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  • in reply to: Reset on move? #3821

    OK, I put it on that page. Something in passing: my connection block for that motor looks like it has a little more play than I think it should have, so when I get a chance, I’m going to look at it for a cracked solder joint; it’s possible that the physical torque while tightening the connector screws was too much for a weak connection. Connectors that share physical stability and electrical connection duties are always entertaining.

    in reply to: Reset on move? #3816

    Thanks. Is there something I can do to help write this up? I couldn’t immediately find a page for it, other than possibly Troubleshooting.

    in reply to: Reset on move? #3812

    OK, so I wrote up this whole report, and then the problem went away. So it may be moot (for me, anyway). But FWIW.

    While investigating it, I found it was only associated with moves in the X axis. Looking at the board, I couldn’t see any problems, but after some physical manipulation of the X axis stepper motor wires, the problem disappeared and I was able to do a single ~5-minute operation without any issues.

    Color me mystified.

    Anyway, please find the below report. I’m happy to have suggestions on my settings; they’re just what I had when it started working.

    TinyG version 0.94 (build 339.09) “GoGo Boots”. I don’t believe I have limit switches enabled; I haven’t enabled them and I don’t have any connected.

    I do not need to have the spindle on; here’s a complete serial trace of a recent session (with some status lines elided, my commands in bold). As you can see, I can run the spindle up & down, but when I try to traverse, it seems to reset (there’s a small jerk of the motors before it does so), but it’s not a true cold reset; if I send it another command, it hangs (see at the bottom, below the settings output). I can then send an ! to get a prompt again.

    The below trace was captured within a few seconds of powering on the board after hours unused, so it’s not a heat issue.

     – Tim

    #### Loading configs from EEPROM ####
    #### TinyG version 0.94 (build 339.09) “GoGo Boots” ####
    Type h for help
    tinyg[mm] ok> z-5
    tinyg[mm] ok> line:1,posx:0.000,posy:0.000,posz:-0.000,posa:0.000,feed:0.000,vel:0.377,unit:1,coor:1,dist:0,frmo:0,momo:0,stat:4
    [6 lines elided]
    tinyg[mm] ok> line:2,posx:0.000,posy:0.000,posz:-4.962,posa:0.000,feed:0.000,vel:65.308,unit:1,coor:1,dist:0,frmo:0,momo:0,stat:4
    [7 lines elided]
    tinyg[mm] ok> line:3,posx:0.000,posy:0.000,posz:4.962,posa:0.000,feed:0.000,vel:65.308,unit:1,coor:1,dist:0,frmo:0,momo:0,stat:4
    [7 lines elided]
    tinyg[mm] ok> line:4,posx:0.000,posy:0.000,posz:-4.962,posa:0.000,feed:0.000,vel:65.308,unit:1,coor:1,dist:0,frmo:0,momo:0,stat:4
    [6 lines elided]
    x10 y10
    tinyg[mm] ok> 
    #### Loading configs from EEPROM ####
    #### TinyG version 0.94 (build 339.09) “GoGo Boots” ####
    Type h for help

    tinyg[mm] ok> ?
    Line number:         0
    X position:          0.000 mm
    Y position:          0.000 mm
    Z position:          0.000 mm
    A position:          0.000 deg
    Feed rate:           0.000 mm/min
    Velocity:            0.000 mm/min
    Units:               G21 – millimeter mode
    Coordinate system:   G54 – coordinate system 1
    Distance mode:       G90 – absolute distance mode
    Feed rate mode:      G94 – units-per-minute mode (i.e. feedrate mode)
    Motion mode:         G0  – linear traverse (seek)
    Machine state:       Reset

    tinyg[mm] ok> $$
    [fb]  firmware_build            339.09
    [fv]  firmware_version            0.94
    [si]  status_interval           200 ms [0=off]
    [gpl] gcode_select_plane          0 [0,1,2]
    [gun] gcode_units_mode            1 [0,1]
    [gco] gcode_coord_system          1 [1-6]
    [gpa] gcode_path_control          2 [0,1,2]
    [gdi] gcode_distance_mode         0 [0,1]
    [ea]  enable_acceleration         1 [0,1]
    [ja]  junction_acceleration  100000 mm
    [ml]  min_line_segment            0.080 mm
    [ma]  min_arc_segment             0.100 mm
    [mt]  min_segment_time         5000 uSec
    [ic]  ignore CR or LF on RX       0 [0,1=CR,2=LF]
    [ec]  enable_CR (on TX)           0 [0,1]
    [ee]  enable_echo                 1 [0,1]
    [ex]  enable_xon_xoff             1 [0,1]
    [eh]  enable_hashcode             1 [0,1]
    [g54x] g54_x_offset               0.000 mm
    [g54y] g54_y_offset               0.000 mm
    [g54z] g54_z_offset               0.000 mm
    [g54a] g54_a_offset               0.000 mm
    [g54b] g54_b_offset               0.000 mm
    [g54c] g54_c_offset               0.000 mm
    [g55x] g55_x_offset               0.000 mm
    [g55y] g55_y_offset               0.000 mm
    [g55z] g55_z_offset               0.000 mm
    [g55a] g55_a_offset               0.000 mm
    [g55b] g55_b_offset               0.000 mm
    [g55c] g55_c_offset               0.000 mm
    [g56x] g56_x_offset               0.000 mm
    [g56y] g56_y_offset               0.000 mm
    [g56z] g56_z_offset               0.000 mm
    [g56a] g56_a_offset               0.000 mm
    [g56b] g56_b_offset               0.000 mm
    [g56c] g56_c_offset               0.000 mm
    [g57x] g57_x_offset               0.000 mm
    [g57y] g57_y_offset               0.000 mm
    [g57z] g57_z_offset               0.000 mm
    [g57a] g57_a_offset               0.000 mm
    [g57b] g57_b_offset               0.000 mm
    [g57c] g57_c_offset               0.000 mm
    [g58x] g58_x_offset               0.000 mm
    [g58y] g58_y_offset               0.000 mm
    [g58z] g58_z_offset               0.000 mm
    [g58a] g58_a_offset               0.000 mm
    [g58b] g58_b_offset               0.000 mm
    [g58c] g58_c_offset               0.000 mm
    [g59x] g59_x_offset               0.000 mm
    [g59y] g59_y_offset               0.000 mm
    [g59z] g59_z_offset               0.000 mm
    [g59a] g59_a_offset               0.000 mm
    [g59b] g59_b_offset               0.000 mm
    [g59c] g59_c_offset               0.000 mm
    X origin offset:     0.000 mm
    Y origin offset:     0.000 mm
    Z origin offset:     0.000 mm
    A origin offset:     0.000 deg
    B origin offset:     0.000 deg
    C origin offset:     0.000 deg
    [1ma] m1_map_to_axis              3 [0=X, 1=Y…]
    [1sa] m1_step_angle               1.800 deg
    [1tr] m1_travel_per_revolution    1.250 mm
    [1mi] m1_microsteps               8 [1,2,4,8]
    [1po] m1_polarity                 0 [0,1]
    [1pm] m1_power_management         0 [0,1]
    [2ma] m2_map_to_axis              2 [0=X, 1=Y…]
    [2sa] m2_step_angle               1.800 deg
    [2tr] m2_travel_per_revolution    1.250 mm
    [2mi] m2_microsteps               1 [1,2,4,8]
    [2po] m2_polarity                 1 [0,1]
    [2pm] m2_power_management         0 [0,1]
    [3ma] m3_map_to_axis              1 [0=X, 1=Y…]
    [3sa] m3_step_angle               1.800 deg
    [3tr] m3_travel_per_revolution   35.980 mm
    [3mi] m3_microsteps               8 [1,2,4,8]
    [3po] m3_polarity                 1 [0,1]
    [3pm] m3_power_management         0 [0,1]
    [4ma] m4_map_to_axis              0 [0=X, 1=Y…]
    [4sa] m4_step_angle               1.800 deg
    [4tr] m4_travel_per_revolution   35.980 mm
    [4mi] m4_microsteps               8 [1,2,4,8]
    [4po] m4_polarity                 0 [0,1]
    [4pm] m4_power_management         0 [0,1]
    [xam] x_axis_mode                 1 [standard]
    [xvm] x_velocity_maximum      16000.000 mm/min
    [xfr] x_feedrate_maximum      16000.000 mm/min
    [xtm] x_travel_maximum          170.000 mm
    [xjm] x_jerk_maximum     5000000000 mm/min^3
    [xjd] x_junction_deviation        0.0500 mm (larger is faster)
    [xsm] x_switch_mode               1 [0,1,2,3,4]
    [xsv] x_search_velocity        -500.000 mm/min
    [xlv] x_latch_velocity          100.000 mm/min
    [xlb] x_latch_backoff             2.000 mm
    [xzb] x_zero_backoff              1.000 mm
    [yam] y_axis_mode                 1 [standard]
    [yvm] y_velocity_maximum      16000.000 mm/min
    [yfr] y_feedrate_maximum      16000.000 mm/min
    [ytm] y_travel_maximum          200.000 mm
    [yjm] y_jerk_maximum     5000000000 mm/min^3
    [yjd] y_junction_deviation        0.0500 mm (larger is faster)
    [ysm] y_switch_mode               1 [0,1,2,3,4]
    [ysv] y_search_velocity        -500.000 mm/min
    [ylv] y_latch_velocity          100.000 mm/min
    [ylb] y_latch_backoff             2.000 mm
    [yzb] y_zero_backoff              1.000 mm
    [zam] z_axis_mode                 1 [standard]
    [zvm] z_velocity_maximum       1200.000 mm/min
    [zfr] z_feedrate_maximum       1200.000 mm/min
    [ztm] z_travel_maximum           50.000 mm
    [zjm] z_jerk_maximum       50000000 mm/min^3
    [zjd] z_junction_deviation        0.0500 mm (larger is faster)
    [zsm] z_switch_mode               1 [0,1,2,3,4]
    [zsv] z_search_velocity        -400.000 mm/min
    [zlv] z_latch_velocity          100.000 mm/min
    [zlb] z_latch_backoff             2.000 mm
    [zzb] z_zero_backoff              1.000 mm
    [aam] a_axis_mode                 1 [standard]
    [avm] a_velocity_maximum       3600.000 deg/min
    [afr] a_feedrate_maximum       3600.000 deg/min
    [atm] a_travel_maximum           -1.000 deg
    [ajm] a_jerk_maximum       20000000 deg/min^3
    [ajd] a_junction_deviation        0.0500 deg
    [ara] a_radius_value              1.0000 deg
    [asm] a_switch_mode               1 [0,1,2,3,4]
    [asv] a_search_velocity        -600.000 deg/min
    [alv] a_latch_velocity          100.000 deg/min
    [alb] a_latch_backoff            -5.000 deg
    [azb] a_zero_backoff              2.000 deg
    [bam] b_axis_mode                 0 [disabled]
    [bvm] b_velocity_maximum       3600.000 deg/min
    [bfr] b_feedrate_maximum       3600.000 deg/min
    [btm] b_travel_maximum           -1.000 deg
    [bjm] b_jerk_maximum       20000000 deg/min^3
    [bjd] b_junction_deviation        0.0500 deg
    [bra] b_radius_value              1.0000 deg
    [bsm] b_switch_mode               1 [0,1,2,3,4]
    [bsv] b_search_velocity        -600.000 deg/min
    [blv] b_latch_velocity          100.000 deg/min
    [blb] b_latch_backoff            -5.000 deg
    [bzb] b_zero_backoff              2.000 deg
    [cam] c_axis_mode                 0 [disabled]
    [cvm] c_velocity_maximum       3600.000 deg/min
    [cfr] c_feedrate_maximum       3600.000 deg/min
    [ctm] c_travel_maximum           -1.000 deg
    [cjm] c_jerk_maximum       20000000 deg/min^3
    [cjd] c_junction_deviation        0.0500 deg
    [cra] c_radius_value              1.0000 deg
    [csm] c_switch_mode               1 [0,1,2,3,4]
    [csv] c_search_velocity        -600.000 deg/min
    [clv] c_latch_velocity          100.000 deg/min
    [clb] c_latch_backoff            -5.000 deg
    [czb] c_zero_backoff              2.000 deg

    tinyg[mm] ok> x5

    tinyg[mm] ok> line:1,posx:0.000,posy:0.000,posz:0.000,posa:0.000,feed:0.000,vel:3.937,unit:1,coor:1,dist:0,frmo:0,momo:0,stat:4

    [here I sent a !, but it wasn’t echoed back]

    tinyg[mm] ok> ?

    Line number:         0
    X position:          0.000 mm
    Y position:          0.000 mm
    Z position:          0.000 mm
    A position:          0.000 deg
    Feed rate:           0.000 mm/min
    Velocity:            3.937 mm/min
    Units:               G21 – millimeter mode
    Coordinate system:   G54 – coordinate system 1
    Distance mode:       G90 – absolute distance mode
    Feed rate mode:      G94 – units-per-minute mode (i.e. feedrate mode)
    Motion mode:         G0  – linear traverse (seek)
    Machine state:       Hold
    tinyg[mm] ok>

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