Forum Replies Created
MemberOK, this thread just saved my bacon. I bricked my board trying to install the latest firmware using Studio 6 SP2. Upgrading to Studio 6.1 beta fixed it for me too. Thanks!
MemberSorry, but how do I set the Zmax for homing? I’m looking but can’t find it.
MemberAlden, thanks for the reply. I’ve got all my limit switches mounted now and luckily I can easily switch to NC… there are tabs for NO and NC on my lever switches so no worries at all there. I’m waiting on my Mouser order to deliver with my AVR programmer and then I can update to the latest dev build.
I have one question about home vs. limit though. For the X and Y axis, limit switches make sense to me sense to me because there are hard limits on travel. For the Z axis, however, travel can vary. For the highest limit that makes sense because the head can only move up so far. For the minimum limit, though, the ‘minimum’ changes depending on what tool I have installed. My chuck is a lot longer than my collets and the drill bits are all different lengths… even endmills are different lengths. So, I’m not sure that a minimum limit switch makes as much sense on the Z axis as a ‘home’ does. I’ve currently installed the minimum limit switch on Z as a home with the expectation that the head will travel below it while in use. I want to retain the ability to ‘home’ the axis even when a tool is installed so it needs to be higher than the minimum travel. Does this make sense? Do you have any comments on this type of setup?
Here’s what my current homing looks like for the Z axis:
Finally, e-stop. I didn’t see this in your reply. Is there a recommended way to wire an e-stop to the TinyG or should I pursue my relay disconnect method I mentioned above?
MemberOK… I found a reference to e-stop in the G code support for TinyG. The suggestion there is that instead of invoking ‘Abort’ that you electrically disconnect your motors. I have an 8 relay module in the drawer (one of these) so I think I’ll rewire my motor circuits to pass through this thing. I’ll wire this into the e-stop button and maybe even wire the ‘reset’ line into it as well. This way when the e-stop is pressed the motors will stop (I could try to brake them but it seems unnecessary on this small of a machine) and the TinyG will stop thinking it’s doing anything. I think this is workable.
As it stands the spindle won’t stop turning when the e-stop is triggered. I did wire a switched auxillary power plug on my controller box. Maybe I could put a high current SSD relay on that line to kill the spindle. Hmmm….
MemberI’m a software engineer so while I appreciate FOSS as much as the next guy, I also appreciate seeing people eat. 😉
I’ll report back when I have some results.
MemberHey Alden, nice to meet you as well. I wish I could have hung around longer to chat but I needed to get back to Dumbo to see my wife dance. I’m glad I ran into you guys though and I can’t wait to see what this thing can do. I’m ordering my motors, PSU and other goodies tonight so we’ll soon know.
I’ve sent a note over to Alibre to see about getting a post processor made that will support TinyG’s dialect. Do you know if anything in particular needs to be done to get CamBam to work with TinyG? Alibre is pretty cavalier about offering to do custom posts and I’ve seen where the BobCam people were all over grbl …