Tinyg2 – eShapeoko – Gaups dual y

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  • #7395

    I’ll hazard a guess that the Gaups folks will realize quickly that they are uniquely positioned to serve the 4 motor DUE users and make the 5V to 3.3V transition easier in the near future.

    Enjoy your machine and please feedback bugs and issues.
    Nothing improves a product faster than good user experience.


    You are right cmcgrath5035, it´s the first time i come to synthetos forum and i´m very happy with the people here where people helps each other, i will come back and trying to do my best to help others like me.


    I’ll hazard a guess that the Gaups folks will realize quickly that they are uniquely positioned to serve the 4 motor DUE users and make the 5V to 3.3V transition easier in the near future.

    I am the “GAUPS folks”, and yes, I realized my mistake a while back. GAUPS 1.1 will use IOREF, as it should have from the beginning.

    I think it’s safe to sink 100 µA into the ESD protection diode on Due’s D8 pin. Compared to the 5 V to 3.3 V “level conversion” I’ve seen on some Chinese boards (SD card adapter: 1 kΩ series resistors…), the 10 kΩ pull-up on the GAUPS 1.0, while technically wrong, is almost certainly harmless. So the GAUPS 1.0 can be used with DRV8825 drivers on the Due.


    I sort of thought so, comparing forums.

    I have not had the time to dig into the details as you have, but have seen folks have to (try to) replace QFPs in tinyGs due to an oops with wiring, etc. So my current quick solution is to raise the flag high and let them seek their own understanding.

    Given the ‘almost same’ UNO vs DUE interfaces, I bet a whole lot of DUEs are being compromised by 5V shields of all types.

    Gaups looks cool – now on my list of things for folks to consider.



    I can confirm that tinyg2 and Gaups work very well, i m still testing but i’m very happy with it and i will recomend this configuration to other users and this modification is very easy to do.

    I have now to wiring my limit switch, another war…

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