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MemberWell I feel silly….
I double checked the Spindle Power Supply switch pins and they do in fact have ~ 80 volts to ground and 25ish volts across them…..
I don’t know how to make the embarrassed emoji, but if I did I would be using it right now. I don’t know how I messed that up (maybe I had my Multimeter in Amps not Volts??)Embarrassment aside, I double checked the “SPIN” pin and after using the M3 command it remains at 0V (it never changes state) The “SDIR” and “COOL” Pins do change state and provide a 3V signal.
I believe I must have burned something out on the board and will just have to suck it up and buy a new one. I apologize for giving you guys the run-around, but I have learned a lot in the process. If you have any ideas about fixing the board I wouldn’t be apposed to trying. Otherwise, thank you both very much for all of your time and input.
Thomas Kullmantjkullman
MemberUnits- Hmm. After reading the very last paragraph it shed some light on the tendency for the TinyG to revert to MM. I use Inches because it is what I am familiar with, thats all.
Parameters-My Y pullys are these:
And this is the belt I am using:
My X axis is a part I pulled from an old printer. Here is a picture of it:
Hope this explains a little.Power Supply Switch Leads- I will verify here shortly, but I believe I measured 0V accross the leads as well as 0V to Ground on both sides when I called for the M3 command. I will double check though.
Will let you know here shortly,
Thomas Kullmantjkullman
MemberI will look into the Atmel Studio. I didn’t realize there were those tools available.
I have looked at Chilipeppr, but where I have my cnc setup there is no internet connectivity. There is a offline Chilipeppr, but I had little success getting it to work. That is why I use CNCjs. Honestly, I am pretty surprised at how well it has functioned.
I did wire up my motor to M2 to troubleshoot and the problem stayed with the M1 port. I use M1 for X, M2 & M3 for Y and M4 for Z. I did consider abandoning the M1 port and moving to M2 and having M3 handle both Y motors. I will try the Atmel Studio first before resorting to that.
Concerning the spindle, I do have a relay that has a 3.3v – 5v coil that will work nicely. I will use that.
Yesterday Carl asked:
When you come back, please comment on your parameters and where they come from. Are you following a guide for a particular machine?
What are you using to interface to tinyG? PC, MAC, etc
Using CoolTerm or perhaps Chilipeppr or other?
Also, provide more info on wiring SPIN to your power supply control.
What you report implies reasonable functionality, communications wise, which seems to rule out SPIN having experienced a 120V AC event, which I would expect to be rather catastrophic.I have modeled my Cnc based on the OX Cnc:
The parameters I came up with on my own by experimenting. I am sure they could use some adjusting/fine tuning, but they have been working nicely so I left them alone. I use a Windows 10 laptop and up until recently I have been using the USB straight into the laptop. Software wise I use CoolTerm to change parameters and test settings and/or jog, and CNCjs for my gcode. I have recently implemented a Raspberry Pi to host the CNCjs page and am very happy with the results. During all of this though I have gone to hard wired so I can use CoolTerm. Here is how I had the Spindle connected:
Concerning the spindle and power supply I did measure the voltage across the Spindle On/Off terminals as well as to ground and it reads 0 volts. I believe what shorted the TinyG board was the way I wired it. I wired from the TinyG “SPIN” pin to one side of the power supply On/Off switch then out and back to the “GND” pin on the TinyG…. I realize in retrospect that this was foolish because it probably created a short, but I was not sure how to wire it.I will look into the Atmel Studio and wiring up the relay as I get time today. I have to work again, but I will try to check back here periodically.
Thanks again guys,
Thomas Kullman
I appreciate the responses, and I apologize for not responding sooner. (Had to work 😛 )
To start off My CNC is 100% custom. I built it with scrap 80/20 and old stepper motors from salvaged printers…. I have since purchased new .9 degree steppers motors, the spindle and a Raspberry Pi hosting the CNCjs webpage.
Prior to the spindle I was using an old dremel tool with good success. Everything was working normally.Here is a copy of my original email to Carl explaining my problem:
“Hello, First off I want to thank you for putting out a fantastic product. It has performed extremely well. I did not see any open topics with this same issue, so that is why I am contacting you here. Up until now I have had no issues with my tinyg board, in fact I love it! I recently purchased a spindle and for now I am using the Potentiometer that it came with for my speed control, I did attempt to use the “Spin” pin and “Gnd” pin as my spindle on/off control. When I powered up the board though the board locked up and flashed a red light a couple times. I removed that wiring and now control the spindle completely independently from the TinyG board. My issue now is when I move my X axis, it travels ~10” when I tell it to travel 1”… (the distance is consistent though, and if I change the tr for the x axis from 2.0050” to 20.050” it acts normal…. but it is not right) I connected the same motor to a different axis and changed the settings for my tr and it acts normal leading me to believe it is something in the controller board. I have double checked my wiring and everything looks good. I am not sure what to do next (maybe update the firmware?) Please advise what I should do next. Thank you in advance Sincerely, Thomas Kullman”Things I have tried:
-I reinstalled the EEPROM defaults using $defa=1.
-Re-installing the firmware using the Firmware GUI found here:
-I then tried re-flashing the TinyG using Avrdude and the .hex fileUnfortunately none of these fixed the issue, so I decided to verify if the issue was reliably consistent and I wired up an old stepper motor and after several hours of manipulating my setting I came to the conclusion that my travel per revolution is actually exactly 8 times what it should be (if I tell the motor to move 1″ it moves exactly 8″ every time.) So I changed my $1tr from 2.005″ to 16.04″. I ran some gcode to test the machine and everything worked perfectly.
I am okay with this outcome for now, but slightly baffled as to what happened and why restoring the EEPROM parameters to default and re-installing the firmware did not fix it….
Concerning the spindle and power supply I did measure the voltage across the Spindle On/Off terminals as well as to ground and it reads 0 volts. I believe what shorted the TinyG board was the way I wired it. I wired from the TinyG “SPIN” pin to one side of the power supply On/Off switch then out and back to the “GND” pin on the TinyG…. I realize in retrospect that this was foolish because it probably created a short, but I was not sure how to wire it.
Hopefully this helps explain my situation a little better, and like I said i have it working for the time being and will continue using this setup if we cant figure out a solution. BTW if you do want any pictures and/or details on my pulleys, belts, motors etc. I can provide that.
Thank you all for your help.
Thomas Kullman -