TinyG on Duemilanove

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    Hi All,

    This is something i have been searching for a long, a small CNC controller with rotary axis support. I already have repRap on Duemilanove board for 2D profile cutting, but now i need one rotary axis. I would love to buy TinyG with 4 motor drivers and a controller pre programmed. But in India no sites are carrying them yet and all I can buy now is Uno, Mega etc.

    So can I get the code and upload it to one of my Duemilanove with Atmel 328 ? Any help is appreciated.


    Thanks for the note. The TinyG code base is open source and available on github under synthetos/tinyg. But it’s not really possible to port the TinyG code base to an arduino as the chip is different and the program takes more memory than the atmega328p on the Duemilanova has.

    We ship TinyG internationally, so India should be no problem. Just place an order on the store. Look under the header on the synthetos.com main site.


    Thanks for the quick response, and yes i suspected it may not be possible to flash it to 328 straight away.

    Do you accept debit cards in INR? or should i need international credit card? If so I’ll ask my friend in US to place an order and use a different shipping address.


    Sorry for the delayed response. You can just use paypal on the store and we can ship to India.


    No problem, I’ve asked my friend to get one and ship it. Thanks.


    Got the boards finally, it works like a charm. Never used a microstep controller and it is pleasure to hear.
    I’ve been playing with 2 motors and noticed few things like newly set parameters doesn’t come to effect immediately. I’ll test a little more and come up with some questions 🙂



    Yes, some settings do not take affect.  In fact Alden and I were just talking about one of those 2 days ago.  The pm (power management mode) will not be “applied” until a move is issued.  We are going to be changing this one to apply right away.  If you find some other that you think should also be applied right away toss them up in a reply and we can take a look at them.



    I think $xfr,$xvm (maybe $yfr etc. also) and $1tr doesn’t come to effect immediately, however if i flip the $1mi to 1 and back to 8 then all the newly parameters reflect in the settings. I intend to use this board for tube cutting machine and that requires $1tr changed to different values as the tube to be cut varies in diameter while other axis remain fixed.


    • This reply was modified 12 years, 6 months ago by kkannan.

    I’m not in a position to test this for a week or so, but changing the feed rate, velocity max and travel per revolution ($1tr) should be reflected in the next $ display command (e.g. $x). At least, that’s the way it’s always worked for me. These commands (and all others) should be issued when no Gcode is running, so they take effect on the next Gcode command.

    The only command I’m aware of that needs to be effected immediately (i.e. before the next Gcode command is received) is the power mode (pm) because if the steppers are drawing power without movement you want to be able to stop that without waiting.  I don’t actually see this as a major issue, but it would be nice if it took effect immediately.

    Correct me if I’ve got this wrong or you have another opinion.



    It seems to work for me:

    [1tr] m1_travel_per_revolution 1.800 mm
    tinyg[mm] ok> tinyg[mm] ok> $1tr=1.25
    [1tr] m1_travel_per_revolution 1.250 mm

    tinyg[mm] ok> tinyg[mm] ok> $1tr
    [1tr] m1_travel_per_revolution 1.250 mm

    How is it behaving for you?  Or more specifically why do you think it is not taking affect instantly?





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