I just cancelled a job to TinyG sent through CoolTerm. Half-way through the job, I could see my speed was too high, so I pressed ‘cancel’ on the CoolTerm dialog.
Just to test the thing, I pressed return only. Tinyg said:
tinyg [mm] err: Arc specification error: G2 X83.852 Y66.
You see the decimal part of the Y was cut off. CoolTerm apparently stops dead in it’s tracks, midway through a send. So only part of the command is sent.
If, for example, CoolTerm sent two fewer characters, when I hit return, it would have sent a Y6, which would have smashed through what I was working on.
By the way, the “flush serial port” command in CoolTerm didn’t help. I did that before hitting a return. 🙂
I will update the Wiki to note this behavior.