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- This topic has 19 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by
February 15, 2015 at 7:40 pm #7367
im trying to connect my gaups board to my arduino due with tinyg2 firmware from edge-feature-076 branch, i have dual y with each one separate drivers, my second Y (4th motor) is not workink so a compare the pinout from Gaups board and TinyG2 firmware and i have every thing ok for x (1),y (2) and z(3) but not for my motor (4) my second y.
I check the pinout of tinyg2 and pinout of gaups, x,y,z are the same,for second y it´s different, in tinyg 2 i have:
pin_number kSocket4_SPISlaveSelectPinNumber = 77;
pin_number kSocket4_InterruptPinNumber = -1;
pin_number kSocket4_StepPinNumber = 31;
pin_number kSocket4_DirPinNumber = 32;
pin_number kSocket4_EnablePinNumber = 33;
pin_number kSocket4_Microstep_0PinNumber = 35;
pin_number kSocket4_Microstep_1PinNumber = 36;
pin_number kSocket4_Microstep_2PinNumber = -1;
pin_number kSocket4_VrefPinNumber = -1;//64; //PWMTimer<3>In Gaups it´s D12 for step and d13 for dir.
In Gaups, im using dual y each one with a separate driver, so its connected to PIN D13 and D12, i can change the pinout in the gShield-pinout.h and compile, i know for kSocket4_DirPinNumber will be 13 and kSocket4_StepPinNumber will be 12, i also know for kSocket4_InterruptPinNumber, kSocket4_Microstep_2PinNumber and kSocket4_VrefPinNumber because it´s the same from the others motors but i don´t know if i have to change kSocket4_SPISlaveSelectPinNumber, kSocket4_EnablePinNumber, kSocket4_Microstep_0PinNumber and kSocket4_Microstep_1PinNumber because it´s diff between all motors. I think i only have to change dir and step because the other pins are unused by gaups because they are at the top of the board.
i found the connection in tinyg2 in this link: https://github.com/synthetos/g2/blob/edge-feature-076/TinyG2/platform/atmel_sam/board/due/gShield-pinout.h
gaups pinout:
February 15, 2015 at 7:41 pm #7368cmcta82
Memberi don´t know why but the link is not working in the first post
February 16, 2015 at 7:22 am #7373cmcgrath5035
ModeratorJust some comments and questions, this will likely need to be looked at by the developers. A quick look on my part.
1. Rather than posting items like the schematic , I would suggest you post a link to a copy in a Dropbox or similar account. The Schematic is somewhat difficult to read within this forum tool. See2. I am not familiar with the specified drivers. Are you sure DUE can supply adequate +5V current to run them
3. I found a URL for Gaups here; is this the best reference?
4. Are you sure the specified drivers are compatible with 3.3v input?
5. It would appear that in the upper right of your schematic, there is a way to derive the Amotor step and dir from the Y leads, making Gaups pin compatible with Gshield. Is there a reason why you don’t want to use that feature? Just curious.
6. I would carefully review the pullup to +5 (I think) on Gaups pin D8. That might kill your DUE (3.3v logic)
7. Perhaps post (a link) your proposed modifications to gShield-pinout.h, as a commented copy from git-hub, as that will be speaking the developers language most clearly. Make your proposed modifications clear and search-able, something like //Gaups_mod ……..
8. For safety sake, include info on the OS you are using for G2 builds. There are some issues at the moment with the Linux cross compiler that is pulled in by the Makefile.
This reply was modified 10 years ago by
This reply was modified 10 years ago by
February 16, 2015 at 10:01 am #7377cmcta82
MemberHi cmcgrath5035, I´m sorry for the lack of information:(
I´m trying tinyg2 because i have an arduino Due at home and i went to try:)
1. Next time i will do what you suggest, im sorry for the inconvenient you are right.
2. My drivers are Pololu DRV8825: https://www.pololu.com/product/2133 :
but i can´t find the current consumption.3. Yes it´s that one.
4. From specification page: “Can interface directly with 3.3 V and 5 V systems”
5. No reason, it´s just the way i have already configured with GRBL using 4 steppers, my Y motors have separate drivers.
6. can you explain pls
7. Ok i will but i just went to confirm first if this modification can be done.
8. im using the branch edge-feature-076 compiled in windows 8.1.
Thanks for your help.
February 16, 2015 at 10:04 am #7378cmcta82
Memberok, i think i have some problems posting images…
3. https://www.dropbox.com/s/arvediff14vf63o/GAUPS_1.0_schematic.png?dl=0-
This reply was modified 10 years ago by
February 16, 2015 at 3:36 pm #7382cmcta82
Memberone issue resolved, i have an unscrew in the pulley of my motor 4 (second Y) so all my motors lock, now i understand what do you tell me in point 6, i will change that to ioref, thanks to the maker of Gaups shield:).
im compiling with the new pinout, i change also the spindle enable because he have the same pin number 12
February 16, 2015 at 3:51 pm #7383cmcgrath5035
ModeratorFrankly, G2 has many new details, so we are trying to figure out what to ask for.
Item 6 is a 10K pull up to VDD on the GAUPS, feeding both the 8825 drivers and DUE port D8. Vdd=5v, correct? I am not sure DUE port D8 will like that. A pullup to 3.3V would be safer.
Item 8 you answer is unclear, have you loaded your binary to the DUE yet? What does it reports as $fb (firmware build)? I was just on another forum where the member reported building 75.02 less than 12hours ago. But yes, this is a fast moving world.
Pololu DRV8825 should be great – I have been looking at them as well. The GAUPS reference had a pointer to older drivers which were not familiar.
I’ll reinforce my Item 6 concern – Gaups uses Vdd=+5V to power all 4 drivers. I am probably being a bit paranoid, but if +5v should get back to the Due from any leads on the 8825 that might have an active or passive pullup, it could degrade or kill your DUE. I have been slowly thinking thru a custom shield similar to what you are doing and how to power these functions is still on my to-do list.
February 16, 2015 at 3:53 pm #7384cmcgrath5035
ModeratorAlso, could you have a look at this forum post
You seem to have succeeded building on Win 8.1 where he is having issues.
I can’t really help him directly.February 16, 2015 at 4:20 pm #7385cmcta82
Memberim sorry for lack of information, im using now the edge branch, i made a git clone to edge branch and compiled with new pinout, i change also the spindle pin because is the same of motor 4. its version 75.02. everything is working great, i was able to move each y motor at a time to test it and its working!
you are right for vdd=5v, im talking with the maker of gaups to fix that, maybe asking him if i can cut the pin connected in pin 5v and make a connection with a wire to ioref in arduino due.
February 16, 2015 at 4:25 pm #7386cmcta82
Membersorry i don´t see your second post, i will take a look
February 16, 2015 at 4:44 pm #7387cmcgrath5035
ModeratorBy the way, look up at my item 5 again
It may be moot now that you have figured out all the re-compiles.That block on the schematic would allow you to drive two 8825 drivers from the same logic thread called motor”y”. Each motor would have it’s own driver. You would reverse the direction on one motor by wiring it ‘reversed’.
You gain nothing, in reality, by maintaing four motor calculations doing only 3 functions, X,Y and Z.
Unless Gaups becomes uber popular, I would doubt Synthetos will add a Platform=Gaups build option, so you will always be recompiling standard builds wilth unique .h files.
The good news is, you have the flexibility, the bad news is, you have to remember to do it and do it. All builds will be named the same (e.g. 75.02)February 16, 2015 at 4:52 pm #7389cmcta82
MemberI will check that tomorrow, i don´t understand that when i configure the gaups board for the first time, thanks to open my mind for this option:)the first time i configure that i was thinking in this jumper like y with one stepper or y with two stepper like i have, i have to check again the gaups wiki.
February 17, 2015 at 7:48 am #7391cmcta82
MemberDO you know what is better branch to use?i´m using edge branch
February 17, 2015 at 8:20 am #7392cmcgrath5035
ModeratorThere is never a ‘clean’ answer to this question.
In tinyG space, lets call it G1, ‘Master’ has become very out of date and I would recommend ‘Edge’. Having said that, I do know that a new ‘Master’ will be posted soon after some cleanups to the current ‘Edge’.In G2 space, the current Master is a relatively new build, 72.01 I believe. Currently Edge is building 75.02.
G2 is still under heavy development. Master and Edge are changing more frequently. Master will always be a bit more mature than Edge.
All that said, as best I can see more folks are using the Edge of the day, perhaps because they are in experimental mode as well designing new machines around the capabilities of the DUE and full 6 axis control.I guess the good news is that the BOSSA loader works well, so switching is not a huge hassle once you have your build (compile) environment tweaked for your system.
Do be aware that custom settings files may not port directly to new builds, Edge added some additional parameters recently that affected my builds.Best solution: Unless you want the most stable environment, I would build a Master that you test and verify it works, then put it in a safe place should you need it. Then build an Edge, if it seems to work for you stick with it, you can ride the crest of the wave.
Also, monitor the chatter here:You will learn a lot form other’s experiences and responses from the developers
February 17, 2015 at 3:48 pm #7394cmcta82
Memberit´s look like your are right again about the point 5:) i don´t need to change the pins, i think it´s the problem with my pulley that induce me in error.
I have already change my Gaups board Pin Vdd to IOREF in Due instead of 5V.
im still testing tinyg2, i have both version compiled running in chilipeppr/tinyg but i have some problems with edge branch:
In Edge branch i cannot run helloWorld in chilipeppr but i can Jog and put some gcode manually but with master branch i can do the helloworld…i have to run more test to find the problem, i use always the same setting file.
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