Ah so, of course.
Have you read thru any of the G38 command discussions, particularly on Chilipeppr, where an auto-leveler has been implemented?
Try a Google search on “auto leveling tinyG G38”, lots of hits.
It seems that the basic method used is to redefine an Z limit switch to be NO, connect a wire to the mill bit and a wire to the workpiece; works fine for a circuit board target, not so much when milling wood or plastic.
Seems that might work OK when milling metal in general.
You could just hit the Z limit, shutting down tinyG, then restart tinyG and Z will be a a new zero point.
Chilipeppr is much more sophisticated – probing an area and compensating for probe variations by in-line modification of GCode.
That help?
This reply was modified 10 years, 2 months ago by