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Memberwell that was a p.i.t.a to do, but got it done. I am better off than some, I have played with several ardurino’s and PI’s so doing the avrdude didn’t scare me. hade to follow the manual way to install 440.16, got verify failed when doing it the updater way. got my cnc back up an running. jcnc still doesn’t allow me to send all 3 commands at once ,but I can now send all 3 via coolterm, so I would say the problem is with jcnc. thanks for the info on loading the FW.
Memberlooks like I am behind on FW I just got the tinyG a few month ago and updated shortly after using TGFX, thing this might be the issue? did a $$ dump here it is
[fb] firmware build 435.10
[fv] firmware version 0.97
[hp] hardware platform 1.00
[hv] hardware version 8.00
[id] TinyG ID 3X3566-2NX
[ja] junction acceleration 2000000 mm
[ct] chordal tolerance 0.010 mm
[sl] soft limit enable 0
[st] switch type 1 [0=NO,1=NC]
[mt] motor idle timeout 2.00 Sec
[ej] enable json mode 0 [0=text,1=JSON]
[jv] json verbosity 3 [0=silent,1=footer,2=messages,3=configs,4=linenum,5=verbose]
[js] json serialize style 1 [0=relaxed,1=strict]
[tv] text verbosity 0 [0=silent,1=verbose]
[qv] queue report verbosity 1 [0=off,1=single,2=triple]
[sv] status report verbosity 1 [0=off,1=filtered,2=verbose]
[si] status interval 100 ms
[ec] expand LF to CRLF on TX 0 [0=off,1=on]
[ee] enable echo 0 [0=off,1=on]
[ex] enable flow control 2 [0=off,1=XON/XOFF, 2=RTS/CTS]
[baud] USB baud rate 5 [1=9600,2=19200,3=38400,4=57600,5=115200,6=230400]
[net] network mode 0 [0=master]
[gpl] default gcode plane 0 [0=G17,1=G18,2=G19]
[gun] default gcode units mode 1 [0=G20,1=G21]
[gco] default gcode coord system 1 [1-6 (G54-G59)]
[gpa] default gcode path control 2 [0=G61,1=G61.1,2=G64]
[gdi] default gcode distance mode 0 [0=G90,1=G91]
[1ma] m1 map to axis 0 [0=X,1=Y,2=Z…]
[1sa] m1 step angle 1.800 deg
[1tr] m1 travel per revolution 8.0000 mm
[1mi] m1 microsteps 8 [1,2,4,8]
[1po] m1 polarity 1 [0=normal,1=reverse]
[1pm] m1 power management 3 [0=disabled,1=always on,2=in cycle,3=when moving]
[2ma] m2 map to axis 1 [0=X,1=Y,2=Z…]
[2sa] m2 step angle 1.800 deg
[2tr] m2 travel per revolution 8.0000 mm
[2mi] m2 microsteps 8 [1,2,4,8]
[2po] m2 polarity 0 [0=normal,1=reverse]
[2pm] m2 power management 3 [0=disabled,1=always on,2=in cycle,3=when moving]
[3ma] m3 map to axis 1 [0=X,1=Y,2=Z…]
[3sa] m3 step angle 1.800 deg
[3tr] m3 travel per revolution 8.0000 mm
[3mi] m3 microsteps 8 [1,2,4,8]
[3po] m3 polarity 0 [0=normal,1=reverse]
[3pm] m3 power management 3 [0=disabled,1=always on,2=in cycle,3=when moving]
[4ma] m4 map to axis 2 [0=X,1=Y,2=Z…]
[4sa] m4 step angle 1.800 deg
[4tr] m4 travel per revolution 8.0000 mm
[4mi] m4 microsteps 8 [1,2,4,8]
[4po] m4 polarity 1 [0=normal,1=reverse]
[4pm] m4 power management 1 [0=disabled,1=always on,2=in cycle,3=when moving]
[xam] x axis mode 1 [standard]
[xvm] x velocity maximum 4000 mm/min
[xfr] x feedrate maximum 2000 mm/min
[xtn] x travel minimum 0.000 mm
[xtm] x travel maximum 220.000 mm
[xjm] x jerk maximum 5000 mm/min^3 * 1 million
[xjh] x jerk homing 10000 mm/min^3 * 1 million
[xjd] x junction deviation 0.0100 mm (larger is faster)
[xsn] x switch min 0 [0=off,1=homing,2=limit,3=limit+homing]
[xsx] x switch max 0 [0=off,1=homing,2=limit,3=limit+homing]
[xsv] x search velocity 3000 mm/min
[xlv] x latch velocity 100 mm/min
[xlb] x latch backoff 20.000 mm
[xzb] x zero backoff 3.000 mm
[yam] y axis mode 1 [standard]
[yvm] y velocity maximum 4000 mm/min
[yfr] y feedrate maximum 2000 mm/min
[ytn] y travel minimum 0.000 mm
[ytm] y travel maximum 220.000 mm
[yjm] y jerk maximum 5000 mm/min^3 * 1 million
[yjh] y jerk homing 10000 mm/min^3 * 1 million
[yjd] y junction deviation 0.0100 mm (larger is faster)
[ysn] y switch min 0 [0=off,1=homing,2=limit,3=limit+homing]
[ysx] y switch max 0 [0=off,1=homing,2=limit,3=limit+homing]
[ysv] y search velocity 3000 mm/min
[ylv] y latch velocity 100 mm/min
[ylb] y latch backoff 20.000 mm
[yzb] y zero backoff 3.000 mm
[zam] z axis mode 1 [standard]
[zvm] z velocity maximum 2000 mm/min
[zfr] z feedrate maximum 500 mm/min
[ztn] z travel minimum 0.000 mm
[ztm] z travel maximum 100.000 mm
[zjm] z jerk maximum 50 mm/min^3 * 1 million
[zjh] z jerk homing 1000 mm/min^3 * 1 million
[zjd] z junction deviation 0.0100 mm (larger is faster)
[zsn] z switch min 0 [0=off,1=homing,2=limit,3=limit+homing]
[zsx] z switch max 0 [0=off,1=homing,2=limit,3=limit+homing]
[zsv] z search velocity 800 mm/min
[zlv] z latch velocity 100 mm/min
[zlb] z latch backoff 20.000 mm
[zzb] z zero backoff 10.000 mm
[aam] a axis mode 1 [standard]
[avm] a velocity maximum 60000 deg/min
[afr] a feedrate maximum 48000 deg/min
[atn] a travel minimum 400.000 deg
[atm] a travel maximum -1.000 deg
[ajm] a jerk maximum 24000 deg/min^3 * 1 million
[ajh] a jerk homing 24000 deg/min^3 * 1 million
[ajd] a junction deviation 0.1000 deg (larger is faster)
[ara] a radius value 1.0000 deg
[asn] a switch min 1 [0=off,1=homing,2=limit,3=limit+homing]
[asx] a switch max 0 [0=off,1=homing,2=limit,3=limit+homing]
[asv] a search velocity 6000 deg/min
[alv] a latch velocity 1000 deg/min
[alb] a latch backoff 5.000 deg
[azb] a zero backoff 2.000 deg
[bam] b axis mode 0 [disabled]
[bvm] b velocity maximum 3600 deg/min
[bfr] b feedrate maximum 3600 deg/min
[btn] b travel minimum -1.000 deg
[btm] b travel maximum -1.000 deg
[bjm] b jerk maximum 20 deg/min^3 * 1 million
[bjd] b junction deviation 0.0100 deg (larger is faster)
[bra] b radius value 1.0000 deg
[cam] c axis mode 0 [disabled]
[cvm] c velocity maximum 3600 deg/min
[cfr] c feedrate maximum 3600 deg/min
[ctn] c travel minimum -1.000 deg
[ctm] c travel maximum -1.000 deg
[cjm] c jerk maximum 20 deg/min^3 * 1 million
[cjd] c junction deviation 0.0100 deg (larger is faster)
[cra] c radius value 1.0000 deg
[p1frq] pwm frequency 100 Hz
[p1csl] pwm cw speed lo 1000 RPM
[p1csh] pwm cw speed hi 2000 RPM
[p1cpl] pwm cw phase lo 0.125 [0..1]
[p1cph] pwm cw phase hi 0.200 [0..1]
[p1wsl] pwm ccw speed lo 1000 RPM
[p1wsh] pwm ccw speed hi 2000 RPM
[p1wpl] pwm ccw phase lo 0.125 [0..1]
[p1wph] pwm ccw phase hi 0.200 [0..1]
[p1pof] pwm phase off 0.100 [0..1]
[g54x] g54 x offset 0.000 mm
[g54y] g54 y offset 0.000 mm
[g54z] g54 z offset 0.000 mm
[g54a] g54 a offset 0.000 deg
[g54b] g54 b offset 0.000 deg
[g54c] g54 c offset 0.000 deg
[g55x] g55 x offset 110.000 mm
[g55y] g55 y offset 110.000 mm
[g55z] g55 z offset 0.000 mm
[g55a] g55 a offset 0.000 deg
[g55b] g55 b offset 0.000 deg
[g55c] g55 c offset 0.000 deg
[g56x] g56 x offset 110.000 mm
[g56y] g56 y offset 20.000 mm
[g56z] g56 z offset -10.000 mm
[g56a] g56 a offset 0.000 deg
[g56b] g56 b offset 0.000 deg
[g56c] g56 c offset 0.000 deg
[g57x] g57 x offset 0.000 mm
[g57y] g57 y offset 0.000 mm
[g57z] g57 z offset 0.000 mm
[g57a] g57 a offset 0.000 deg
[g57b] g57 b offset 0.000 deg
[g57c] g57 c offset 0.000 deg
[g58x] g58 x offset 0.000 mm
[g58y] g58 y offset 0.000 mm
[g58z] g58 z offset 0.000 mm
[g58a] g58 a offset 0.000 deg
[g58b] g58 b offset 0.000 deg
[g58c] g58 c offset 0.000 deg
[g59x] g59 x offset 0.000 mm
[g59y] g59 y offset 0.000 mm
[g59z] g59 z offset 0.000 mm
[g59a] g59 a offset 0.000 deg
[g59b] g59 b offset 0.000 deg
[g59c] g59 c offset 0.000 deg
[g92x] g92 x offset 0.000 mm
[g92y] g92 y offset 0.000 mm
[g92z] g92 z offset 0.000 mm
[g92a] g92 a offset 0.000 deg
[g92b] g92 b offset 0.000 deg
[g92c] g92 c offset 0.000 deg
[g28x] g28 x position 0.000 mm
[g28y] g28 y position 0.000 mm
[g28z] g28 z position 0.000 mm
[g28a] g28 a position 0.000 deg
[g28b] g28 b position 0.000 deg
[g28c] g28 c position 0.000 deg
[g30x] g30 x position 0.000 mm
[g30y] g30 y position 0.000 mm
[g30z] g30 z position 0.000 mm
[g30a] g30 a position 0.000 deg
[g30b] g30 b position 0.000 deg
[g30c] g30 c position 0.000 degRobertBailey
Memberthe commands are the three listed above the stuff the tinyg outputted, I just separated them out to show what I had sent. like I said works in coolterm when you wait for the probe to finish, just note all at once. I have tried may applications, I want to be disconnected from the net so pepper isn’t an option. grblgru has promise but the front in is needing work.