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MemberSorry for the delayed response. You can just use paypal on the store and we can ship to India.
MemberThanks for the note. The TinyG code base is open source and available on github under synthetos/tinyg. But it’s not really possible to port the TinyG code base to an arduino as the chip is different and the program takes more memory than the atmega328p on the Duemilanova has.
We ship TinyG internationally, so India should be no problem. Just place an order on the store. Look under the header on the main site.
MemberThanks. Love to hear about people using both. As you may know, we are active contributors to the grbl project as well.
Look for another push to the tinyG github soon. Version 0.93 will have support for a robust homing, multiple work coordinate systems, and JSON commands.
MemberSorry you are having problems with the Z axis pot, and thanks for diagnosing it. Please contact us off-list and we’ll exchange the board.
MemberYes, that sounds like progress. At this point the next things to look at is (1) do you have your motors wired correctly, and (2) do you have adequate current to them?
Check motor wiring against the motor pinouts and current settings at the following link: may also be useful:
MemberWhat is the source of your grbl .hex file? Some of the earlier 0.6 versions did not activate the Enable bit correctly (it should be active LO for the steppers to be enabled). If you have a scope you can see the Enable on Arduino D8. On the v2 grblshield the Enable pin is labeled “enable” on the board on the J6/J7 connectors. On the v1’s it’s the unlabeled pin below the ‘9’ pin on the J6/J7 connectors. You can find schematics for this on the grblshield github.
A change was made to Simen’s grbl github Edge branch to fix the enable sense, and the 0.6 from there should work. As fas as I know this patch has not made it back to the Master branch. However, since this all transpired last Spring/Summer Sonny Jeon (chamnit) has fixed a number of grbl issues his grbl fork , and we recommend using his 0.7 branch. (We are still testing the 0.8 alpha branch.)
Pointers to whatever the latest recommendation can always be found here: this helps. – Alden
MemberThank you so much, and a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you as well. I look forward to continuing to move forward in 2012 – Alden
MemberI added a hardware section to the github where you can find the schematics.
If you are interested in bringing up an xmega project there is a lot of code in the firmware section you might want. Specifically the xmega_init, _eeprom, _interrupt and _rtc files are generally useful beyond just TinyG. Also, the Xmegas have issues with writing to non-volatile memory (Flash and EEPROM). If you intend to use these functions there is some very necessary code in the _eeprom file that implements the Atmel Errata instructions.
Also, the xio_ code implements a set of AVR GCC Stdio compatible device drivers for serial IO and memory-file IO.
– Alden
Good idea. I have a run state in the ? command that currently always says “running”. This state will reflect running, stop and feedholds (run, stop and hold). This state should be (a) completed, and (b) brought out to the status report. I will find a compact way to do this that doesn’t use a lot of characters.
MemberSorry about the slow response. The resistors are correct as you have marked them R2 – R5 on the v2 correspond to R16 – R19 on the v1. This has been corrected on the wiki.
MemberI can add a asynchronous status report to the ? section.
MemberGood deal. As for G28 and G30, I did remove them from the list of supported Gcode commands on the developers page, but left them active in the code. So they failed. The function isn’t even correct – as it would just start the homing cycle which is not what you want it to do. Refer to 3.5.8 in RS274NGC. G28 is pretty straightforward – just make the robot return to 0,0,0,0,0,0. It’s in machine coordinates, which is not a distinction we make yet. G30 requires a way point to be specified. I’m not sure who actually needs that, so I may leave G30 alone and disable it.
MemberSaci, Please refer to the following section on the developers wiki. (sorry if this wraps) is the spec I am working from to implement stops, starts, feedholds, etc. The cm_async_stop() and start() functions are holdovers from before I had acceleration planning in place, and don’t currently work. They may be removed in favor of new implementations that work with the planner for feedhold and restart.
The next item I have on my list is to go back through the homing cycle, at which point I will look at G28 and G30.
December 1, 2011 at 8:02 am in reply to: Software problem. Can't get steppers to turn. Not getting response from arduino #1678alden
MemberWhat version of grbl 0.7 are you using? I’d like to test it. Is it the latest version 0.7d from chamnit’s github downloads? I have tested that and it works well.
MemberSaci, I saw your post and I’m going to write a longer response later. Got to get to work now.