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  • #7795

    ok here we go again followed your suggestions Carl, disable the home switches, Set $ntr=60 on all three motors for the x and y axis and set $4tr=2

    At this point I am just checking $1tr to move 10mm in the x direction.
    entered g21 g91
    entere g1 x10 and the machine moved 120mm or 12cm

    I then changed $1tr to 6
    Confirmed that $1tr was indeed 6 Even reset the tinyg and checked it again to confirm.
    went through the process again starting with g21 g91
    then g1 x10
    the x axis moved 100mm
    See attached

    And here is the corker the y axis which is set to $2 – 3tr=60 is almost spot on
    both are nema 23 motors with a 3mm belt and 20 tooth cog

    Not sure where to go to now nor what I am doing wrong


    Very strange indeed.

    At $1tr=60, you are off by x12
    At $1tr=6, you are off by x10
    So we can’t blame something like a bad micro step provisioning .or other ‘digital’ defect, or the multiplier would be constant.
    The obvious suspects are bad motor or perhaps a bad driver device on tinyG.

    Let’s try this:
    First – objective, run Y axis with only one motor
    step 1 – Set parameter $3pm=0 (disable the second Y motor)
    step 2 – Set $1tr=60 (back to what we think it should be)
    step 3 – Try the Y axis 10mm move – still good? it may be a bit jerky with only one motor running
    step 4 – Verify that G1 X10 still moves 120mm or so.

    Second – Objective: connect the Y motor to motor(driver) 1 and the X axis to motor(driver) 2.
    step 1 – At tinyG terminal strips, unwire Motor one and motor two, then reconnect them motor two and motor 1
    step 2 – execute a G1 X10. The Y axis should move, ideally 10 mm
    step 3 – execute a G1 Y10. The X axis should move, ideally 10mm.

    What do we get now?

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by cmcgrath5035.

    Carried out your suggestions but could not get anything conclusive. I ran a factory rest on the tinyg and started re-configuring from scratch. No I am getting what I am expecting.

    Carl thank you for your patients and time. Now I just need to get familiar and comfortable with ting g-code. Long haul learning curve. So any advice on how to do that quickly would be good.

    All is now working as it should.

    One question though the hello world code in CP appears to have its center at the origin. is it possible to move it in the 3d view or do you have to edit the gcode start to do that?


    So a $defa=1, the full reconfiguration, fixed it?


    What OS are you using?
    What interface are you using to enter and maintain parameters? ChiliPeppr, CoolTerm, ?

    Leaning on this stuff goes on forever.
    Hang around the forums and see other folks solve issues.
    It is somewhat amazing the variety of machines and projects that flow through.
    And experiment, experiment, experiment.


    Oh, to your CP 3D viewer question; centering on 0,0,0 is coded in to the widget.


    @ Carl CP and Coolterm running on win7 64 enterprise mostly use coolterm when configuring tinyg. yes $defa=1 sorted it once I reconfig the basic settings.

    Thanks for the help it has encouraged me to carry on with tinyg


    Look at it this way, you learned a lot of the dark corners, the experience will help into the future.


    ho hum just when I thought I was getting somewhere I am back to square 1.

    Having got my spindle connected and working now my y axes motor 3 has hit the brakes.

    when instructing tinyg to move using Coolterm the Y axis will not move if both motor 2 and 3 are powered. If Motor 3 is disable then y moves. I have swapped the motor wires to the to board round but the problem stayed to the motor connected to motor 3 on the board.
    I did a reset to factory default again as that got me out of trouble last time but alas this time it did not.

    Please advise if possible would re flashing the firmware help at all or is my card a brick


    Another defa=1 might help, but this does not feel like that sort of problem.
    Does not sound like reflash either.

    If Motor 3 is disable then y moves

    If Motor 2 is disabled, does Motor 3 work?
    Are they fighting each other?

    Can you post your most recent $$?


    Hi Carl If motor 3 is disabled and Motor 2 enable Y will move. If only motor 3 is enabled Y does not move. When trying to move Y using only Motor 3 the lights on the tinyg light up and the motor is energized and you hear a click sound from the motor but that is all it will not move nor can it be moved by hand.


    I think one way this could happen would be if only one of the two windings were connected for Motor 3.
    If the other winding were open, the motor would not move as it takes phase offset between the two winding signals to cause movement, but having one of the winding energized would hold the rotor in place.

    If Motor 3 is disable then y moves. I have swapped the motor wires to the to board round but the problem stayed to the motor connected to motor 3 on the board.

    Can you describe what you did here?

    I would
    1. Recheck all your wiring connections between tinyG and Motor 3.
    if no joy, then
    2. at tiny G, swap wires (Motor 3 to driver 2, Motor 2 to driver 3) and see if the problem stays with Driver 3 or with Motor 3.
    Of course when you do this, without changing $2po and $3po, the Y axis direction of travel will be reversed.


    Hi Carl that is the process I did follow when swapping the motor drive wires at the tinyg the fault stayed with the drive on the tinyg. This ruled out a faulty motor as both the motors on the y axes worked when connected to the motor 2 drive on the tinyg board but not when connected to the motor 3 driver connection


    Do you have an ohmmeter?

    If so, with power to tinyG off, measure the resistance between adjacent screw pairs on each of the 4 motor connectors (8 measurements). Pins 1-2 and 3-4 on each motor connector.
    On my tinyG with NEMA17s connected, I see the winding resistance as about 3 ohms.

    If those all look good, Post you parameters once again so I can have a look.


    is that with or without the motor connected to the board
    With the motors connected

    nema 23
    motor 1 pin 1&2 = 1.4ohm
    motor 1 pin 3&4 = 1.4ohm

    nema 23
    motor 2 pin 1&2 = 1.5ohm
    motor 2 pin 3&4 = 1.4ohm

    nema 23
    motor 3 pin 1&2 = 1.4ohm
    motor 3 pin 3&4 = 1.4ohm

    nema 17
    motor 4 pin 1&2 = 2.2ohm
    motor 4 pin 3&4 = 2.2ohm

    So that looks normal

    if there is a miss wired limit switch could that cause this? or would that just keep the card disabled

    No that’s not the problem disconnected the limit switches problem still there

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by snooperace.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by snooperace.

    No, Limit switches affect axes, not Motors (but, of course motors are assigned to axes).
    So the Y axis has one motor working and one not – does not sound like a limit switch issue.

    Your ohms look OK – I was checking that windings were connected to the board.

    Are you sure $2mi and $3mi are the same (probably both = 8)?

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