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  • in reply to: No serial connection with TinyG V8 #8176

    From what I see from your description, something is very wrong with the USB interface. If you are sure that PCs are ftdi ready, then I think your have to conclude device has failed. Know anyone one who could test it for you?

    in reply to: No serial connection with TinyG V8 #8173

    If the bootloader is ok, then I should be able to hit it with new firmware within 3 sec of startup right? Windows alerts me that the USB is not recognized a second or two after the bootloader process is done, so there might be a chance of flashing it that way. Not sure how I will know what port it is on?

    On tinyGV8, the ftdi device converts USB to serial in front of the xMega device. The ftdi device functionality is not part of tinyG FW.
    So I doubt this would work or help.

    It is sounding like the ftdi device has died.

    in reply to: Incorrect Arc Movement #8171

    Hmm, lots of data here
    The first 3 files are viewable, the last 4 poped up a “request access”, I am sure you are getting bombarded by google.

    Image 1 sort of looks like a power management issue (bit pulling on inactive motors)

    Maybe post a file with all your parameters – $$
    And, a typical Gcode file – if it is a previously unknown error, devs can use as a test case

    in reply to: No serial connection with TinyG V8 #8169

    This activity:

    I get the “SpDir” light blinking for a few seconds (I guess the bootloader is ok?) followed by all the motor lights coming on for a second, and I hear the motors engage briefly, as they have always done.

    sounds correct, the normal tinyG startup.

    From the accumulated experiences of other users:

    Have you tried a new (or different) USB cable?

    Have you tried starting up with only tinyG connected, no other connections (to motors, pwm spindles, etc)? Could be a noise source is corrupting tinyG ground, which becomes PC/laptop ground when USB cable inserted

    Perhaps your Vmot PS has gone bad? tinyG will run with simple 12 – 30 V supply, e.g. a spare laptop or router supply that you ‘trust’.

    PS: Assuming you get up and running, make sure to update your FW – 440.18 is now the Master branch hex.

    in reply to: Incorrect Arc Movement #8168

    I suggest you start by updating tinyG FW to 440.18, the most recent Master branch that has added more tweaks to arc processing.

    If rendering issues persist, post your Gcode to a cloud drive, the devs may find it useful as a test case.

    in reply to: How to connect a Touch Plate to TinyG #8165

    Have a look at

    A touchplate is like a pcb with thickness, so you have to compensate for that thickness in your Gcode or by making a manual Z offset.

    If you are a Chilipeppr user, there is a widget that automates this process.

    in reply to: Quiet Cut Spindle On ChiliPeppr with TinyG #8157

    $p1frq :
    A. This is the one parameter that (as of 440.14FW, may have changed) requires a tinyG reset to take effect. (Reset not required for tinyG2).
    B. There are many different PWM controllers, some work better at different frequencies than others.
    C. You may also find that “phase settings” for a particular frequency will vary as you change $p1frq.

    M5, M05
    A. Correct, similar behavior G1 X10 and G01 X10.
    B. Not sure what other M codes you are looking to support. The list is here:

    To reverse the spindle direction, you need to reverse the DC drive polarity to the spindle motor. Most of the inexpensive controllers I have seen do not support this. A few do, you need to connect the Spin/Dir lead on tinyG to the appropriate direction port on the controller.

    A. I am not sure why value = 0.10 is the default, likely because it is compatible with a standardized test program used for production testing.
    B. There are many different types of controllers out there, keep in mind tinyG runs some robots too, not just CNC spindles.
    C. Setting $p1pof = 0.00 Is generally the right solution for “Quiet Cut” class controllers.

    M3 S9325 anomaly
    A. I too find that setting $p1cph = 1.0 does not always turn on the spindle, but $p1cph=0.97 does.
    B. You may find that if you set $p1frq=3000, then reset so the controller changes frequency, that $p1cph = 1.0 works. That seems to vary among the different controllers.

    Phase, speed, etc.
    Keep this general description in mind:
    The PWM signal is a curve fit, really linear interpolation, between two points on a plot of desired speed vs phase; speed min,phase min and speed max, phase max. If you request an S value between min and max, the PWM phase (a.k.a. duty cycle) will be linearly interpolated between phase min and phase max.
    The “correct” values are a function of your specific controller, your spindle and the frequency of PWM operation ($p1frq)

    There are no standards, you must determine by experimentation

    in reply to: Newbie, possible software issue #8156

    CP only supports Drag and Drop onto the Gcode widget.
    So it may depend on you OS, as I have experienced inability to drag and drop from some non-native (e.g. networked resources) on my system (Linux).

    As a work around, you may need to copy Gcode from Thumbdrive to a temp folder on you HDD, then drag in from there.

    in reply to: Newbie, possible software issue #8137



    Z axis homes (zeros) at top of travel

    in reply to: Newbie, possible software issue #8134

    The most popular I have seen are M6x1.25 threaded rod ($tr=1.25mm/rev) and ACME upgrades at $tr=2.117 mm/rev

    I guess you have the M6x1.25 threaded rod.

    in reply to: Newbie, possible software issue #8129

    Thanks, much easier to read in the rtf format.

    Some suggestions
    1. Upgrade to FW 440.17, the bug fix will make it easier to tweak paramaters
    Use this if your want:

    2. You can use your Parameter dump.rtf as a guide for making changes to the 440.17 defaults, which are not right for you.
    –>> Enter parameters in mm mode.

    3. Make the following changes/corrections to Parameter_dump.rtf as you enter them:
    $3tr=1.25 looks odd to me, what sort of Z threaded rod do you have?

    3. These values should get your going, may not be best.
    4. Parameter setup says you have only 2 switches, Xmax and Y max.
    Legitimate, but unusual. I would leave all switches off (=0) until you get the basics going

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by cmcgrath5035.
    in reply to: Newbie, possible software issue #8122

    You can get started with Chilipeppr here:

    Your link to settings is not correct – it just connects me to, not your file.
    If you are more familiar with another cloud drive (Gdrive, OneDrive), they would be fine too.

    FW 440.17 has been posted, I suggest you update to that first, it fixes a bug that makes setting parameters cumbersome.

    in reply to: Tuning help? #8117

    FW 440.17 was posted last night.
    I suggest you load that before proceeding, it has bug fix for parameter setting and you have a lot of that to do.

    in reply to: Tuning help? #8114

    Is there a reason you have the motors set up for X-Y-Z-A, rather than X-Y-Yr-Z, which is more typical for SH2 setups?
    Two NEMA23s on one driver could be marginal.

    Try these jerk values:


    Yours are on the low side.

    SPJS 1.77 is rather old.
    Can your try 1.80?
    What OS are you running SPJS on?
    Are you sure you had selected the tinyG buffer management when starting/connecting with SPJS 1.83?

    Here is a set of configs I rum on my NEMA17 SH2 (X-Y-Yr-Z), perhaps they will help.

    Note that I had motors disabled when I made that copy – you should use $_pm=2 as you have them.
    Also, use $ja=2000000, mine is low at 1000000

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by cmcgrath5035.
    in reply to: Newbie, possible software issue #8108

    Only sending commands 1 at a time, some times thru coolterm, sometimes thru tinyG.

    Good text description, thanks.
    CoolTerm does not have a Preview screen; are you running tgFX GUI?
    Or maybe your OX has a Preview appliance?

    If tgFX, it has been retired (no longer supported) and does not work well with latest firmwares.
    If you want a GUI, I suggest you move to Chilipeppr.

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