Spindle wiring

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    In anticipation to my TinyG board coming in, I got around to thinking about how to control the VFD I plan to use. Does anyone use the board to control the VFD speed through the program (ESTLcam) or manually from the VFD control panel? Can anyone link me to a wiring diagram for full use of the board regarding that wiring?


    Just connect + to pwm, – to gnd


    I was more hoping that I could use the VFD inputs on my controller, maybe PWM to a certain input which would control speed. I don’t work much with VFDs or CNC machines so I need a little bit of help.


    If you connect your vfd pwm inputs to the pwm + – on the TinyG, you can control the speed of your spindle using the TinyG.

    Without knowing what vfd you have, impossible to give you more information than that


    This one.


    My read (moderate, not deep dive) of the info on the Amazon listing finds no mention of a PWM compatible input.
    From comments made by reviewers, it is hard to determine what documentation you get with the unit. That said, some of the reviewers seem to have figured it out and are please with the results.

    tinyG has three spindle control outputs, On/Off, CW/CCW and SpinPWM, a variable duty cycle pulse train that varies the torque generated by the spindle and therefore its RPM.

    The typical(default) VFD controller interface is an analog voltage in the range of 0-10V, I believe.
    It is my understanding that Machx interfaces provided an output for VFD control, so I am confused by the comment that MACH3 is not compatible with this unit.

    It is possible to convert the tinyG SpinPWM signal to an analog voltage using an external filter circuit and perhaps an amplifier. The tinyG output is 3volt logic.


    I’m pretty sure this is the Manual for the above mentioned inventor:
    It lists an input of 0-10v as the voltage to frequency reference. Which can be used with TinyG via this circuit:

    Spindle: Spin/Sdir/PWM

    Hope that helps.

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