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  • in reply to: Wiring limit switches #7310

    You are correct, my wording is a bit confusing if you are not good at schematics.Sorry about that.

    Each of the switch input ports on tinyG are connected individually to 3.3V thru a “pull up” resistor on the tinyG board.
    If nothing is connected to the port, or an NC switch which is operated (therefore open), the port pin will be high logic level.
    If NC switch is in the normal, Closed position, the port pin will be at low logic level,GND.

    So, NC switch, one lead to GND and on lead to the port pin.

    It is best to use shielded two wire cabling for noise minimization.
    Ground the shield at the tinyG end ONLY, not both ends.

    in reply to: Wiring limit switches #7308

    Be somewhat careful bouncing between GRBL and tinyG docs, Uno/Gshield is 5V logic, tinyG is 3.3V logic.

    So you are wiring the switches between 3.3V and ground.
    A NC switch will hold the port low normally, it will go high when the switch opens due to a pull up resistor on the tinyG board.

    Reference:Schematics for V7 and V8 can be found here

    in reply to: TinyG won't boot: SpDir light flashing constantly #7305

    What version of avrdude do you have?
    avrdude -v
    One more thing you could try is here:

    A relatively new development – appears only ready for OSx and Windows, although you could probably run under Linux will a little effort.

    in reply to: TinyG won't boot: SpDir light flashing constantly #7301

    We never heard back from member themij so I assumed something fixed it.

    I recently used avrdude ver 6.1 to upgrade to 438.02 from my Linux system.

    Some perhaps useful lines in the update log:

    avrdude -p x192a3 -c avr109 -b 115200 -P /dev/ttyUSB0 -e -U flash:w:tinyg-edge-438.02.hex 2>flash_err.log
    avrdude: verifying ...
    avrdude: 117552 bytes of flash verified
    avrdude done.  Thank you.

    Did you use the -e option on your avrdude command line?
    My upgrade failed without it, but did not write anything without it so a different failure signature than yours.
    I WAS updating (from 425.something), so perhaps a “reflash” of 438.02 has a different signature.

    This seems to confirm that build 438.02 loads 117552 bytes to flash.

    If -e option does not work, you’ll have to consult the Synthetos folks.

    in reply to: Problem with X-Axis Limit Switches #7298

    4. The X-Axis does not pass the manual test. Even swapping the X and Y limit switches at the board to test known good switches (Y) on the X axis does not trigger on the board.

    This seems to imply that the port pin is shorted to ground(same as NC),
    Can I assume that you are probing the screw in the connector?
    With no switch connected to the X limit connector, does the pin float high?
    Make sure the screw is turned in to the empty connector position, or put your meter probe into the opening where the wire would go.
    There is a 2.7K pull-up to 3.3V on each pin.
    Flip look carefully at the board for solder overrun, etc from trace to gnd

    in reply to: Problem with X-Axis Limit Switches #7294

    Some quick items from visual scan of configuration:
    1. Values of $xtr and $ytr look a bit unusual. NEMA 17s are usually 36.5ish, NEMA 23s usually 40.0ish (fine tune with good scale or micrometer)
    2. You might want to set $xvm,xfr,yvm and yfr to something like 800 while you are in ‘bring up mode’, to give you time to react after issuing a move. Reset them to 16000 when you are satisfied everything is operating, or increment back up and keep checking machine dynamics while running some test GCode.

    But Neither of these comments directly addresses your limit issue.

    By the way – if you machine bangs into a side, you can also hit the tinyG reset; which ever button is closer(reset or Emergency Stop). Either will stop the motors.

    – Mechanical limit switches, or magnetic?
    – When you say “Metered switches for open/closed”, was that at the switch or at the tinyG terminal block?
    – Are you sure that the switches operate when X and Y are at the limits? You could simultaneously test the mechanical setup, the limit switches and your wiring by measuring the voltage on the tinyG pin with a voltmeter while you manually slide the axis toward the limits. If necessary, issue a $md first to release all motors. You should measure 0V when the machine is in the active area, 3.3V when a limit is hit.
    – Your xsn, xsx, ysn, ysx, zsn and zsx parameters are sort of all over the place, I suspect you snapped this parameter set while experimenting. The suggested manual switch test above does not care about settings. Get limits working before trying homing.
    – If all the switches pass the manual test, as measured at tinyG, set $xsn=2, $xsx=2, $ysn=2, $ysx=2. Zero your machine in the middle of the workspace. I usually manually move the gantry to where I want a zero point, then hit the reset button, zeroing the machine and re-enabling the motors. If your configs are correct, you will have about +-100mm in X, +-140mm in Y to play with while safely staying away from the rails. Now issue a G21 G1 X50 F100 command. This should initiate a slow(F100) move from the zero location to X=50mm. While the axis is moving,manually operate the X Limit switch, which should stop the gantry. Repeat for X-50, Y50, Y-50. After each quadrant test, you have to reset your zero.

    See if all these tests work.

    in reply to: current trim #7291

    This Wiki item describes a tuning procedure

    Don’t over torque the pots – they are not super tough

    in reply to: Getting to Z #7289

    What type of machine (ShapeOko, OX, homemade, etc)?
    Wiring connections good?
    Can you manually move Z up and down by finger rotating the coupling? Reasonable effort or ‘tight’?
    Maybe back off the set screws in coupling, see if motor steps freely.
    Motor type (NEMA 17, 23, etc) Same motor as X and Y?
    Maybe list your Z axis parameters and your Z motor parameters, or just all parameters with $$.
    Could be Z velocity Max too high(and or Z jerk)

    in reply to: Firmware Upload Problem #7286

    OK, now understand the backlash discussion.

    In addition to belt tension, another contributor could be motor “relaxation” between commands.
    Depending on your motor power management settings, and the mechanicals of your machine, when the machine is stopped and the motors de-energized, there could be some movement of the system as the motors de-energize, if they were pulling against some tension in the machine.
    I have a bit of this issue with my Xaxis due to some residual forces exerted by a non-ideal drag chain install.

    A test technique might be to run a series of test steps with the motors fully on, then repeat them with the motors de-energized between steps by executing


    between each Gcode command. This will de-energize then re-energize all motors.

    Good luck! Have fun!

    in reply to: Firmware Upload Problem #7284


    I had a chance to read your “How to Run avrdude”.
    As I said, I am unfamiliar with OSX and how software runs from zip archives vs ‘installed’.

    If you want to pursue, I suggest you try this from a console window:
    [note: all this based on Linux behavior]

    cd [directory where you have your tinyG.hex file]
    run avrdude with no parameters


    You should get this

    Usage: avrdude [options]
      -p <partno>                Required. Specify AVR device.
      -b <baudrate>              Override RS-232 baud rate.
      -B <bitclock>              Specify JTAG/STK500v2 bit clock period (us).
      -C <config-file>           Specify location of configuration file.
      -c <programmer>            Specify programmer type.
      -D                         Disable auto erase for flash memory
      -i <delay>                 ISP Clock Delay [in microseconds]
      -P <port>                  Specify connection port.
      -F                         Override invalid signature check.
      -e                         Perform a chip erase.
      -O                         Perform RC oscillator calibration (see AVR053). 
      -U <memtype>:r|w|v:<filename>[:format]
                                 Memory operation specification.
                                 Multiple -U options are allowed, each request
                                 is performed in the order specified.
      -n                         Do not write anything to the device.
      -V                         Do not verify.
      -u                         Disable safemode, default when running from a script.
      -s                         Silent safemode operation, will not ask you if
                                 fuses should be changed back.
      -t                         Enter terminal mode.
      -E <exitspec>[,<exitspec>] List programmer exit specifications.
      -x <extended_param>        Pass <extended_param> to programmer.
      -y                         Count # erase cycles in EEPROM.
      -Y <number>                Initialize erase cycle # in EEPROM.
      -v                         Verbose output. -v -v for more.
      -q                         Quell progress output. -q -q for less.
      -l logfile                 Use logfile rather than stderr for diagnostics.
      -?                         Display this usage.

    It shows you how to specify the conf location(-C option)
    Note that you can practice by adding the “-n” option.

    in reply to: Firmware Upload Problem #7283

    OK, you are now in good shape with avrdude.
    The concept of Master and Edge is a good one, but Master (build 380.08) is now very much behind. Build 438.02 is in process of being “pushed” to Master.

    Depending on the type of Gcode you run, you may see issues with 380.08 that are corrected in 438.02.

    By the way, Motors coming on, then timing out are normal with 412.01.
    You will also see differences here in 438.02, discussed in the settings Wiki at

    Took a quick look at your configs.
    Why would the X and Y distance per revolution ($1tr,$2tr and $4tr) be different?
    Different pulleys, or are you tweaking for most precise moves?
    Also, why $xjm=500 while $yjm=5000; I would start with both = 5000

    I am not exactly sure of what you mean with the term “backlash”.

    in reply to: Firmware Upload Problem #7276

    Lets put your avrdude issue aside for the time being – I don’t speak OSX so that might require some research.

    What build of tinyG FW is currently loaded? The Version (0.97) is somewhat meaningless. If you have build 438.02,that is the best there is and I recommend you should stay there.

    What sort of machine do you have?
    When you say

    I have had a few issues with my machine when making small movements and as such went through all the parameters in an effort to eliminate the controller.

    Are you sending GCode or entering individual moves from the command line?
    If sending Gcode, how? CoolTerm or something else.

    Sending #defa=1 will have reset to a base set of parameters.
    Can We assume you then reloaded all the parameters good for your specific machine?

    A listing of your $$ parameter dump, and your Gcode if you are running Gcode, might speed along the discussion.
    Here is a good way to post it:

    in reply to: Homing Error #7273

    If I recall correctly, the bugs fixed in 438.02 were related to accumulated errors with very short moves(moves less than the minimum X-Y move).
    You should get your machine up to to 438.02 sometime, but if 435.10 works for you for now, enjoy.

    in reply to: TinyG Shapeoko Electronic Enclosure #7263

    The tinyG schematics are available here:

    1. Jim covered reset.
    2. Pause is a command, I don’t believe there is a hardware button. What do you use to send GCode? Try Chilipeppr, it supports a Pause function from the computer. Pause is a non-trivial operation, as you want to stop Gcode operation, but keep buffers and calculations intact.
    3. Emergency stop == open the 24V tinyG supply circuit.

    Quiet Spindle
    Did you buy a PWM controller for your spindle? If so, which one?
    So what is your plan – ON/Off or PWM/variable speed?

    in reply to: External reset jumper #7262

    J16 is, I believe, a legacy of life before the current bootloader, a way to force uC into boot code (for flashing, etc.) That is a vague recollection, might not be accurate. Reset now of course reboots as well..

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