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  • in reply to: Error :st_prep_line() move time is NAN #6620

    OK. Thanks for the thorough post. I’ll take a closer look at this when I’m back at my shop.

    in reply to: Hardware Question #6618

    The ‘J’ reference designator refers to all connectors, not just jumpers. Many connectors are labeled in the schematics, e.g. J14 is TTL serial, J9 is USB, etc. Some are not. Here’s what they are:

    J1 – Vmot input (main power input)
    J2, J3, J4, J5 – motor connectors
    J6 – digital outputs
    J17, J18, J19, J20 – stepper signal breakout connectors
    J11 – fan connector
    J12 – 12v/24v fan voltage selection

    in reply to: No voltage at coolant pin ? #6602

    No problem there. I’ll get this on the wiki as well. Good to know about those pesky screws.

    in reply to: No voltage at coolant pin ? #6591

    I don’t think it’s the firmware. It might be good to update to the latest edge and try again just to rule that out. But 380.xx has been running those commands for a long time and this is the first we’ve heard of this issue.

    Cycling M3, M4, M5 should switch the spindle direction bit on and off. Cycling M7, Mp should turn the coolant on and off. You can also see if the processor pin is turning on. THe schematics are on the github.

    in reply to: No voltage at coolant pin ? #6586

    If it’s a board problem please return the board for replacement or repair. Contact Synthetos at gmail dot com.

    in reply to: Easy question on measurement #6585

    Thanks for the detailed explanation. See also this section on the wiki:

    The step angle is a motor parameter, typically 1.8 degrees for most motors. It’s an independent variable. It just describes your motor.

    The microsteps is also an independent variable. Set to 1, 2, 4 or 8.

    For screw axes the travel for revolution is the pitch of the screw, e.g. 1.25mm thread pitch is = 1.25mm per revolution.

    For belt machines the travel per revolution is approximately the circumference of the cog wheel. Which is somewhat less precise way of saying the number of teeth on the pulley * distance of teeth on the belt as chmr said.

    Once you get the tr set you can dial it in with calipers and some measurement.

    in reply to: Angles smaller than 8 degree break motion planning #6473

    Thanks for the heads up. I’ll check into this.

    in reply to: Possible to use a solenoid for the z axis? #6449

    Alternately you can use the Spindle PWM signal to drive a hobby servo. It’s a 3.3v signal so some external level shifting and/or buffering may be required.

    in reply to: VFD Speed control. #6448

    The Spindle PWM output is designed for controlling spindle speed.

    It has the ability to control a pulse width modulated signal that’s calibrated to RPM. The PWM output is a 3.3v signal so it may need to be buffered and/or level shifted externally depending on the spindle drive requirements.

    Will this work for you?

    in reply to: Seperately powering the FTDI and/or XMEGA #6433

    The board as it stands is pretty independent of power sequencing. It connects pretty much regardless of the order you power up and/or plug in USB.

    You could play with powering the FTDI independently, but I still think there would be problems with power sequencing. I suspect the FTDI serial flow control may be getting messed up. I’m not sure what’s going on in the Windows terminal program – we’ve never had any problems with Coolterm.

    in reply to: Hardware "Resume from Feedhold" #6432

    It sounds like the plasma is similar to starting a spindle and waiting for it to spin up. A common way to do this is to issue dwell command (G4) for some number of seconds. Alternately, you can send the rest of the Gcode file after the arc is OK.

    It would be pretty straightforward to connect the Z min and max pins to feedhold and cycle start functions, but this is not currently a function in the TinyG.

    in reply to: TinyG / TgFX Problems #6422

    I’m afraid the terms “serial” and “USB” are being used loosely here. tgfx talks to the TinyG USB port, aka the serial port. I’d recommend reading this page and trying it first with Coolterm.

    Once that’s working move on to tgfx.

    The TTL serial is a 3.3v serial line that can be connected to Arduinos and such, bypassing the USB port. The TTL serial port does not connect to the Computer’s RS-232 serial outputs.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by alden.
    in reply to: Seperately powering the FTDI and/or XMEGA #6418

    We actually did this on one experimental board and the results were not good. When we powered the FTDI from the USB Vbus the FTDI stayed connected to the host, but the chip would have difficulty connecting on the Xmega side when power was applied to the board. The whole thing was very dependent on the correct power sequencing, so we abandoned that approach. I’m afraid the FTDIs are what they are – which is one of the main reasons we went with native USB on the ARM development.

    in reply to: Where to get avrdude for OS X 10.9 #6407

    Avrdude is buried in the latest Arduino package, version 1.5.7. Unzip the app and right click to show package contents (these are OSX instructions, other platforms may be different). You can find Avrdude in Contents/Resources/Java/hardware/tools/avr/bin/avrdude

    I’ll update the wiki docs.

    in reply to: Slowing down at the end of a long job #6400

    The other factor in the equation is the chordal tolerance selected ($ct). This is defaulted to 0.01mm.—chordal-tolerance

    The shortest move is actually a function of execution time, not line distance, although moves that are less than one step at the microstep setting cannot be executed. The 0.02mm lower limit is assuming a high velocity G0, for G1’s and arcs the lower limit may be lower depending on your machine config and the feed rate specified.

    If a move is detected that cannot be drawn the system preserves the current location and starts adding the short gcode moves together until it accumulates a move that’s big enough to execute. In an arc this has the effect of reducing the number of arc segments at the board level.

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