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  • in reply to: Y axis motors stopped working #7478

    For your entertainment, here is one thread on the topic of issues related to stepper pulsewidth.

    I don’t have precise records, but 435.1 fw is in the timeframe that this issue appeared. Dialing $yvm way back to 1000 worked fror me, but the ultimate solution was fw 438.02 at the timr.

    And, a newer build, 440.13, is an even better choice. available here

    or try the new downloader

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
    in reply to: Finding hex file for new edge build #7469

    FW 440.13 has posted at

    in reply to: Support for light tower #7468

    The focus of tinyG is motion control, with limited support for related signaling for spindle and limits.

    Light towers are more about Machine and Job control, as a general observation.
    I bet you could implement something in Chilipeppr, using the GPIO capabilties, and formulate you own criteria for the colors you have available.
    Or, you could have CP turn your cell phone into a light tower.

    in reply to: Drilling – Canned Cycles #7467

    Same answer here , see:

    G81 and canned cycles not supported, yet anyway

    in reply to: Y axis motors stopped working #7466

    Homing sequences are performed at yvm and yjh (for y axis).
    You could reduce both (by say 1/2) just to see if that helps.

    What firmware build are you running?Current is 438.02.

    Somewhere between 410.xx and 438.02, the stepper pulse widths were increased, which might help here as well.

    I am just curious – why run two motors on one driver if you have a tinyG?
    Two NEMA23s might be marginal in that configuration.

    in reply to: Finding hex file for new edge build #7460

    Timeframe? YGIAGAM; I know devs are working on it.

    Is TinyG easy to brick if I screw something up???

    I have never tried building tinyG.
    I did manage to brick a tinyGv9. Build went OK, but due to a compiler error the binary was bad. I had purchased an Atmel-ICE for such events, but then found that the latest release of Atmel Studio 6.2 had a bug and would not interface with ICE! Read this if you need to head down this path:

    Simple answer? Probably.
    I do believe tinyG is a bit tougher, cleaner separation between connectivity and bootloader. In G2, the USB code is part of the binary.
    Do have a backup plan.

    in reply to: Finding hex file for new edge build #7458

    I think the simple answer is “yes, if you want the latest edge build, be prepared (and capable)building yourself”.
    Based on comments, and requests from the devs for ‘unique’ Gcodes for testing, I expect we will soon see a build released at or above 440.13 as the testing barrage completes and is declared successful.

    in reply to: trimming motor current #7453

    Sorry, I missed your question in the queue.

    Motor settings should look like:
    (hint – developers use MACOS, zero indexing)
    [1ma] m1 map to axis 0 [0=X,1=Y,2=Z…]
    [2ma] m2 map to axis 1 [0=X,1=Y,2=Z…]
    [3ma] m3 map to axis 2 [0=X,1=Y,2=Z…]

    Are you sure you sure physical motors are wired as you report?

    I know of no easy way to get a particular rotational speed , such as 8rps.

    If you just want to slow them down, Try
    G1 X10 F800
    and keep lowering F800 until you get the speed you want.

    G0 moves are made at $xvm (for x axis)
    G1 moves are made at “F” speed (usually specked in the Gcode ), Fspeed is the desired machining speed,
    Same for G2 and G3 (arc) moves.

    Note – these are big moves for a typical machine. Your motors are not connected, just spinning in air, correct?

    If you really want 8rps, then do some calculations
    1 rev = 62.83 (mm?) (are you sure, implies a rather large pulley?)
    8 revs = 8*62.83 mm = 502.64mm
    So G1 X502.64 F30158 [F is in mm/min (502.64*60)]
    Should cause X motor to rotate 8 times in one second.

    In one second, you won’t notice tinyG jerk and third order control.
    But if you issue
    G1 X502.64 F3015.8
    it should take 10 seconds to move 8 revolutions.
    You should see tinyG ramp the motor up and ramp motor down (3rd order motion rather than on-off linear)

    Hope this helps

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
    in reply to: Homing/Limit Problems – TinyGv8 #7452

    Something does not seem right here:

    The switches are correctly set to NC, there is a high level on the switches inputs if the axis are inside the working range. Something else that worries me is that if the robot is switched on, and a limit/home switch is activated, the robot can move that axis in any direction, until it moves out of the limit switch. Then the limit switch error is thrown.

    The switch ports on tinyGv8 are pulled high with a resistor.
    If the machine is in the the working area, and the switches are closed (as in NC), then the volatge at the switch should be ground, relative to your tinyG ground reference.
    Only when the machine goes to a limit and operates (opening the NC contact) should the voltage at the switch read high.

    Am I misinterpreting something?

    in reply to: Incorrect shapes #7450

    Two loose screws in one 7 day period – an epidemic! (We always overlook the obvious, and reproducibility DOES seem to be a software trait, not mechanical).

    Your $$ listing does look strange.
    if it persists making double reports, then a $defa=1 and parameter reload might help. What are you using to send commands to the machine(CoolTerm, etc)?
    Edit – Well that was a dumb question, Chilipeppr of course. Before running $defa=1, try it in CoolTerm.

    Otherwise, you appear to be good. Have fun

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
    in reply to: Arduino Due- gShield-Tinyg2-Shapeoko2 settings #7445

    Greetings, Stefan
    The binaries available at

    are very old.
    I suggest you only build your own, as you are attempting.
    In G2 space, Edge is much more ‘edgy’ than in tinyG.
    I might suggest you try Master initially, it will build $fb=71.04 at the moment, I believe.
    If that does not work for you, then try Edge.

    You will need to be both comfortable and proficient with building binaries to use G2 for now, as you are doing.There is continuous change and new development going on, and pre-built binaries are not likely to be available.
    Here are two links you should review, probably several times – lots of details.
    Start with the on gitHub at

    Then read this, or all the wiki items so you know where to look for info.

    There is way too much detail to address your specific question, I’ll leave it to you to carefully review the above.
    But here is a hint – don’t delete or modify any files in your cloned gitHub directory – that might cause the build process to fail.
    I have not run a build in AS6.2, have done my builds in Linux, where the command would be:
    make PLATFORM=gShield SETTINGS_FILE=settings_shapeoko375.h
    You will need to find the appropriate fields in AS6.2 to specify the PLATFORM= and the SETTINGS_FILE =

    Once built and flashed, yes, you can make parameter updates either from the CLI widget in CP or using the configuretinyG widget in the tinyG widget.
    Once you know what your custom setting for your machine are, you might want to open the file ‘settings_shapeoko375.h’ in the github cloned directory, make your modifications, then save the file in the settings directory as settings_shapeoko375_stefan.h.
    Then rebuild the binary withSETTINGS_FILE=settings_shapeoko375_stefan.h

    After flashing, any reset of the DUE will have your personalized settings as the default.

    If you try Master (fb=71.04), run Chilipeppr with

    There is a bug in Master that does not initiate well with CP. If you go right to Edge, the bug appears fixed and you can run

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
    in reply to: Incorrect shapes #7435

    IIRC, the 3040 is a Threaded rod machine. Is your wood router belt driven, like a ShepeOko?
    I would be suspicious of power management settings on the wood machine, looks like the inactive motors may not be holding position. There is much less holding torques required on a rod machine.

    You could try setting your $mt=60 sec (experiment with it on a short job).
    I think there may be a issue with the Power manaagemnt FW that is still timing out motors when $_pm=1. That, and other issues, will be corrected soon in a new FW build.

    Your wood machine, with the large wheels, (resulting in large travels $_tr=120) has 1/3 the holding torque with the motors energized as well (compared to SO2 with $tr=40).
    Do you have the current pots maxed out? Yours is the largest $_tr I have seen, I’m not sure there is a lot of experience there.
    If you turn the motors on, can you move the gantry (against the holding torque) by hand?

    You settings listing above also looks strange, many , but not all, rows repeated. Could be the Forum tool. Configs are easier to view in an attached file. See

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
    in reply to: Raspberry Pi 2 and TinyG #7434

    Over at Chilipeppr, folks are running the serial-port-json-server on Pi2, with mixed results. Appears the latest SPJS build (1.77) might have issues with Pi performance(or lack thereof).
    Check on the CP sites for the latest, issue being worked

    in reply to: Limit switches with TinyG2 + Arduino Due + GShield #7426

    OK, somewhat easier to quick look in the dropbox tool but the real problem is that when you try to zoom in on the Port names they are very fuzzy.

    So looks good from 20 ft, its up to you to make sure the right pins are involved 🙂

    Are you going to hand wire these, or make a circuit board?

    in reply to: Limit switches with TinyG2 + Arduino Due + GShield #7423

    I agree with SecondSource, you are in good shape, but must comment I can’t read the pin numbers on the DUE.
    If I assume you are using Eagle to draw this, you should pick a non-polarized cap symbol.
    0.22uf ceramic caps are not polarized, doubt you have 0.22uf electrolytics.
    The tinyG caps are SMT chip ceramics.

    This is the first time I have viewed a file in OneDrive Cloud. I don’t particularly like the viewer, tends to cut off(obscure the top and bottom when you try to Zoom. But I managed.

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