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MemberI am not really sure how else to word my question. It’s not about the switches or the states. It’s about the type of voltage the unit is programmed to look for to indicate an active/energized input: 0V or 3.3V.
I am assuming at this point that the default state of the input is low or floating and requires a high input of 3.3V.
MemberThat helped a lot! Thanks.
Although I am still not sure if the switch inputs are looking for a high or a low signal…. By high or low I am referring to the input voltage, not the state of the switches.
I am assuming it’s looking for 3V but I wanted to make sure. I’ve seen a number of arduino setups that have internal pullup resistors on and are looking for the input to be pulled low to activate.
I am trying to convert my old Uno/GRBL system to a tinyg2/Due system and I think I have the software working but I had a few questions about the board setup. I apologize if these questions are noob but I did not want to mess my board up.
Q1. I was planning on using the Due outputs to control some TB6600 type stepper drives which have an input range from 2-5.5V so I should be able to use this Due without adding any gShield, right?
Q2. For inputs like the microstep pins and the limit switches, am I connecting them to 0v or to 3.3v to activate?
Q3. Pin #8 is labeled gblenab, but I was not able to figure out what that meant. Can someone translate that for me?
Q4. What are the motor voltage reference pins used for?
Thanks a ton. The software looks to be a great solution for my CNC upgrade. Hoping to get it working and back cutting parts!