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  • in reply to: Many issues with limit switches and homing #4037

    Interesting, I lowered the homing jerk setting and now when sent a g28.2 the specified axis moves, but will not recognize switch input.

    Still not sure about switch input, but the not moving thing must have been because the jerk value was overloaded or something of that nature.

    More interestingly, if a limit switch is held down while the homing command is given, that axis will move a little away from the direction of the switch before switching directions back towards the switch. After this point switch input still does not stop moving axis.

    If the switch type is changed to NO switches (they are NC switches on the machine), it exhibits similar behavior to the above mentioned case were the switch is held down at the start of homing.


    in reply to: Many issues with limit switches and homing #4036

    Z was wrong, however I fixed it and the same problems persist.

    in reply to: Many issues with limit switches and homing #4035

    Interesting, I think that the z might be wrong, I will have to check that.

    I hope that the problem is as simple as that…

    in reply to: Many issues with limit switches and homing #4031

    Also, the jerk speed is probably not the issue, (it is set very high), as it was doing the same thing before I changed that.

    in reply to: Many issues with limit switches and homing #4030

    [fb]  firmware build            370.08

    [fv]  firmware version            0.95

    [hv]  hardware version            7.00

    [id]  TinyG ID                    9H3906-PFX

    [ja]  junction acceleration  100000 mm

    [ct]  chordal tolerance           0.010 mm

    [st]  switch type                 1 [0=NO,1=NC]

    [ej]  enable json mode            0 [0=text,1=JSON]

    [jv]  json verbosity              4 [0=silent,1=footer,2=messages,3=configs,4=linenum,5=verbose]

    [tv]  text verbosity              1 [0=silent,1=verbose]

    [qv]  queue report verbosity      0 [0=off,1=filtered,2=verbose]

    [sv]  status report verbosity     1 [0=off,1=filtered,2=verbose]

    [si]  status interval           100 ms

    [ic]  ignore CR or LF on RX       0 [0=off,1=CR,2=LF]

    [ec]  expand LF to CRLF on TX     0 [0=off,1=on]

    [ee]  enable echo                 0 [0=off,1=on]

    [ex]  enable xon xoff             1 [0=off,1=on]

    [baud] USB baud rate              5 [1=9600,2=19200,3=38400,4=57600,5=115200,6=230400]

    [gpl] default gcode plane         0 [0=G17,1=G18,2=G19]

    [gun] default gcode units mode    1 [0=G20,1=G21]

    [gco] default gcode coord system  1 [1-6 (G54-G59)]

    [gpa] default gcode path control  2 [0=G61,1=G61.1,2=G64]

    [gdi] default gcode distance mode 0 [0=G90,1=G91]


    [xam] x axis mode                 1 [standard]

    [xvm] x velocity maximum       1143.000 mm/min

    [xfr] x feedrate maximum       1000.000 mm/min

    [xtm] x travel maximum          400.000 mm

    [xjm] x jerk maximum       20000000 mm/min^3

    [xjh] x jerk homing   1000000000000 mm/min^3

    [xjd] x junction deviation        0.0500 mm (larger is faster)

    [xsn] x switch min                1 [0=off,1=homing,2=limit,3=limit+homing]

    [xsx] x switch max                0 [0=off,1=homing,2=limit,3=limit+homing]

    [xsv] x search velocity         200.000 mm/min

    [xlv] x latch velocity          100.000 mm/min

    [xlb] x latch backoff             4.000 mm

    [xzb] x zero backoff              2.000 mm


    [yam] y axis mode                 1 [standard]

    [yvm] y velocity maximum       1143.000 mm/min

    [yfr] y feedrate maximum       1000.000 mm/min

    [ytm] y travel maximum          400.000 mm

    [yjm] y jerk maximum       20000000 mm/min^3

    [yjh] y jerk homing   1000000000000 mm/min^3

    [yjd] y junction deviation        0.0500 mm (larger is faster)

    [ysn] y switch min                0 [0=off,1=homing,2=limit,3=limit+homing]

    [ysx] y switch max                1 [0=off,1=homing,2=limit,3=limit+homing]

    [ysv] y search velocity         200.000 mm/min

    [ylv] y latch velocity          100.000 mm/min

    [ylb] y latch backoff             4.000 mm

    [yzb] y zero backoff              2.000 mm


    [zam] z axis mode                 1 [standard]

    [zvm] z velocity maximum        200.000 mm/min

    [zfr] z feedrate maximum        100.000 mm/min

    [ztm] z travel maximum           75.000 mm

    [zjm] z jerk maximum       20000000 mm/min^3

    [zjh] z jerk homing   1000000000000 mm/min^3

    [zjd] z junction deviation        0.0500 mm (larger is faster)

    [zsn] z switch min                0 [0=off,1=homing,2=limit,3=limit+homing]

    [zsx] z switch max                1 [0=off,1=homing,2=limit,3=limit+homing]

    [zsv] z search velocity         120.000 mm/min

    [zlv] z latch velocity          100.000 mm/min

    [zlb] z latch backoff             2.000 mm

    [zzb] z zero backoff              2.000 mm


    And yes, the master switch setting should be correct…

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