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I assume you’re really interested in feedback from grim, as he is the one currently having an issue. My issues with the buffer issue seem to be ok now with 421.06. I did do a quick of the latest tgfx build you posted to see how it worked, however it crashed after just a few keystrokes so I’ll stick with coolterm for now. Here’s the quick feedback on the tgfx build:
1) “Hardware” is misspelled in two places in the section listing firmware version.
2) The graphical display of position will be great when it is fully working, but not having any ability to zoom limits its usefulness for me. Also, I like to put the 0,0 location of the spindle in the center of the work piece. This results in the graphical drawing extending out past the graphics window. For now, a simple constraint on the drawing to stay within the graphics window would suffice, but the optimum solution for me would be to auto-zoom the window to the extents in the loaded gcode file.
3) To hang tgfx I loaded the rabbit gcode mentioned earlier in this thread into tgfx and clicked on “run”. After running a few minutes I clicked “stop” and then clicked “run” again. There was no response from tinyg when “run” was pressed. I then clicked “reset” and then “run”. At this point tgfx was hung with the circular “wait” icon.sparkcrafter
MemberI had a chance to do some quick testing yesterday and the new firmware seems to work good for me as well. I was able to get both of the reliefs I had posted to cut without problems.
For the $st setting, it seems to work correctly if you set $st=1, it just doesn’t report it back correctly (always reports back zero).
Great to hear you may have a fix for this. Can you provide a temporary link to a .hex file for this build so I can test it against my setup?sparkcrafter
MemberYou are correct. Adding the dwell fixes the problem and removing it causes the problem to appear. This may or may not happen on your system as the problem is very sensitive to anything that effects the timing. If you can’t get the snippet to fail, use the two full listings I posted. I’ve never been able to get both of them to work using any settings.
When it fails, the status report does not show any problem. To return to my original starting point after a failure I have to execute:
g0z-4.5 (remember the gcode left the machine at 0,0,2 so this is a 2.5mm adjustment)
g28.3 z0I don’t have a physical DRO. I currently just run the code over top of the wood with the relief cut so it just skims about 0.1mm above the relief until the failure point. The benefit of this approach is that I can see the failure without running the spindle. So, yes, it fails without the spindle running.
I am on 412.01 and the json settings I sent are current. I have a few more hours to test, then won’t be available to test until next week. Would be great to try a build with buffer size increased if you have a chance to do that.sparkcrafter
MemberOops.. Meant to say I was keeping xjm=5000, not xvm.
MemberAs a follow-up to try to determine if this is a buffer/timing issue I re-ran the failing snippet, but added a G4P1 delay midway through the code. This fixed the problem. So it seems like there is a buffer overflow or timing type of issue happening. It’s possible that the problem is in the USB/Serial flow, but the problem shows itself on two completely different systems and it doesn’t seem to matter if I use CTS or XON for flow control.
Depending on the setup, the problem can be sporadic, so be sure to try any test multiple times before concluding whether it worked or not.
Not sure if it helps narrow down the problem, but it looks like there is a small X offset occurring as well as the Z offset. The X offset is an order of magnitude less than the Z offset, so it only becomes obvious after the error builds up over multiple failures. So, the failing offset is probably an X/Z vector and not just a Z offset.
Note that I’m using xvm=5000 for these tests just to keep everything the same.
1) Are there any adjustments you can make in the firmware to change buffer size? Other suggestions on what I can try to help narrow down the issue?
2) Here is the snippet that works with the delay added in:
(Material Size) (X=50.000, Y=80.000, Z=3.000)
(Tool Number:1) (0.063 inches dia. ball nose)
M3 S25000
G0 X0.0000 Y0.0050 Z2.0000
G1 X50.0000 F1270X50.0000
Y70.4950 Z-3.0001X33.5304 Z-2.1475
X33.3406 Z-2.1903
X32.7767 Z-2.4060
X32.7743 Z-2.4064
X32.3565 Z-2.3703
X32.0144 Z-2.3756
X31.3308 Z-2.4528
X30.9967 Z-2.5216
X30.6646 Z-2.6242
X30.3437 Z-2.8173
X30.1884 Z-2.9967
X30.1845 Z-3.0001
X20.7875 Z-2.9995
X20.7858 Z-2.9988
X20.6700 Z-2.8529
X20.4777 Z-2.7141
X20.1713 Z-2.5987
X19.8357 Z-2.5130
X19.1605 Z-2.3967
X18.3062 Z-2.3685
X18.1502 Z-2.4033
G4 P1
X18.1483 Z-2.4026
X17.6741 Z-2.2195
X16.8486 Z-1.9886
X16.1831 Z-1.8643
X14.8809 Z-1.7256
X14.2701 Z-1.7060
X13.5774 Z-1.7086
X12.5567 Z-1.7910
X11.2472 Z-1.9902
X10.8224 Z-2.0914
X10.3240 Z-2.2195
X9.9958 Z-2.3447
X9.6709 Z-2.5462
X9.5459 Z-2.6918
X9.4113 Z-2.9945
X9.4079 Z-2.9967
X0.0000 Z-3.0001G0 Z2.0000
MemberYes, i’m only using coolterm now. I’ve also tried jcnc with the same result as well as an old pentium laptop running xp. I’m using xon/xoff at 115,200.
Keep in mind that this problem is very timing sensitive (i.e. Removing gcode from the beginning or end of the snippet can get it to run) so any changes to the file like adding line numbers or capturing a file while sending could mask the problem. For example, if tinyg has to parse the line to remove or skip over the line numbers this will give the execution unit more time between gcode lines which could solve the problem. I’ll try running your gcode with the added line numbers later today and see if there are any changes in behavior. I would suggest you try running without line numbers and without capturing a file just to ensure we’re running the same setup.
The problem is repeatable with the whole rabbit file. That’s how i was able to systematically cut the file down until i found the offending section. So, the line numbers would be the same section as seen in the snippet. However, keep in mind that where it fails in the file will change based on settings or perhaps other factors that change the timings.
MemberYes, 2.5mm. It is quite noticeable when it happens. However, i have also noticed smaller (eg 0.2mm offsets) on other reliefs. I had assumed the small offsets were sloppiness in my z-axis, but now you have me wondering if they are related issues. I’ll be interested in hearing if you’re able to get any offset to show up.
Is there a way for me to ensure the firmware/eeprom contents are in a known good state? Seems like that’s one variable we should try to eliminate if possible.
For background info, here’s the sequence of events as best as I can recall:
1) I was using the firmware that shipped on the board. I believe this was 380.05, but not positive. This seemed to work great for 2D cuts, but i don’t recall if i had done any reliefs with that setup.
2) i was testing out various methods of sending gcode to tinyg and really wanted a program with a DRO. This, of course, led me to try tgfx which had considerable issues such as slowing down to a crawl on long jobs and the screen didn’t display right on my windows system. So I decided to try the latest version i could find to see if it would be at all workable. This version has the embedded “update firmware” feature and it indicated that my firmware was out of date and asked me if i wanted to update to the latest, which was 380.08. I selected that option and tgfx updated the firmware. At that point things went downhill. My 2D cuts were no longer accurate. It would handle stepdown cuts of a single hole accurately, but from hole to hole the locations would be off in x and y. After trying many different settings to try to get the system to work as it had, i gave up on 380.08 and wanted to go back to 380.05 since that was a known good setup. However, 380.05 is not on your download page, so i finally decided i had nothing to lose by going to 412.01.
3) i followed the wiki directions for flashing the firmware with avrdude and was successful updating to 412.01. This fixed the issues with 2d cutting and everything appeared to work great until i tried to do reliefs, that’s when this issue appeared. I haven’t been able to get a relief to successfully cut yet. Some reliefs have different offset issues, but i’ve focused on this particular one because it was a big offset and it was repeatable.
4) as mentioned in an earlier post, somewhere in the firmware updates i ran across the issue where some of the values changed by a factor of “x1million” which brought things to a stop until i adjusted the values to compensate.
5) by the way, is $MS still supported? I can view the other hidden variables, but not that one.
MemberAlden, here’s some feedback on your questions:
1) I don’t see any change to G92,G54-59. They are all zeroes except G55 x and y which are both 75. Every time I run the snippet I have to execute a g0z-2.5 followed by a g28.3 g0 to re-position the spindle at the correct height.
2) The router is not a Shapeoko, I referred to it as a “heavier duty shapeoko-like cnc router” just to give you an idea of the type of machine it is. The machine is scratch built using v-slot aluminum extrusion and 1/4″ aluminum plates. I used 6mm diameter x 1mm TPI leadscrew for the z-axis.
3) I tried changing $xjm from 5000x1million to 100x1million. That shifted the offset issue back to the original failing part of the relief. In other words the first snippet I sent would fail and the second snippet I sent would now work fine. So, adjusting xjm is certainly having an effect, but doesn’t fix the overall issue. I noticed that the “x1million” was added at some point and I had to go in and change some of the values to get the system working again. Could the issue be that there is an issue with the “x1million” change not being fully converted in all locations of the firmware or with the recommended settings?
4) Don’t fixate on the $ct data point. It may be that something else was changed (e.g. $xjm) along with $ct.
5) In your numbered gcode, the failure shows up as the spindle lifting off of the work surface sometime around line N55 (plus or minus). However, I can effect whether or not it will fail near N55 by deleting or adding back in gcode that is in the N20’s area. So, for instance, if I comment out the code in the N20-N30 area then the gcode runs fine. It’s as if a buffer is overflowing when trying to run the whole sequence.
6) Where can I find 412.02? I only see 412.01 on your download page.
7) Unrelated to this problem, $st always returns a “0” (NO). I use NC switches and they work when I set $st=1, however the report always shows $st=0.
8) Here’s a link to the complete listing that I’m working on:
9) Here’s a second relief that also fails:
I’ve done a bunch more testing narrowing down what works and doesn’t work by commenting out lines of gcode, but don’t want to flood you with info if this is just an eeprom issue. Here are a few examples:
This Snippet Fails Sporadically, and when it fails the offset is off by only about 1mm:(RABBIT)
(Material Size) (X=50.000, Y=80.000, Z=3.000)
(Tool Number:1) (0.063 inches dia. ball nose)
M3 S25000
G0 X0.0000 Y0.0050 Z2.0000
G1 X50.0000 F1270X50.0000
Y70.4950 Z-3.0001X35.7917 Z-1.7568
X35.1233 Z-1.8064
X33.8555 Z-2.0655
X33.5304 Z-2.1475
X33.3406 Z-2.1903
X32.7767 Z-2.4060
X32.7743 Z-2.4064
X32.3565 Z-2.3703
X32.0144 Z-2.3756
X31.3308 Z-2.4528
X30.9967 Z-2.5216
X30.6646 Z-2.6242
X30.3437 Z-2.8173
X30.1884 Z-2.9967
X30.1845 Z-3.0001
X20.7875 Z-2.9995
X20.7858 Z-2.9988
X20.6700 Z-2.8529
X20.4777 Z-2.7141
X20.1713 Z-2.5987
X19.8357 Z-2.5130
X19.1605 Z-2.3967
X18.3062 Z-2.3685
X18.1502 Z-2.4033
X18.1483 Z-2.4026
X17.6741 Z-2.2195
X16.8486 Z-1.9886
X16.1831 Z-1.8643
X14.8809 Z-1.7256
X14.2701 Z-1.7060
X13.5774 Z-1.7086
X12.5567 Z-1.7910
X11.2472 Z-1.9902X10.8224 Z-2.0914
X10.3240 Z-2.2195
;X9.9958 Z-2.3447
;X9.6709 Z-2.5462;X9.5459 Z-2.6918
;X9.4113 Z-2.9945
;X9.4079 Z-2.9967
;X0.0000 Z-3.0001G0 Z2.0000
This Snippet works:
(Material Size) (X=50.000, Y=80.000, Z=3.000)
(Tool Number:1) (0.063 inches dia. ball nose)
M3 S25000
G0 X0.0000 Y0.0050 Z2.0000
G1 X50.0000 F1270X50.0000
Y70.4950 Z-3.0001X35.7917 Z-1.7568
X35.1233 Z-1.8064
X33.8555 Z-2.0655
X33.5304 Z-2.1475
X33.3406 Z-2.1903
X32.7767 Z-2.4060
X32.7743 Z-2.4064
X32.3565 Z-2.3703
X32.0144 Z-2.3756
X31.3308 Z-2.4528
X30.9967 Z-2.5216
X30.6646 Z-2.6242
X30.3437 Z-2.8173
X30.1884 Z-2.9967
X30.1845 Z-3.0001
X20.7875 Z-2.9995
X20.7858 Z-2.9988
X20.6700 Z-2.8529
X20.4777 Z-2.7141
X20.1713 Z-2.5987
X19.8357 Z-2.5130
X19.1605 Z-2.3967
X18.3062 Z-2.3685
X18.1502 Z-2.4033
X18.1483 Z-2.4026
X17.6741 Z-2.2195
X16.8486 Z-1.9886
X16.1831 Z-1.8643
X14.8809 Z-1.7256
X14.2701 Z-1.7060
X13.5774 Z-1.7086
X12.5567 Z-1.7910
X11.2472 Z-1.9902;X10.8224 Z-2.0914
;X10.3240 Z-2.2195
;X9.9958 Z-2.3447
;X9.6709 Z-2.5462;X9.5459 Z-2.6918
;X9.4113 Z-2.9945
;X9.4079 Z-2.9967
;X0.0000 Z-3.0001G0 Z2.0000
This Snippet also works:
(Material Size) (X=50.000, Y=80.000, Z=3.000)
(Tool Number:1) (0.063 inches dia. ball nose)
M3 S25000
G0 X0.0000 Y0.0050 Z2.0000
G1 X50.0000 F1270X50.0000
Y70.4950 Z-3.0001;X35.7917 Z-1.7568
;X35.1233 Z-1.8064
;X33.8555 Z-2.0655
;X33.5304 Z-2.1475
;X33.3406 Z-2.1903
;X32.7767 Z-2.4060
;X32.7743 Z-2.4064
;X32.3565 Z-2.3703
;X32.0144 Z-2.3756
;X31.3308 Z-2.4528
;X30.9967 Z-2.5216
;X30.6646 Z-2.6242
;X30.3437 Z-2.8173
;X30.1884 Z-2.9967
X30.1845 Z-3.0001
X20.7875 Z-2.9995
X20.7858 Z-2.9988
X20.6700 Z-2.8529
X20.4777 Z-2.7141
X20.1713 Z-2.5987
X19.8357 Z-2.5130
X19.1605 Z-2.3967
X18.3062 Z-2.3685
X18.1502 Z-2.4033
X18.1483 Z-2.4026
X17.6741 Z-2.2195
X16.8486 Z-1.9886
X16.1831 Z-1.8643
X14.8809 Z-1.7256
X14.2701 Z-1.7060
X13.5774 Z-1.7086
X12.5567 Z-1.7910
X11.2472 Z-1.9902
X10.8224 Z-2.0914
X10.3240 Z-2.2195
X9.9958 Z-2.3447
X9.6709 Z-2.5462
X9.5459 Z-2.6918
X9.4113 Z-2.9945
X9.4079 Z-2.9967
X0.0000 Z-3.0001G0 Z2.0000
MemberThanks for the quick responses Alden/Riley.
Here are some updates on this issue:
1) Alden: to answer your question, what I mean be “the gcode failing” is that the z-axis suddenly moves to a different offset so that what was 0,0,0 would now be 0,0,-2.5 The effect is that the spindle moves up about 2.5mm and continues on. So, after the gcode finishes and returns to 0,0,2 the spindle is about 4.5mm above the work surface instead of the expected 2mm safe clearance height.
2) Riley: here’s the json output you requested. Some of these values are quite low or quite high compared to the wiki recommendations. The issue occurred using the recommended values and I’ve been tweaking every value I can in order to better understand if anything impacts the behavior. Now that I have a consistent failure, I’m capturing the current settings as-is just to keep things repeatable.
{“r”:{“sys”:{“fb”:412.01,”fv”:0.970,”hp”:1,”hv”:8,”id”:”1H4973-HYT”,”ja”:200000,”ct”:0.0010,”sl”:0,”st”:1,”mt”:1000.00,”ej”:1,”jv”:3,”js”:1,”tv”:0,”qv”:0,”sv”:1,”si”:1000,”ec”:0,”ee”:0,”ex”:1,”baud”:5,””:0,”gpl”:0,”gun”:1,”gco”:1,”gpa”:2,”gdi”:0}},”f”:[1,0,11,3302]}3) The snippet I originally listed no longer shows the problem because some setting I changed moved the problem. However, the full gcode listing still showed the problem, it was just shifted to a different part of the relief. So, this time I kept all settings the same as I cut down the full code to isolate the part that was failing. The new snippet is listed below. There doesn’t appear to be anything unique about this snippet, but I can repeatedly get the gcode to fail (offset z axis) by just running the snippet now. In fact I tried running the snippet from an old pentium XP laptop as well and the same failure occurred. Turning off power to the tinyg and restarting made no difference.
4) Here’s what happens when the full gcode is run: The spindle starts at 0,0 and sweeps the X-axis back and forth from 0 to 50mm while it increments Y. For a given set of tinyg settings, the failure seems to always occur at the same Y value (which is why I’ve been able to isolate the snippet where the failure occurs), but if something changes in the configuration the Y location of the failure may change. For the X axis, the failure seems to always occur when X is decreasing and the value of X is about 15-20mm. As the X-axis moves toward 0, the spindle suddenly raises off of the work surface a few mm but otherwise continues on as normal.
5) Because the location of the issue moves around, I don’t know if you’ll be able to re-create it with the snippet or not. If you need the full gcode listing, just let me know how to get it to you.
Here’s the new snippet:
(Material Size) (X=50.000, Y=80.000, Z=3.000)
(Tool Number:1) (0.063 inches dia. ball nose)
M3 S25000
G0 X0.0000 Y0.0050 Z2.0000
G1 X50.0000 F1270X50.0000
Y70.4950 Z-3.0001
X41.4445 Z-2.9630
X41.3462 Z-2.7392
X41.1538 Z-2.5192
X40.8997 Z-2.3649
X40.2524 Z-2.1448
X39.5916 Z-1.9842
X38.6410 Z-1.8305
X37.7059 Z-1.7382
X37.0685 Z-1.7099
X35.7917 Z-1.7568
X35.1233 Z-1.8064
X33.8555 Z-2.0655
X33.5304 Z-2.1475
X33.3406 Z-2.1903
X32.7767 Z-2.4060
X32.7743 Z-2.4064
X32.3565 Z-2.3703
X32.0144 Z-2.3756
X31.3308 Z-2.4528
X30.9967 Z-2.5216
X30.6646 Z-2.6242
X30.3437 Z-2.8173
X30.1884 Z-2.9967
X30.1845 Z-3.0001
X20.7875 Z-2.9995
X20.7858 Z-2.9988
X20.6700 Z-2.8529
X20.4777 Z-2.7141
X20.1713 Z-2.5987
X19.8357 Z-2.5130
X19.1605 Z-2.3967
X18.3062 Z-2.3685
X18.1502 Z-2.4033
X18.1483 Z-2.4026
X17.6741 Z-2.2195
X16.8486 Z-1.9886
X16.1831 Z-1.8643
X14.8809 Z-1.7256
X14.2701 Z-1.7060
X13.5774 Z-1.7086
X12.5567 Z-1.7910
X11.2472 Z-1.9902
X10.8224 Z-2.0914
X10.3240 Z-2.2195
X9.9958 Z-2.3447
X9.6709 Z-2.5462
X9.5459 Z-2.6918
X9.4113 Z-2.9945
X9.4079 Z-2.9967
X0.0000 Z-3.0001G0 Z2.0000
6) Let me know if you need me to try any experiments to help narrow down the problem. Since this is a new router setup, I keep expecting the issue to be mechanical such as the z-axis driver over-heating or the stepper motor missing steps, but when I watch the z-axis just raise off the work surface for no reason in a repeatable location I don’t know how this could be due to the mechanics. Thanks again for your help!
MemberI’m using Windows 8 on a newer HP laptop with i5 processor. It seems like a buffer overflow or timing type issue to me. With the gcode I listed earlier I could get the problem to go away by deleting gcodes from early in the listing or toward the end of the listing. So, any change that altered the timing of that section of gcode would fix the problem. The gcode sequence I listed was cut down from a 10,000 line gcode sequence. This section started about 5,000 lines into the original listing. So there was something special about this particular gcode sequence that messed up the buffers or algorithms. Since I was able to fix the problem on some reliefs by changing tinyg settings, I’m not surprised you saw the problem go away when you changed firmware as that would change some of the timing variables. Until there is a firmware fix I think this issue will continue to pop up randomly depending on firmware version/settings and gcode stream.