Software problem. Can't get steppers to turn. Not getting response from arduino

Home Forums gShield grblShield Support Software problem. Can't get steppers to turn. Not getting response from arduino

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    I am using an Arduino Uno with the GrblSheild.

    I have been working with this for a week and still can’t get my stepper motors to turn…
    I seem to be able to send commands to turn the steppers. When I do, I can get the steppers to lock in place, but not turn. I was under the impression that I should get a response from it whenever I send a command. But I don’t get any responses.

    When I plug in the Arduino, I get a “Setup” response. but that’s it… I have tried sending “$” but I get no response. I have also sent other command codes that seem to work, but I never get any responses. A week into this and I still don’t have any responses from the Arduino nor do I have a working stepper…

    I have tried the following hex files:

    Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated…


    Sorry to hear you are having trouble. Sounds like you are having issues getting the grbl firmware loaded.

    If you have not already read the sticky post please see this:
    … and will send you here:
    It walks through the steps for getting and loading grbl.

    The branch you want is the 0.6 with the grblshield patch – the first one you listed.
    If grbl is loaded correctly on the arduino hardware you will get a grbl prompt on power up or reset.
    Entering a $<cr> will return the list of parameters you can set.

    Some questions to clarify:
    – What type of arduino are you running? grbl will not run on all arduinos – only those listed the the Dank link. Also, in spite of what the Dank page says the 168-based arduinos are pretty much obsolete at this point as they don’t have enough room for the current 0.6 and later versions of grbl. The grblshield patched version will not work on a 168. If you have a 168 it probably won’t work without some further hacking.

    – Are you using a programmer to program the chip? If you are using an AVRISP mkii or some other programmer you will need to connect to the 2×3 ISP port on the arduino.

    – If you are following the steps in the dank link what does AVRdude come back with? Are there errors? If you are still having problems please post a screencap of the AVRdude commands and responses.

    Once you have that all working there is a more advanced grbl branch here:
    …but I recommend getting the basic branch working first.

    I hope this helps – Alden



    Hey there. Again sorry to hear your issues. Alden and I have been thinking for some time now about selling a 328p uC with grbl pre-loaded. I can expedite this if you are interested. Cost will be around $6.00 (plus shipping) for a pre-loaded Atmega328p with grbl. Something akin to sparkfun’s Arduino 328p pre-loaded bootloader.

    If you want to go this route let me know and I will create a new product in the store. Also, if you want to send me your board I will program it for you for the cost of shipping.

    We truly do not like to hear that our customers are having issues using grblShield (even if its not really the shield that is the issue :).

    Let us know what you would like to do. GrblShield is truly meant to be able to be plugged in and just “work” so lets get that going.



    Thanks for the help Alden, and thanks for the offer Riley.

    I have found my first problem an AVRDude error. It was not in sync while I was trying to upload.

    I am using an Arduino Uno with the atmega328, Windows 7, ARP Uploader, GrblSheild

    I did get grbl to upload on the Uno by making a change in the “AVR Dude Params” text within ARP Uploader. If you Erase the “-b19200” it will allow it to upload on the Uno.

    Using a serial monitor from the arduino software I get:

    Grbl 0.7d
    ‘$’ to dump current settings


    Grbl 0.6b
    ‘$’ to dump current settings

    I’ve tried both…. This opening message is the only response message I can get from the arduino. When I try sending the $ command, I get no response. I have tried sending this with and without the grblesheild atatched.

    If you are able to get grbl to work on these chips for use with Uno, what method are you using?

    Also, if I can see the start up response from the grbl software, why can’t I interact with it?

    Any thoughts?


    Just a note, I have gotten my steppers to move. However, I am not able to get or send responses from the arduino software serial monitor. If I use a serial port through other software I CAN send and receive from the arduino /w grblsheild.

    I was able to program my Arduino Uno with the grbl.hex using the ARP Arduino Uploader. I had to delete “-b19200” from the “AVR Dude Params” text.

    I can only hope this helps someone else. Good luck, and thank you for all of your help!


    Glad it’s working. Grbl does not echo commands – it only sends “ok” or “error” after each command. It also sends strings to the console for $ config commands. Perhaps this is what you are seeing?


    I was having the same difficulties as magicwiu. This thread seems to almost answer. When you say it only sends “Ok” or “error” after each command. Where does it send this to. Shoulld I see “Ok” in serial console ( I am using minicom ). After I connect to grbl on Arduino I get:

    Grbl 0.6b
    ‘$’ to dump current settings

    When I type $ and hit Enter nothing seems to happen.

    I am connecting to Grbl on /dev/ttyUSB0
    I am using Arduino Duemilanove with Atmega328P

    Thanks in advance


    What .hex are you using? It should be grbl_0_6b_atmega328p_16mhz_9600_with_grblshield_patch.hex or Chamnit’s 0.7d on github.

    How did you program grbl onto the arduino hardware? Did you use an AVRdude and atmel programmer?

    I am not familiar with minicom so I can’t help you there. Sounds like no transmitted chars are getting through. I’m assuming you have the serial communications for receive set up correctly or you wouldn’t have gotten the response. You might check any special transmit settings.


    hello to all,
    I have fixed this trouble: I use the arduino2009 and with the GRBL 0.6, arduino working proper with the USB connection, but with the GRBL 0.7 the USB link don’t work!

    I have fix this, connecting the arduino RX-TX pin, to my RS232 by an ST232 circuit based.

    I don’t know because this happens, but I find the solution whit this action.

    It work fine and is very convenient (for my) to use an hardware port to send the G-CODE files.

    In this case you must to connect the arduino to an external source to power on it!




    Not sure what your problem was? But I am glad its working for you now 🙂


    Hi Riley,

    I don’t know if is the same problem, but i have fix the connection difficulties with my pc and GRBL 0.7.

    the same system (same pc, same arduino and same g-code sender) work just with GRBL 0.6.

    I don’t know if is my operative system, my ftdi drivers, or my g-code sender, my arduino2009… but now it work! 🙂

    I thought it useful to explain my experience with a problem of grbl communication.

    – sorry for my poor english 🙁



    What version of grbl 0.7 are you using? I’d like to test it. Is it the latest version 0.7d from chamnit’s github downloads? I have tested that and it works well.


    I use grbl_0.7d_chamnit_328p_20111111.hex, and the OttoHermansson G-CODE sender


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