltage (for you, 24V) Ground Lead becomes connected to tinyG ground, and thereby USB connector shield and ground wire.
Reference Schematics can be found here (Pages 1 and 2)
If I had to guess, you will find the slight potential difference (“charge”) exists between the Negative lead of the 24V power supply and your work environment.
Possible reasons for this are too numerous to cover here, obviously include a defective power supply but could be as subtle as asymmetry in you incoming line voltage(240V AC ). Do you have an AC mains ground connected to the Power Supply input?
You could contact the Inventables folks, ask about how the 24V output is referenced to input ground lead.There could be an issue in the MAC end as well.
Since you are running 240V input, I’ll guess you are not in North America.
Other power related issues in your area?A suggested test: do you have a spare in-line Laptop power supply (or similar)in the 12-30 V DC range? tinyG will function over that range, but motors will probably be starved for current so don’t try to run a real job. You could substitute that supply for your 24V supply. Make sure you have the polarity correct.
Without saying, be careful. If you are unsure what you are doing, perhaps a local computer repair shop could evaluate the 24V supply output for foreign voltages.
I generally run my CNC equipment in my shop (North America, 120V) connected to an in-line Ground Fault Interrupter (GFI), which will help protect yourself, but won’t “fix” a defective supply. Always a good option if available to you.
As the guy who taught me TV repair back in the 1960s said, when “working on exposed circuits, when in doubt, keep both hands in your pockets – don’t touch anything”.
Your fan issue – Jumpers set correctly for 12 or 24V fan? see
cmcgrath5035ModeratorPlease clarify:
g28.2 y0
tinyg [mm] ok>
qr:32, qi:1, qo:1
qr:31, qi:1, qo:0
—> Is there any actual movement here, or just these position updates? <–
—> <–- This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by cmcgrath5035.