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  • in reply to: Is There Any Decent Option to Chilipeppr? #10355

    I just saw mention of CNCJS over at the Ox Forum.
    No personal experience here, but you might give it a spin.

    in reply to: Is There Any Decent Option to Chilipeppr? #10353

    Not that I have seen/heard of at the level of functionality in Chilipeppr. A few folks have said they were working on something, but no confirms they were ready to launch.

    Have you considered breaking long jobs into two or more segments?

    Hopefully someone else with better ideas will stop by.


    I’d suggest you advertise over at the Qx Group as well,

    They seem to be an active bunch and generally more traffic volume than on this Forum.

    Good Luck, DIY is a complex gig.

    in reply to: Correct post processor and tips with Sheetcam #10345

    Good to know. Thanks for update.

    in reply to: Handshake/Queue Request #10344

    I don’t believe I have seen a question on G68 support prior to this one.
    G68 is not listed here:

    So answer is probably no, not supported.

    in reply to: Correct post processor and tips with Sheetcam #10341

    I am not familiar with sheetcam, but looking at the above am guessing this is inch mode (G20) Gcode.
    First recommendation would be to regenerate your job in MM (G21) mode and try that. TinyG is native mm, has to convert all inch dimensions, which sometimes causes accumulation of precision errors and triggers Gcode ‘rule checks violations’.

    There is a general issue with Gcode Arcs, G02 and G03 commands, not just circles.

    Another fall back would be to have Sheetcam generate Gcode without arcs, rather use short G01 moves. Youl’ll have to look into Sheetcam post processor options to see if that is possible.

    in reply to: .nc Files #10336

    The Gcode generator I normally use outputs .nc files, worked 6 months ago, have not run anything recently.
    If you drag your onto Chilipepper,does the Gcode appear in the Gcode widget? If so, you are good to go.

    Keep in mind that tinG never really ‘sees’ the file name. It is the content of the file that is transferred to tinyG.
    That content should be Gcode text.

    I is always a good idea to check the contents of your files with a text editor, when using new Gcode generators.
    If the is binary, it can overwrite your tinyG FW and brick it.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by cmcgrath5035.
    in reply to: TinyG hanging up in the middle of the job #10333

    tinyG issues status reports, see

    But status reports will only be useful if the tinyG process remains sane.

    There are numerous possibilities, not much known about your specific setup.

    Spindles, when pushed too hard into material, can generate enormous additional electrical noise that could be impacting Limits stitches.
    Steppers and drivers will heat up if they are unable to make commanded ‘steps’
    Power supplies, if instantaneously overloaded, may dip output voltage in current limit mode, causing tinyG to ‘glitch’, misread code, lose sanity.

    Bottom line, there is no easy way to determine if you machine has the capacity to do what you are attempting to do, except experience.

    If you have not already, head over and look at what is posted on the Ox forum,

    I have seen several good posts by users on their successes, and failures, in aluminum machining. Perhaps there are similarities discussed applicable to your situation.

    in reply to: non-trivial kinematics. #10329

    Very few folks who frequent this forum are into tinyG FW at this depth.
    You will likely have more luck posting something here:

    in reply to: tinyg interprets G2/G3 code incorrectly #10327

    For some, transitioning away from G2/G3 to all linear moves has helped. On very complex jobs, the Gcode file sizes get very large, often hitting the limits that Chilipeppr can handle. Some Gcode generators have a ‘no arcs’ option, I am not sure about Fusion360.

    Try a Google search on ‘tinyG helix’, you see several recent threads and discussion of Fusion360 post-processor tweaks.

    I have no first hand experience with helix motion, but would say that logically, complex motion (arc moves) in 3D (x-y-z) would be more likely to find bugs than would just 2D (x-y) motion.

    If you do find a ‘cure’ that works for you, please report back and share it. We have had several threads of this type that just go silent.

    in reply to: tinyg interprets G2/G3 code incorrectly #10325

    Welcome to the world of ambiguity.
    There are long standing issues with arcs, how they are to be interpreted and implemented, based in G code ‘standards’.
    More importantly to this discussion, there are implied ‘rules’on arc implementations that are often bypassed (IGNORED) by interpreters such as the 3D viewer in Chilipeppr.
    TinyG implements/enforces some precision rules that some Gcode generators don’t implement.

    For best results with tinyG, use mm mode Gcode, rather than inch. Inch to mm conversion, internal to tinyG, can break some of these rules.

    in reply to: Handshake/Queue Request #10319

    Gcode sender programming is really out of scope for this tinyG user Forum.

    Xon/Xoff has been around for a long time, and is usually handled by the serial driver layer. Are you planning to develop the entire sender, including the serial I/O handler? Big job, timing is critical. You could also use RTS/CTS (hardware) flow control.

    You ask about queue based flow management. The only implementation I have heard of is Chilipeppr and the SPJS(serial port json server). It is all open source, but way beyond a “snipet” in scope and complexity

    Good luck with your project.

    in reply to: TinyG G2 fb100.22 #10316

    To be of any help, we’ll need a lot more info.
    Where did you get build 100.22, build on your machine?

    Any issues raised by build when you ran the build?

    What is your build target, Gshield?

    A Parameter dump ($$ command) would help.
    Post on a cloud drive and provide a URL.
    Define command “not working” ->
    your list 3 settable parameters.

    Can you not change the setting?
    Or does the setting you make not seem to work?

    in reply to: Alignment Compensation #10314

    Yes and no.
    What you are suggesting would be typically considered CAM layer processing, but there are no strict boundaries between Machine and CAM in this zone.

    I have not seen any discussion of adding this to tinyG, but devs look here from time to time.
    You could enter the suggestion at

    A lot more detail on how you believe the distortion would be measured and entered into a parameter(s). would be helpful.

    If you really need this solution soon, I suggest the Chilipepr route

    in reply to: Alignment Compensation #10312

    I recall seeing discussions on a Chilipeppr forum on this a while back, not sure if it got implemented or not.

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