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MemberI am defintely going to tune things up once I have finished my setup, thanks for the hints about PS. I think I am fine with the 5A now, since I am mainly milling pcbs, not too much power is required. If I have got to upgrade things for new kind of workflows I’ll do homework and a careful testing before.
Thanks again!reganissu
MemberMy friend… you are right!!!
After the change in $_pm settings everything was right but i could not observe anything because I was trying too short distances… hemmm, the beauty of the newbie, I suppose 😀 :D. I am very happy to get movements. And what a quality driver is tinyg… just from two or three moves I achieved things (kinda auto-solved little mechanical issues on S02) I never have been able to get with my old electronics.
Going back to configure things, a lot to do… homing switches, probe …
just I’d like to ask a little question that came to my mind earlier in this thread: what if i put a PowerSupply of 24v and 30A (I can build it combining server PS)?
Can I take care of current adjusting pots ? Or is better to stick to the 24v 5a PS?
Anyway thanks a lot cmcgrath5035 !!! you solved my problemreganissu
MemberI did some further testing and I realize a mistake i made: I wired motor1 on tinyg to z axis, while I declared it as x axis. I don’t know other wrong connection because i unwired everything else to get back to the first test I made, that gave me movements on the spare nema 17 motor.
Then I wired back the spare motor as the very first try, again with Coolterm.
Typed G91 G0 X0.001
This time i have got no movement, but the same 10 seconds motor holding torque. Could this indicate that i corrupted something in the firmware? Still I am hoping that a firmware upgrade can solve my problem…-
This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by
MemberI tried the same connection with another spare motor in Coolterm. I got the software indicating the right port in the portscan option, but the connection was not working
I rewired to the SO2 wiring setup and run your experiment again but in Coolterm. this time I had communication, but not the “logging dump” i had the very first time i connected the tinyg: they refer at it in tinyg wiki as “some JSON startup messages wrapped in JSON curly braces”.
I typed a command in Coolterm
G91 G0 X0.001
I got the same results of 10 seconds of motor energizing.
plus some JSON messaging:
MemberBy the way, one of the reasons I chose tinyg upgrade for my electronics is to get rid of interferences issues I had while trying autoleveling for pcbs trough probing (i tried chilipeppr option and others from the opensource community). That could be another suspect sign of a bad wiring on my SO2?
MemberHello cmcgtah5035, thanks for the info, got it about belts.
I had been thinking about your consideration about having a tested setup in my Shapeoko2 wiring, which is a true thing (got all running with a arduino 2009 + a GAUPS shield, european equivalent of bart dring gshield, strangely arduino unos has proved not being right for the job – don’t know why). I needed a little testing to make things cleare and I have done a try on the wiring: I just swapped x axis motor (motor 1 on my tinyg) with the nema17 motor I had used for the intial testing with Coolterm. Then I tried to connect to chilipeppr, with no success: the port was showing in the port widget, I could check it, but then comment about communication in the serial port widget was not “turning blue”. that meant to me a failed sent message from the computer to the tinyg (I have been very careful to unpower tinyg before making any change in motor wiring). That way I was not able to send move command at all trough serial port console in chilipeppr.
Then I went back to the wiring I had up when I have done the configuration you suggested above, with $_pm=2.
This time it had been possible to have a serial communication in chilipeppr, and I was able to send move commands. The results have been the same of previous test, with all motors energizing for 10 seconds and no moves.The methods I used to send move commands was either typing them in the serial port console or pushing arrows on the Axes widget upright in the chilipeppr GUI (I also changed the value in the number below arrows, which change how large movements are – that gave me the same 10 seconds of energizing with no moves). I also used keyboard input for the moves, having the same results.
Lastly, yes, the gantry moves freely when motors are deenergized.
I would like to try the upgrade to tinyG Firmware 440.16. What do you suggest? Could it be a useless fix or mess something up in my faulty setup?
I finally got to the machine and tried some of your solutions, thanks a lot
By the way cmcgrath5035 my pulleys are 20 theeth pulleys, moving on GT2 (2mm per thoot belts). MXL are very interesting belts to get more torque, being 1 mm wider than mine (I measured about 5,35 mm with a caliper). I am a little worried for my tr=39.9, because it seems strange to me that your tr=36.54 is close to mine, with such a different theeth count.I got some interesting findings changing motor parameters as you suggested:
$_pm change from 0 to 2 gave to me 10 senconds of motor hum as you said, but no moving of the axes. I noticed the supposed moving motor was holding torque as well as the others. Not sure what does this mean. Another change has been the chilipeppr GUI showing no movements of the tool, while in $_pm=0 I had it showing its supposed position, without any move from the motors.
I also turned pots to the maximum.
Any suggestion to help hunting the problem will be welcome!
This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by
This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by