Stable g2 firmware on Arduino Due

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    Wow, Zootalaws, those are very thorough instructions – I highly appreciate that! I am waiting for my Due to arrive and also for the breakout shield, that I ordered from Djuke in the Netherlands.

    I am building the CNC frame and the base that it sits upon right now. It will be a couple of weeks, until all is ready. I tend to look ahead quite a bit, since many times, the ordering and shipment process takes quite long, especially if you order some parts from China, as most of us hobby CNC users do.

    The big decision I had to make – and the reason for this post and asking for advice – was whether it is a reasonable and „future-proof“ path to switch from an integrated solution (Arduino+grbl+board-with-4-drivers) to a modular solution (due+tinyg2core plus external drivers) which in the end would allow me to drive my 2 Y Axis and an additional A axis so I would end up with 5 drivers.

    It seems this is the way to go, as there IS development and community around g2core! I am very happy and am looking forward to being part of this community and endeavour!

    Thanks for all the help!!



    LOL @ shipping – I live in the third world and am still waiting on stuff I ordered in October 🙂

    The TinyG is modular, in that you can plug in external drivers and slave two (or more) TinyG together to give as many axis/control points as you need (for assembly, pick and place, etc.).

    But, it looks like 32/64 bit is the way forward and the TinyG is going to run out of puff in the future. Still, it’s a cheap enough board that it can always be put to use in another project later on…

    I have a number of controllers, including TinyG, Marlin on the same Xmega board as the Tiny, Smoothieboard, GRBL, and I reach for the TinyG more times than not.

    I’ve got a 4-axis and 5-axis Smoothieboard I haven’t even used, despite it’s connectivity and axis advantages – the motor drivers are the same as your GRBL shield, and I’m not ready to buy some Longshine-type drivers yet. The Tiny works well with my Ox-style Openbuilds machine using belt drive. Maybe if I move to leadscrew I will want more power, but I mostly carve and cut acrylic and ply, so I don’t need a whole heap of power.

    I did note that the development seems to have tailed off on the G2, for whatever reason, and that’s why I haven’t bothered doing anything with it.

    The last commit on git was over a month ago and the one before was six weeks before that, then a month before – not a bleeding-edge active project, by the looks.

    If I was being asked… I would look at one of the Smoothie boards – there’s a tonne of them out there that offer all sorts of options.

    MKS, the maker of hundreds of thousands of Marlin boards has one that’s pretty attractive at Euro 45 for 5 axis using the DRV8825 driver (a step above the DRV8818 in the Tiny).

    It will be my next controller, I think.


    Hi there

    I am also thinking about switching to the Arduino Due + g2core + external driver (4x TB6600) + Nema23 3.3A setup.

    I‘ve been successful in compiling my custom settings and load ut to the Due, however using Chillipeppr I can‘t get the motors moving 🙁

    I‘ve tried a wide range of JERK, VELOCITY erc settings, however the motors won‘t turn only stall. Enable and Disable works fine… Anybody else with this Problem in here? Or has somebody a working settings-file for this config?

    Looking forward to your answers


    PS: I have tested the setup using a simple Arduino Sketch (easydriver). There everythin is working fine, Motors are moving seamlessly.


    Post a $$ dump of your parameter set to a cloud drive and provide a URL.


    Post a $$ dump of your parameter set to a cloud drive and provide a URL.


    Are you direct wiring the TB6600 to the Due, or using buffers?
    the spec sheet says 3.3V to 24V inputs, direct drive from DUE may be marginal (it is 3.3V logic)


    Hi… you can follow the wiki and set up a local build environment. Then you can compile what ever version you might want to try. Building on both Linux and on Atmel tool chain both work well.There are numerous power users on the Ox forum and on Chilipeppr that discuss G2 based systems; many of them are heavily customized by the users.

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